As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Holy Ghost has been focusing on fire and judgment. Whether this is the people who have been hurtful to me, or the nation at whole, the planet, or all of the above, I have not inquired as here am I weary, and in poverty and orphan status, what do I care if the people who have upset, the nation or the world are rotting in the streets, as it is not me, and God is being Faithful in a reckoning.
43 Thou hast covered with anger, and persecuted us: thou hast slain, thou hast not pitied.
44 Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud, that our prayer should not pass through.
45 Thou hast made us as the offscouring and refuse in the midst of the people.
Something though is on the horizon as I saw "lights" again the other morning doing chores. These lights are etheral, hard to describe, like a dream like fog, like dust, they glow a, I don't mean to say warm color, but they are not a harsh color. It is like the color of the sun when an eclipse happens. It is just odd, so I notice it, and it is always in one location, as the first times I witnessed this, I thought I had a tumor or something, as it startled me.
I did scientific Star Trek analogy in turning my head, and the light stayed in the same location, so I knew it was external and not internal.
They always signify a big event in my life, and I get sick to my stomach thinking about this stuff, as while it is nice when it is TL, it usually forelightens some upheaval.
It is odd as Joan of Arc had lights like this, in she had her Voices, or Angels. I have never heard voices or seen forms. The light can be centered like room size to two story house in glowing, or it has covered a large portion of the horizon.
The main point in the above verses is God is angry, He has deliberately placed a barrier so prayers will not be heard, and will make the people the physical trash for the spiritual trash they are.
It is no skin off my ass, as people left me for dead, have humiliated me, while they had the good times, so there meeting or your meeting a fitting end which will terrify you is not any of my concern.
I think of Jonah, which was my reading in the gourd that God grew to shield him from the sun, as he waited to see a city torched for it's sins, but God repented of Judgment then, and Jonah had more feeling for a gourd than a city full of people and animals. God though sees the big picture and I was discussing that with Him, in the Holy Ghost has made me that aware, as I want a reckoning, but God has a big picture of some person's dog might not have it so good. I have argued that I have been put off long enough. Plus God can always pluck some brand from the burning.
That though is the Holy Ghost readings for several days in a row. To me it is all dust off my shoes. Here am I moved to be kind, and people treat me like shit. I have in turn zero tears for them being rendered into maggot shit. I always thought it would be a pleasant thing to go for a horse ride through miles upon miles of bones shining in the sun. I never got to witness the buffalo bones across the prairie, so what is so much more primates in the Lord's harvested reckoning.
Here am I more interested in the number 3, as that is what I heard. I think God is not telling me what it is, so whatever it is takes place, as I tend to get emotional and think things, and that unsettles the matrix as here am I a big thinker.
We though all have the Word of God. Here am I though now off to play a game in shooting Nazi at Wolfenstein, as I changed the filter in the air filter, fixed our 3 dollar Hoover vac I picked up that some poor old gal now dead used to go at the bed fuzz with gusto. No cats or dogs though, as I cleaned out the cloth filter and it was just like drier lint and human dander. Hell, probably like her second burial in waving her skin lint to the wind and she has been long tits up and her money spent like you rich people will not be aware of as your surviving horrid relatives will be American Pie celebrating.
Enough of this, as it is enough of this, as Nazi zombie await, and I got Hillary FBI things to write about before the rising moon.
Nuff Said