Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A Trump and a Hard Place

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am learning Biblical lessons from each of you here in why the Prophet Jeremiah in speaking the Truth was dumped into a dungeon and no one cared, to Jesus cheered one day and crucified the next by the same jeering crowds. I have by God's design been here over a decade, providing at least 3 posts a day in breaking information which proves correct in time, and the exposing of Donald Trump in what he is really doing, has dried up donations as in a warped way rich people are blaming me for Trump making fools of them.

I pay attention by God's Grace when people with connections say things. When the liberal genius Webster Griffin Tarpley makes a mistake on Rense, informing the world that the cartel was going to split the democratic party into a socialist and communist wing to rule America as the GOP would be reduced to a 3rd rate party, I published it. People met it with it being far fetched and the Lame Cherry did not know what she was talking about again.
Yet on Zerohedge those phrases are now appearing about the democratic party, and liberal pollster Stanley Greenberg is sounding the death nail of the GOP as a dying Tea Party / Evangelical party, while others are telling you of a Trump landslide.
I have posted here what the voice inside me is saying, and it is why I have zero interest in the 2020 elections, because just as I told you in 2018 that the Republicans would throw the House so that MAGA would not have to be dealt came TRUE. The voices inside tell me Donald Trump already has the election stolen for him. He will be president, because he is the facade of the "right" and is necessary to sign into law all the Obama laws Obama could not pass from gun control to amnesty. Congress by a margin will be held by the Republicans in order to bring this all about.

It is why Donald Trump is shattering the GOP on key issues of sodomy, legalizing VisaVermin and linking your private medical records to a firearm purchase, as his National Socialist party is to be a sodomite, black and Clinton racist party of the enclave white. The Obama wing will be these Alexandria Ocasio Cortez pretties as the American mind is warped to state communism is a good thing.

While one can not drink the Greenberg kook ade in it's green form without a straw as one must remember that Greenberg is paid to tell meltdown liberals they are not naked, the fact is true that Donald Trump is destroying the Republican party, and it is by design in the cartel he is working with to save himself.

By alienating “McCain Republicans” and “moderates,” Greenberg told Scarborough and Brzezinski, the GOP is causing itself to shrink — while Democrats are appealing to a much more diverse base. Women and people of color, Greenberg asserted, are leaning Democrat more and more. And a major problem for Trump, he told the “Morning Joe” hosts, is that unlike 2016, he isn’t reaching female voters in sufficient numbers.
Trump’s problems, Greenberg asserted, range from a “shift in the suburban vote” to Democrats appealing to the United States’ increasingly “multicultural identity.” Democrats, according to Greenberg, are promoting an “expansive” view of America while Republicans are not.
“The trends that I talk about in this book are accelerating,” Greenberg told Scarborough and Brzezinski. “I actually may have underestimated the scale of what’s happening…. Donald Trump is representing the last throe of an evangelical, Tea Party-dominated party…. They are now 70% of his base….It is now an anti-government, anti-immigration, observant party.”
Greenberg added that “McCain Republicans and moderates…. used to be 40% of the (Republican) Party. Now, in our latest poll, they’re 30%. That’s a ten-point drop from last year’s election…. (Trump) is consolidating Democrats. He is driving away Republican voters.”

Donald Trump has two vulnerable spots......well three, and the third is his trigger spot which in forensic psychology I have diagnosed, but never revealed, but Trump's vulnerable spots are saving himself, and the vanity for his children.
Donald Trump to save himself from Russiagate became a fellow traveler. He has been promised and believes that the Trump Dynasty will happen with Princess Ivanka ruling the Trump Nazi party which is forming, Nazi meaning National Socialist which is all leftists like the Kushners. That will be the "GOP". For my voices, there is not any way that bottle blonde is ever going to be in the White House. Mike Pompeo is the cartel's choice to pick up Caesar's robe and Mike Pence is expendable for 2024.

So Trump was promised things, as Hamrod was promised things, but you can see when the cartel has you over the short and curlies, you just do not get everything you were promised and you thank the cartel for screwing you over.

What Greenberg is not telling liberals is the fact that they have been told to fall down for Trump. Nancy Pelosi is a walking cadaver, but like Paul Ryan in selling out the GOP, she will hand over power as the DNC is split.
2020 is the last election for the White Race in America. They will be Trump pacified, but their political end has come. The racism of the democrats in posting faggots and quadroons as decorations for Biden, Bernie and Poco pasty white in pervs, Jews and vulvas, reveals the schism in the DNC to coloured folks.
As Webster Griffin Tarpley revealed, the DNC is being balkanized for the Trump effect in the GOP to go quietly into the night, and there is not a Reagan in position as a Pat Buchanan to primary Donald Trump. As I have stated, I have the message to win, no backing in finances and no desire to take up this time line in being president. Due to my financial circumstances, what this summer has brought me to is I am being denied my dreams, so in the Biblical rubble, I can build there. Meaning the pieces are in place for the last Prophecies and I am finished with politics and this world and Newton's law will by gravity bring it all down.

Yes Donald Trump is driving away Republicans, but not in the liberal McCain numbers. He is driving away the base. The democrats are engaged under the same orders in driving away what would be considered "normal" people who think having pet swarthies and molesting each other is normal, will form the neo Trump party of socialists. You see though the election does not matter, no more than it did when Obama had it stolen twice for him in 10 million disappeared Republican voters, as Donald Trump will be president and the election will be but a conditioning in the much touted new Trump coalition. Yes a coalition rid of those Christians and people who believe in the Constitution........a more acceptable Nazi party for that reason and because this "centrist" party is acceptable to America.

So the Jew Stanley Greenberg is paid to write a book for the snowflakes to give them hope as they go quietly into the Trump night, and Rush Limbaugh will golden EIB shower those on the right with how right wing Trump is as the Christians wonder how all of these Obama policies have become law.

So how can I become excited over any of this? I stated I was not going to prop up this Jeb Bush tower of turd in 2016, but gave it one last effort for Jehu's promises in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, and like the 10 lepers, only one returned while the rest of you left me for dead by the side of the patch.
I am stuck in the dungeon until God decides to pull me out in someone sees the merit in making points with God in their own interest, so I can like Jeremiah the Prophet go wander around in the rubble.

I will tell you the Biblical message to not put your trust in princes nor in the sons of men. Trust the Lord and not the politicians.

I have better things to do like being robbed poor by you and seeing which cleft in the wall is the keystone.
