Wednesday, September 11, 2019

What Tolls For Thee....

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It has been an interesting day in dark screen computing. TL tracked down the problem last night in a burned out backlight or broken wire. So I watched a Gaytube of a generic replacement, or watched two as the first one was apparently about a cat sleeping in the sun as the repair was artistic and not so much repair.

The other was sort of getting into the operation as the heart came out. There was a great deal of a four handed human taking out more screws than could exist in a screen, disassembling it all, and looking like a moon landing, and then replacing the back light with talking about soldering wires and I just sort of thought this was a bit more than my pay scale.

So off we went to the new computer store in town, complete with 30 foot COMPUTER flag by the door and the concrete not fixed out front.

A fat girl who was nice got the computer guy out who was sitting with a guy yelling on the phone about tearing walls out on a job and an hour and a half. He looked like Seymour something who was in Cold Mountain and other cinema where he played the worst kind of liberal creeps.

So out comes a guy, talking to us and I could not figure out what he was saying first as he was interested in how we knew it was a backlight. As that was explained, I thought, "Oh wow this guy is Russian!"

I mean who would leave Russia with all her wonders, for America the gulag? Here I had a real link to Russian hacking which never took place, Vladimir Putin and I could have talked Russian at him as I am an expert from Maria of Hogan's Heroes. I could have winked and said, "Vladimir Putin", and given him the thumbs up, as I am sure when nuclear war comes, they would not bomb me.
Come to think about it, I am probably save in the brier as Putin is not going to bomb where his KGB agents are setting up a computer network. Thing is the brier patch has like 4 computer companies here specializing in wifi. Something off about it, as this is not Langley Virginia.

So comrade, tells me the estimate is 125 bucks and 75 bucks an hour, and it will take 2 hours, so 200 dollars. He says my XP will be hacked instantly, odd he was interested in hacking, and then he said the computer was so old that Stalin had invented it. He then kindly offered to sell me a new computer.

I mean what the shit is that? If I could afford a computer I would not be writing this blog. I would be sending checks out to nice people to ..........well probably boxes of money to the nice people as they have enough problems, and I would be out fishing and not in the library being threatened with library prison for being too long on the computer. So I thanked the KGB agent, who will probably be working on the Trump campaign in the coming year, and off we left with the dark screen still in dark.

I bet rich people never have these problems, as they just swipe that ole card and money comes out of their butts. Then again they never own anything long enough to get old, you know like being honest, a Christian or a smile.
I once had a person bitching at me to stop begging for money. They did not like the stories with me begging for money as it got in the way of their stealing from me and their clear conscience in how wonderful they were.

My Bible reading was in Jeremiah the Prophet this morning, focused on Gaza and Ashkeleon going cinder. Apparently the Holy Ghost has word of that trend. I am more than pleased to post that, to put it into the matrix. It is not that I dislike Philistines as Samson could not get enough Philistine pussy. Though they burnt up his wife and then he got his eyes put out by a whore, that was not me as I am not married to one. I like them though as they are a handsome people, quite sexy, but I am interested in Jesus return, and that is part of the Prophecy so a dead pile of them is the stepping stone, and I am  praying for Armageddon as why should you all not have black screens like I have now, as you might as well be seeing the same things I am. eh.


So anyway that is the Gordian knot of ripping ass into a computer to trust a generic Gaytube event. I am rather fond of this computer though, like a pet. It has been good to me, and it seems harsh to kill her or leave her blind. Not like I am going to go Humane Society and gas it to death, but it is sitting beside me quite loyal, even if it never purrs or gets me my slippers.
I don't think the solution I found online of using a hammer is going to work, even though the person was quite thrilled with posting about it. Some things you just can't trust when you read them, unlike the things here.

I am thinking about writing about the dark screen incessantly as why should not all of your lives be like mine in dark screen, as you have to sift through everything to get to the details in how your lives will be saved by the information hidden in these articles. eh.

I saved a butterfly today from a spider web. What good did you do spacetaking in this world of rich portfolios and wealthy delusions of how special you are.

No wonder there are so many drones around here in the brier patch.
