Friday, June 14, 2019

Trump's Bridgehead to World War IV


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I will preface this in stating I like the Polish people, even though they were involved in the criminal annexation of Prussia and the genocide of the German heritage there, by changing everything to Polish. None of that has ever been addressed, but that crime is certainly to be addressed in upcoming events, as the continued interaction of President Donald Trump, is the same Bush Cheney evolution of shedding old Europe for new Europe, in other words, Washington DC, can not control England, Italy, France, German and Greece, and has instead moved to the Slavic peoples who are eager for bribes in exchange for bowing to American banking policies.

So you comprehend this, the United States has Poland, has been pressing Russia with further Balkan and Ukraine pressures, while alienating western Europe. The result of  this is when war comes with Russia, it will roll through northern Europe and smash Poland, Czech and Slovak to obliteration.

The United States has it's tank corp in Poland, but that will be radioactive in one plutonium plume, leaving American without heavy armor and Europe a wasteland as the front will be the Rhine south.

Poland has taken a canny approach to wooing an American president known to take considerable pride in his personal brand. Last year, Duda proposed naming a Polish military installation “Ft. Trump.”
That particular piece of Trump-themed real estate may not become a reality, but Poland is hoping to secure a larger American military footprint than the approximately 4,000 troops already in the country on a rotating basis. Duda told the Reuters news agency last week that “we are speaking about a strengthening of a U.S. presence.”

None of this is news to the Pentagon in war planning, as the doctrine is to draw Russia out from beyond the Volga and kill her there. This is cold and calculating.  The United States is not allied anywhere in the world now in strength, but by deliberate weakness.
In Asia, the main allies are weak Australia, non combative South Korea and aging Japan.

India is becoming a nuclear diversion for China to absorb Chinese attention.

In the Mideast, it is nuclear Mosaad and the sand spit Arabs.

In Europe, it is pithy states which armies  roll across, while the major power centers are now allying  themselves against the United States, and with Russia.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - It was not practical to give Polish President Andrzej Duda a ride in a U.S-made F-35 fighter jet, so President Donald Trump did the next best thing - he had one of the pricey planes fly over the White House for Duda to see.

So Poland is the Trump Bridgehead to World War IV.  The United States allies are camp followers who provide nothing but dead weight. When Birther Hussein shifted the coming world war from the European and Asian wastes to the fertile areas of Europe and Asia, this blog disagreed, and this blog disagrees with a  policy of a Polish anchor meant to incite a Russian attack.

This is not American policy to support, but more of this Gary Cohn Jewstreet policy of wasting humanity as fodder.

President Theodore Roosevelt in his African Safari, wrote that the United States should be involved in healthy competition in industry. In this peaceful directing of aggression, humanity would progress to advancing to civilization.
This is Christian Protestant policy in proper human discourse.

What this President has been engaged in, in policy, will bring about war. It is bringing about a union led by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz of Austria and European President, Manfred Weber of Germany, with full support of western Europe, moving ahead without the United States.

None of this is American policy of a community of sovereign nations, but instead reflects globalism. None of this is being questioned nor examined, save this blog, as policies have causes and effect and this is not a policy which the United States should ever be a part of or promoting.

Nuff Said
