As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I believe the Holy Ghost has always placed literature before me for upcoming time lines. For 60 cents, I recently purchased a historical book about Abraham Lincoln's presidential run in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord.
In many ways 1863 mirrors 2019 in America. The political vitriol, the divide, the economic prosperity of the elite, with the struggle of the many, and the struggle for rights with the federal police state cracking down with draconian effect, as the democrats surge to extremism and republicans become totalitarian, is the reality of the world of President Donald Trump.
The fact is that America is in revolution. It is in civil war. In 1863 it was the emancipation of the Black to citizen status, while in 2019 it is the invasion of the Mexican to citizenship status. The net result is the same is the displacement of segments of the Caucasian species. In 1865 it was the elimination of the Southern gentile race, and later the displacement of the Cracker as the Black evolved to those laborious jobs.
In 2019, it is the elimination of the White poor class for the Mexican and the removal of the White middle class by inflation and Visa Vermin millions.
In 1864, the United States military performed a coup in America, where it released Soldiers from the military to return to their States in order to stack elections for Abraham Lincoln who was empowering the Military Oligarchs in the war machine. This began in 1863, as the US military had absolutely no intention of losing their grip on centralized power. These United States had become THE United States. The nation that Abraham Lincoln was installed by in the fractured elections of 1860 in a divided democratic party, was not the nation of 1863. The implements of war had turned America into the greatest killing machine on the planet. From iron ships of war, to repeating rifles, to a military moving by train, the federalized United States, which turned with scorched earth policies of Abraham Lincoln in eliminating the Southern educated class while terrorizing them with a Black uneducated class, is a mirror of the current regime's seeking to seize personal medical records as a condition to purchasing a firearm in Second Amendment rights as amnesty if granted the emerging slave class of tanskins displacing the whiteskins.
In many ways, 2019 is the reflection of when the Indian Ring looted the last buffalo skins from the Indian tribes in selling them arms before their removal by 1877 AD in the year of our Lord, in the White has become the heartland savage, but as firearms are being sold them, it is the Trump inflation for oil companies which is robbing their last pennies, and not guns for buffalo robes.
America has moved to the phase of a race going quietly into the night. It is this work by John Waugh of decades ago which for God's reason He has placed before me and will be placed here in context for the 2019 AD in the year of our Lord elections.
You will be introduced to a new term, which will be the definitive term for what Americans are in intergnats, an insect life whining around political power of absolutely no consequence.
Intergnats, remember the word as it becomes the buzz word with so much meaning as the ghost of 1864 becomes 2020 hindsight and you once again read it here first in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
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Nuff Said