Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Watch Cat

In this world there are the cats, and the cats not.
I'm the cat and you're the cat's not.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I am typing this, I am being inspected.

That is the Puntz, in wide eyed inspection as I do not get to go outside or come back inside with getting a claw in my knee in the ritual of Poot in Charge.

It starts out with my feet getting the snoofing. It is always left shoe first, then left leg, then right shoe, then right leg, claw in the knee and then rubbing on my right leg, as no outside smells of cats or people are allowed.
For some reason Lacey the dog does not get pissed on, but Uncle gives old magazines and they get a dose of cat piss, as nothing comes into this house which does not get sniffed or scented.

The thing is Poot does this loudly and with force, like a dog. She jams her nose into me and just snoofs over and over, and then when she is done, she has the Poot face of this open mouth expression of cats who have sniffed the wind.

There has been a new territorial thing in we have a Watch Cat now. See Poot has attacked me for looking like other interlopers like the plumber, but this was new to this past month in the gas guy showed up to fill up our winter fuel tank, and TL said Poot was up in the open wind the whole time growling, coming back out, jumping back up and growling.

Now this is not a cat scream growl, but a low rumble like a dog. She stalks through the house and just is the most displeased person around here, sort of like when TL's kindred showed up here and were ordered to get off the place.
Poot has picked this up, and Poot lays down the law.

The other day as I was working here, I heard Poot moving around, and then she came stalking through here growling. I thought it was a rodent as one of them showed up. Yes dreams of the mother or reality of the kindred appearing and here come the rodents into the house to be poisoned.
So I got up to see what rodent was bother Poot and I noticed the fuel guy in the yard.  I was surprised as I did not hear the new truck they have, but Poot did, and Poot was growling like a lion on the prowl.
I was glad for this alert as it means that we have a watch cat and I caught the guy to pay the bill, which brings a discount.

When Homeland was here, our stud cat was a baby. Unser Puntz was not bluffed by Homeland. He took to them and was rubbing on them and trying to climb up, so I ended up being interviewed by Homeland holding a white medicine hat cat. Probably the first time they had that happen as most people probably do not get to bring pets or have pets descend upon Homeland inspecting them.

Poot has now completed my inspection. Good news in no cat smells on me, so I did not get misted, and Poot has jumped into TL's chair where Poot goes into the ritual of Poot grooming, looking pleased, and looking over here wondering why I am looking at her, before she goes back to grooming.

I really do dislike cats, but when you figure out cats piss on things, cats bite, hiss and claw, cats pick up other people to be moody, cats own you, then cats are not so bad, as I do laugh at this cat with delight at the quirks and moods she has. She does act a great deal like me, except for pissing on people, but then the kindred got a big hose down in getting kicked off the place here, so that is probably something this cat picked up from me too.

She does have a personality though, Fetches things. Claws for attention, love bites to play to get us to sceam and basically rules the place on her terms.

The new amusement though is people showing up and Poot stalking around growling, as Poot does not like people on the place, except us, but then we feed her Poot snacks, so she tolerates us.

Nuff Said

