As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
God is very good.
Last week, I looked at the paper whose subscription ran out almost a year ago, but as it was a local paper and the mother had ordered it, it kept showing up here, and I look at the 3 want ads in there.
This time it was a bunch of garage sales by rich retirees along the lake, so I said to TL we would stop in and have a look around. Like most things it sucked, and the prices were too high. I was standing there and they had a free pile of shit, and I immediately lit up as it was a pile of plastic planters.
See I want plastic planters, for when we get our place in this desert, I need to order evergreens, and if I plant them in the desert, they die. But, if I plant them in planters, get them started, they usually will grow.
We have plans to plant nut trees all along the driveway on our place. It will be lovely in 20 years.
So I was brier patch polite in thinking, "I am not spending 50 bucks on an old air compressor or 30 bucks on a Mr. Heater propane tank", as I did not feel right about just taking things without buying anything.
As we were looking, the woman appeared and yelled at me to take the shit, and when I only took two stacks which is what I wanted she was giving me hell for not taking more.
God is very good to me, and I was so very pleased.
We picked up two hanging baskets, and about 50 dollars worth of 3 and 1 gallon heavy plastic planters. I was looking at the size and one tag had 14.95 on it for the plant they had purchased. There was like a thousand dollars worth of plants, but I was just pleased that we got these very tough planters to put our things in, as I was running out of things.
See at Uncles, which is going to be ours, I have been busy digging out oak trees, lilacs and things as he says he as too many trees. Here I have planted two black walnuts from my Grampa's tree, so our cup runneth over in trees, and we need to start planting on our place. God move things along.
We also have a very pretty green ash that I dug up which would have been mowed off. I just hate it when trees are wasted, as they are like 80 bucks now for shade trees and there is not any sense in paying that kind of money when trees are always growing where God puts them and no one wants them there.
I actually, last winter, did price planters on Amazon and Ebay, so I know what quality planters are selling for, which pleases me to contentment to have been given this stack for free.
No it is not a million dollars, but you can't plant a tree for your lane of trees in a million dollars. Mind you the rich people still have to pick up the slack in this sagging Trump economic collapse, so put some real numbers on the zeroes you have been not acting very Christian in not tithing here. We are prepared though like Noah and the Ark. As I picked up a sump pump at the Thrift for a quarter, I think I will dig a couple of post holes with the neighbors dirt auger, cap them with plastic pipe and call them wells, which I will water our lovely trees on the lane.
I have already decided that Gram's garden which has too tall of trees around it, is going to be our apple orchard. The berries will go behind the homestead house, as Uncle has been mowing and trimming that place like a locust.
We have plastic though and I could not be more pleased. Heavy plastic pots are one of the things that always makes me smile as I always am finding things to dig up and plant in non God locations.
Nuff Said