Kyle and Jeremie Foster
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We are gathered here today, to not lament the death of two red headed North Dakotans, but to lament their having died before they could enjoy the rest of the night drunk, probably firing off guns at things.
We also lament that the two ATV's were scuffed up a bit, but will be a good inheritance for the family members to enjoy riding around in the night drunk and firing off guns.
Authorities attempted to transport Jeremie to Mercy Hospital in Valley City, but he died en route.The Highway Patrol says the two crashes happened 10 minutes apart.It’s reported that neither brother was wearing a helmet and alcohol was a factor in both wrecks.

North Dakota slough
Kyle of Tucson, Arizona, lost control of his four-wheeler and rolled into a slough on the side of the road. He died at the scene.

North Dakota farm
The Kansas City Star reports that Jeremie of Fargo was driving ahead of Kyle and reached the farm. After realizing his younger brother was not behind him, he began to retrace his route in hopes of finding his sibling.While searching, Jeremie lost control of his ATV and rolled into a ditch.
A North Dakota favorite drink.

A North Dakota favorite chaser.
For a North Dakota Norwegian Wall Banger
The North Dakota verbiage for this brother duo, would be a shrug with "Dumb sons of bitches", not of course that they should not be drinking, not of course that they should be driving shit face, not that racing off in the dark drunk is a bad idea, because everyone in North Dakota does this.
It is just a sorrowful thing that something bad happened when the children were playing. Like children crawling up on oil rigs and falling off getting killed while being drunk. ATV's were meant to be driven like a bat out of hell and oil rigs are meant to be crawled up on.
Winter attired Arctic Cat ATV to make this story interesting
What could be more wonderful than two close brothers, enjoying the day drinking numbers of beverages, racing off into the night and getting themselves killed, as the one was worried about the condition of the other in a true act of brotherly love.
That is North Dakota love at it's best.
The Lame Cherry celebrates these two boys, as they went out before diabetes, heart attack, cancer or waiting for the American Genocide of their race by foreigners.
Time for a shot and a beer!
Nuff Said