Jeff and Don
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Everyone of you, well not everyone of you, as the people who monitor for the people who know most things, know, but the rest of you do not know, that the saga of Jeffrey Epstein is the tip of an iceberg.
The question is not if a Jew worked for Mosaad, because all Jews are cult extensions of Mosaad.
The Other Jeffs
What you are missing is Mosaad according to Victor Ostrovsky has in their American branch has been driving the United States policy by ever hook and crook.Giraldi: Did Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Work For Mossad ...
Mossad would have exploited Epstein's contacts, arranging their cooperation by having Epstein wining and dining them while flying them off to exotic locations, providing them with women and entertainment. If they refused to cooperate, it would be time for blackmail, photos and videos of the sex with underage women.
A Chicago reporter who was assassinated at the beginning of Birther Hussein, provided a number of facts and facets which connect some of the major stories you have forgotten about in all of these diversions.

Sherman Skolnick
Sherman Skolnick Dead at 73 -
From my friend, Chris Dolmar. Activist Sherman Skolnick Dies (CBS) CHICAGO Community activist and cable television host Sherman Skolnick has died at the age of 73. Mr. Skolnick died at his home. Some dismissed Mr. Skolnick as a conspiracy theorist, but some have credited him with exposing a bribe...
A glimpse of this is the FBI providing the bombing materials for the Oklahoma City Bombing which had TOW missiles in the basement of a daycare above it.
The principle in this was someone named Timothy McVeigh who had ties to numbers of Mideastern John Does in Oklahoma, Muslims in the Philippines and of course the "militias" which Eric Holder for Bill Clinton went to war with.
McVeigh was "executed", by the state, but the problem was he was breathing when he was "dead".
About this time in this murky trail, a young Jewess named Chandra Levy of the Mosaad was doing some rough sex with a US Congressman named Gary Condit.
The Chandra Levy Affair, Pt 2 -
The Chandra Levy Affair, Pt 2 By Sherman H. Skolnick ... That was about the time Timothy McVeigh decided not to appeal further the murder conviction as to the bombing ...

Chandra Levy - Gary Condit and a woman who looks like young Hillary Clinton
The problem in all of this was not the blackmailing of Condit, but the eye that Levy was keeping an eye on the operation which Tim McVeigh had been featured in out of Clintonrama.
Lots of eyes on the Clintons and lots of dead bodies kept piling up.
Gary Condit rough-sex reputation shocks mom of slain D.C ...
Her voice cracking with emotion, the mother of murdered Washington, D.C., intern Chandra Levy said it's painful to hear new claims former Congressman Gary Condit had a penchant for rough bondage sex.
The most infamous was the lovely Vince Foster who had interludes with lesbian Hamrod Clinton. Foster committed suicide which was the official report.

Hillary Clinton - Vince Foster'
The problem was the devil in the cover up of Vince Foster who was a bagman for the CIA in PROMIS software out of Rose Law, where Clinton and Webb Hubble (father of Chelsea Clinton) worked.
It was where Foster's body was dumped that has always been the mystery and the key to it all. Foster had his money lifted from his account, was grousing about it all. Foster was dumped in Fort Marcy Park. The location though was by the Saudi Arabian official residence. That is the finger the murder of Foster was being pointed to, for a reason.
Remember that reason because it had Ken Starr the Special Counsel covering up this murder, and you just had Donald Trump appoint the chief of the cover up, in Brett Kavanaugh, who got his pay off in this from the deep state as that execution of Vince Foster in this factional infighting in the cover up was most important and had a pretty good rewards program.
Ken Starr: Hillary Clinton 'Triggered Vince Foster's Suicide ...
Apr 10, 2019 · In interviewing Clinton White House aides and Foster's friends and family, the FBI agents found that a week before Foster's death, Hillary as First Lady held a meeting at the White House with ...
Vince Foster researchers -
"Failure of the Public Trust" (p. 91) notes that the Saudi Arabian Embassy is only 700 feet away from Fort Marcy Park, and Astucia observes that according to journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the residence of the Saudi ambassador is also located within 570 feet of the location where Foster's body was found.
Kavanaugh Sabotaged Vince Foster Probe | Dov Ivry | The Blogs
The Park Police were going on the assumption that it was a suicide but they never found a bullet of any kind nor anyone who heard a shot despite the fact that security guards at the Saudi embassy ...

Ehud Barack - Hillary Clinton
How Two Phone Calls From Ehud Barak to Bill Clinton ... - Haaretz
Comey and Giuliani in pursuit. The real, major crisis came much later, in January 2001 - when Bill Clinton, on his last day as president, decided to pardon Rich, which meant canceling the criminal proceedings against him. And this pardon was obtained for Rich by none other than former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.
When you start looking at this you start seeing a greater percentage of Jews popping up and they are not supposed to be getting dead, and yet, for some time in this factional infighting the Jews of certain genders are ending up DOA in most interesting natural causes, each time they begin bucking the system.
Aaron Swartz: hacker, genius… martyr? | Technology | The Guardian
Jun 02, 2013 · Aaron Swartz was a tech whiz-kid and political activist devoted to a free and open internet. When he tried to 'liberate' data from an academic website, US authorities responded fiercely.
No bigger trophy was Andrew Breitbart, the genius who built faggot deep stater, Matt Drudge's media empire, and then built the deep state counter balance of Huffington Post.
Evidence that Andrew Breitbart May Have Been Murdered to ...
As I highlight in the video below, as does the article following the video, almost immediately after the death of Andrew Breitbart there were suspicions that perhaps Andrew had been murdered. Several comments Breitbart made in days leading up to his death, certainly would have made various public officials very nervous, not the least of which ...
The main point in this is not to be diverted away from Jeffrey Epstein who was running a Kiddie Pot, for Mosaad, just like the FBI and CIA were running the same entrapment frame ups of powerful people to blackmail them.
The DC Madam was executed in someone hanged her in her garage to shut her up. This perversion blackmail is how the few non intelligence assets, who were not recruited out of college, like some up and coming billionaires in Gerrit Lansing of Donald Trump's spyware WinRed, end up having their secrets recorded.
Michelle Bachmann
Jeffrey Epstein was but one exposed point. The Franklin Scandal run out of Offat Air Force Base in Nebraska and of particular attention of later, assassinated former CIA Director William Colby who was a Bill Clinton supporter, had George W. Bush and Karl Rove, affiliated with all kinds of homosexual gay porn, including intimate photos in the White House of head rubbing.Confessions of a D.C. Madam: The Politics of Sex, Lies, and ...
This was 15 years before Jeff Gannon was outed as a fake reporter in the Bush #43 Administration. There is a famous picture of George W. Bush kissing the head of Jeff Gannon, rubbing his head and looking at him in a very suggestive way. In 2005 Gannon was outed by the White House press corps as a fake reporter.
Jeffrey Epstein was but one madam in a host of madams, because they all can not run out of the same pizza shop to appeal to all perversions.

George W. Bush - Jeff Gannon
Franklingate - Bush connections to Franklin Cover-up Scandal ...
Iran Contra funding is directly linked to Franklin Scandal Omaha, Larry King more. Palfrey connections to Hookergate. more: Gannon is the link between Omaha, 1989 pedophile scandal and the White House sex scandals, cover-ups ... is he Gosch ...or does it matter? MORE Gannon gay porn websites. MORE
Tom Brokaw, 1989 "White House Call Boy Scandal" Reagan/Bush ...
This was 15 years before Jeff Gannon was outed as a fake reporter in the Bush #43 Administration. There is a famous picture of George W. Bush kissing the head of Jeff Gannon, rubbing his head and looking at him in a very suggestive way. In 2005 Gannon was outed by the White House press corps as a fake reporter.
In short, it is obvious that Jeffrey Epstein was protected by the intelligence community. His being Jewish confirms he was running a pedophile ring in the American sphere for Mosaad, and the reason he was protected by the George W. Bush DOJ, was that Mosaad in exchange for this live feed known to the CIA, was feeding blackmail information to the Americans, as Mosaad was running various operations inside the United States to further their purposes.
This is the Epstein Factor. Jeffrey Epstein recruited Bill Clinton by giving Bill Clinton the young pussy that Bill Clinton desired to defile. Jeffrey Epstein attempted to recruit Donald Trump with adult models and a falling out took place.
Trump Says He Had A 'Falling Out' With Jeffrey Epstein About ...
President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he had a "falling out" with accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein approximately 15 years ago, but declined to offer details of why the relationship ended. A reporter asked the president if he still believes Epstein is a "terrific guy," referencing comments Trump made about the billionaire in 2002.
If you notice there are enough of these Trump incidentals of Clinton Jewish perverts who are making the headlines in an attempt to smear Donald Trump, that the pattern is there that scores are being settled.

Hillary Clinton - Harvey Weinstein
Hillary Clinton had dinner with Harvey Weinstein after ...
Accused serial rapist Harvey Weinstein sits next to Hillary and Bill Clinton for dinner at Rao's, a month after Hilary loses the presidential election to Donald Trump in photos taken December 13, 2016
That is the Epstein Factor in the exposure of the incestuous link between the John Brennan wing of the CIA and the Mosaad, running operations inside the Bush, Obama and Clinton disunited states.
It also has the scent of Jared Kushner in all of this with Benjamin Netanyahu, as another coup is being unleashed on Netanyahu in the scope of the slum lord Kushner's peace plan to turn the Mideast into his ghetto.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Birther Hussein Obama
Netanyahu fails to form new government, forcing new election
TEL AVIV — Benjamin Netanyahu failed to form a ruling coalition late Wednesday night, becoming the first elected prime minister in Israeli history to stumble in forging a working government.
Jeffrey Epstein is not a reality of the corruption of the US Justice System, as the propaganda is attempting to divert your attention from. What the facts prove is the United States government has been in congress with the Mosaad running blackmail operations inside the United States, and the Jewry which has been backing Donald Trump has been settling scores with their Americans like the President who were targets, and these Americans did not appreciate the attempted frame.
Hollis: Epstein case shows corruption in the legal system runs deepFresh on the heels of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and amidst the #MeToo movement the scandal spawned, the story of fi…Casper Star-Trib
That is the Epstein Factor. This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said