Monday, June 10, 2019

Why is Mike Pompeo protecting Sexual Deviants at US Embassies?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There seems to be some confusion, or mixed signals coming out of the Donald Trump White House, as one moment he is throwing trans perverts out of the military and the next Mr. Trump is praising fagsexuals the world over, and tweeting that America will bully all nations into promoting the LGBT's as American foreign policy.

Then there is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rescinding the Birther Obama and the Michelle orders that all US Embassies across the globe would be mandated to fly the rainbow flag along with the flag of the United States in Sodomite Appreciation Month, which is June.
Never mind that the Rainbow is a symbol of the Hebrew God to never destroy the world again, for being abominations, which included being homosexuals, so the Rainbow is a divine symbol which has been bastardized by perverts and homosexuals should have been hauled into court by the Department of Justice for civil rights violations, because for some reason when Mike Pompeo gives and order, the Kushners in their pro sodomite promotions, are overruling the Secretary of State of the United States in some US Embassies are still out of the closet for Obama in hating Christians in flying  these multi color flags.

 “We fly below the radar,” one employee said. “We survive because they don’t realize we’re here.”

Well not exactly below the radar, as Time which is a CIA publication is noting this FU to Mike Pompeo, and nothing is being done about it.

Despite Trump Administration Denials, U.S. Embassies Are Displaying Pride Flags Around the World

The thing is in this, is Johns Hopkins released a real scientific study, which has again proven that there is not any gay gene, in no one is "born that way". Sex is a choice and it reflects a scientific study of rats in the 1970's which discovered that if rats were packed into a confined space, the rodent would engage in perverted homosexual actions. Being a sodomite is a result of a psychological confinement where the person or rodent chooses to engage in sex with a same gender. Abnormal situations produce abnormal misbehavior.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence
People Are Born Gay or Transgender
Posted by Hazymac 6/9/2019 8:30:41 PM Post Reply
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity. "The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as hetrosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways.

While the Lame Cherry could not obtain identities or photos of those embassy staff who are in open rebellion against the Secretary of State, there are these examples of Obama Kushner Ambassadors in other Rainbow stations.

Ambassador Anusia Sphincter of Pedostan

Ambassador Guyless Scheiße Arsch of Fagovakia

Ambassador Dave of Transylonia

If Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is not another fraud in the Trump Trans, it is a reality that he must fire all of these embassy personnel, as they have defied his orders and this is the only recourse which is left to Mr. Pompeo.

There has been far too much of this Donald Trump closes the border and yet almost 1 million illegals who have been captured by the Border Patrol have been released onto American streets. Once again here is another Trump policy of Donald Trump in bed with sodomites, the Secretary of State issuing orders over the misuse of American embassies and religious symbols, and the same sodomite actions are being engaged in.

The embassies of Nepal, India, the Israeli state, Austria and South Korea are all defying State Departement mandates.

A picture tweeted by the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, India, shows the building’s facade lit up with rainbow lights. The Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, displayed a large pride flag several stories up. The U.S. Consulate General in Chennai, India posted a video of the Consul General speaking in front of an enormous rainbow flag. And the website of the U.S. Embassy in Vienna featured a photo of the Pride flag hanging below the American flag from International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia in May.
In Jerusalem, the U.S. Embassy sent a delegation to the city’s Pride parade, according to the Jerusalem Post. Additionally, Randy Berry, the U.S. Ambassador to Nepal, tweeted a photo of himself with embassy staff holding up letters spelling “PRIDE 19.”

What is Mike Pompeo going to do? Fire these personnel or prove that he is a fraud like the rest of the Trump Trans in the same Obama perversion as usual.

Being a sexual deviant is a choice, just like Mike Pompeo not recalling all embassy staff in firing them is his choice, as Mike Pompeo chose to protect the deviants as the deviants chose to be deviants.

Trump Admin Tells U.S. Embassies They Can't Fly Pride Flag
The Trump administration is rejecting requests from U.S. embassies to fly the rainbow pride flag on embassy flagpoles during June, LGBT Pride Month, three American diplomats tell NBC News

Yes trust me baby, as yours is the only pussy I grab that means anything to me.

Nuff Said
