Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Decent Man

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A woman who has zero talent, not any apparent intelligence and has no judge of character, in Joy Behar, who somehow is quoted in the press a great deal for being obnoxious, was quoted again concerning her stating that Barack Hussein Obama is a decent man, while Donald Trump is not.

I looked up the word decent, and here is the definition.

DECENT Socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous

Here is Joy Behar's statement.

Joy Behar: Obama Is a Decent
Man, Trump Is Not

Monday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Joy Behar said former President Barack Obama was a decent man while she believed President Donald Trump is not. During a discussion about 2020 Democratic hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris not rebuking a town hall audience member calling Trump “mentally retarded,” co-host Abby Huntsman brought up when in 2008 then-presidential candidate Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) told a supporter Obama is “a decent, family man.” Behar said, “It was true. Obama is a decent man. This guy is not. I mean, look the truth shall

The facts concerning Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro of Indonesia,  is he made a "joke" about sleeping with Brian Williams, which was a bi sexual reference, and meant to out the NBC Anchor, in the same way Charlie Gibson of ABC, did the infamous open shirt interview with Obama, to provide bona fides that Obama was one of the c*cksucker crew.

This blog researched on this a great deal in 2008 AD in the year of our Lord, and thanks Joy Behar for bringing the focus back onto Barack Hussein Obama's character, which the Obama legacy wants buried. The fact is though Obama has been a race baiter and a racist his entire career. The reason Obama chose  racism was to cover up his crimes of gaining court records on his democrat and republican opponents and leaking them to the press to steal elections.

The question in this is for Joy Behar, is this a decent Obama destroying people's lives to steal elections?

Then there is the reality built on Charlie Gibson and Brian Williams bi sexuality, in two men surfaced who were Barack Obama's sexual partners in Donald Young and Lawrence Sinclair.

Mr. Sinclair reported doing coke with Obama and carnal relations. The outcome of this was Lawrence Sinclair was made a political prisoner by the Biden Machine in Delaware in the worst form of thuggery for Biden to be Vice President, and Donald Young was murdered in his home, shot numerous times.

The defenders of Obama would challenge the sexual claims, but the claim of Joy Behar is that Barack Obama is a decent man. Would a decent man not reach out to a church member, a black man he knew for his family's sake? Would a decent Obama allow Lawrence Sinclair to have his disability cancelled, thrown into a DC prison, and threatened with life in prison over trumped up charges all engaged in by his Vice President Joe Biden?

Then of course we come to where this all began with decent Barack Hussein Obama, where everything spiraled out from, in Barack Hussein Obama entered the democratic race for president years before as a political stooge to manipulate Blacks in America in the voting process.
The Constitution is definitive that no one may be President who is not natural born, that means Birthed in the United States from American parents. The Constitution is explicit in no one may be President who was only of American Citizenship. Citizenship of any other nation, at any time, disqualifies anyone.

In those facts, Barack Obama admitted he was British in claiming on his website that his British subjection had "expired". Expiration admits that Barack Obama was British, as much as he was Indonesian when he lived there as Barry Soetoro. So the issue of Barack Obama being born in Kenya is of no matter, as Barack Obama II admitted he had dual citizenship, while his adoptive mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, illegally brought here Indonesian child back into the United States when her marriage broke up to her husband, Lolo Soetoro.

Would a decent man steal the United States presidency or ignore Constitutional Law, because he deemed his needs were greater than the Law?
