Saturday, September 14, 2019

Coming Soon: TrumpRASH

Exactly how did you get that rash signing up 1 million new Republicans?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Apparently Jared Kushner turning over your financial, voting and personal information is not enough to the Goat Boy of Greece in Gerrit Lansing owning the billion dollar operation WINRED which Donald Trump created to sell your private data, apparently complete background checks are not enough for President Trump in your medical records will be seized by the BATFE if you try to purchase a firearm, to Red Flag you as an Insane Asylum inmate forever in a straight jacket, as apparently Brad Parscale, thee original Black vote suppressor of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord with Jared Kushner, has a new vision in TrumpRASH, a new smart phone application which will get you to sell your soul for tickets to sit in Lindsey Graham's box at GOP events, along with other Log Cabin Republicans.

Apparently it is some kind of lottery, which I thought was illegal in if you harass enough people on the phone, you get to win prizes like gay seats at events or getting to take a photo with President Trump giving you the thumbs up.

This kid is great....he says he is Marilyn Monroe reincarnated....

200 million voter files are on the Trump data mining. Now this figure I can't figure out, as there are only 320 million Americans and there is not any way that there are 200 million voters, unless they have data on the dead voters or Donald Trump really has 100 million foreigners in America, and the real population is closer to 400 million and explains why America is so in the shit hole.

The app — which has no release date set — will create a prize system to persuade Trump's diehard supporters to recruit their friends with rewards such as VIP seats at a rally or a photo with the president, similar to how other campaigns do for top donors, the report said.
And it will allow the Trump campaign to track followers more extensively than ever before, providing another way to double down and turn out the conservative base instead of persuading independent and undecided voters to reelect the president. The campaign has already collected 200 million voter files from the Republican National Committee, and it's aiming to target voters with hyperspecific messaging. 

We already know that smart phones hear you, as that is why you get ads on things when you talk about them. We already know that they can turn on take photos of you. We know that they catalogue for conglomerates all of your internet surfing. The NSA keeps track of your conversations and the people you phone for "security". So do you think that a Trump Ap is just going to alert you to donate money you are not donating here, or this ap is like all things Obama and Trump, in collecting data to sell for insiders.

Recently the Forbes reported the government of Donald Trump was collecting over one hundred thousand American identities if the courts sign off on it, of people who have a rifle scope application, in somehow connecting it to people exporting this scope to Canada and  Hong Kong.
These people have not broken any laws, and the DOJ is going to have all their data and put them into a criminal file.

So how long do you think it will be, before this TrumpRASH ends up on some other database to be used against the people who download this ap?

 There is a need for the FCC and FEC to regulate the data of Citizens to protect Americans, both from the democrats and republicans, as Obama was pedaling liberal voter's names just as the meat market descended onto the GOP when Katie Walsh appeared.
What happens with this TrumpRASH in how it is spread. Trump zombie who will sell their souls, will be out stalking people in getting their names, to sign up for this ap, to get a photo with the President or this thing gets sent out like a Trojan virus in Trump emails and starts installing like that shit from Google and Facebook that keeps loading on my phone on every update?

I still want to know the answers of why the Washington Post and New York Times were hawking for WinRed, and no one has answered why in hell Gerrit Lansing was handed a billion dollar enterprise of all of our personal data for nothing, except being a goat boy.

It probably explains why I keep getting stories on my start up page about Langley CIA and NSC Washington DC in someone is paying attention to the posts here, as this blog is the only one advocating for voter privacy and why all data should not be allowed to be sold.

In order to message a HYPER SPECIFIC MESSAGE, it means that psychological profiling of categorizing people like rats has taken place, in order to get you to bark like Pavlov's dog.
In this kind of forensic psychology, from this blog's expertise, the Trump campaign should not want anyone near an event or the President who is obsessed enough to do things to get a photo with the President or sit in a special event box.
Seriously, if you were Lindsey in the gay ear Graham, would you being a millionaire want to be sitting next to some grubber who would do anything to get close to Trump?

Is this the GOP in people will show up in pink bunny jammies and be sending away for their Ovaltine decoders to get Trump secret messages?

Ivanka's going to meet my Area 51 rock...

As this blog wrote the matrix time line to elect Donald Trump, and first told you Jehu was coming before Donald Trump appeared, I have gotten nothing from Trump Trans but treated like the poor relations. It would be this blog's recommendation to stay away from this TrumpRASH as it is going to spread into your nethers. Do you really want a political party which categorizes you like a Manchurian to react on words to trigger you? Do you want to be bought and sold as a political slave?

I advocate for every person in America to stop donating to the political parties, to demand your name to be removed from their lists and to only volunteer for local candidates who have proven they actually will respond to you.
Demand federal law that your information can no longer be bought or sold, period.

Do not download this ap or any other ap. In fact get rid of the aps.

I think I caught something off that ap!
