Investigative Journalist, Rusty Hudson Limbaugh III
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There was a most interesting development in Rush Hudson Limbaugh III was promoting an exclusive that John Brennan abused executive power in the Obama regime, in carrying a fake passport into Ukraine, in order to gather evidence on Republican candidate Donald Trump, hiring 14 year old prostitutes in Moscow to urinate on the bed that Barack and Michelle Obama did not have intercourse in, as Donald Trump watched the golden showering.
As this story is not listed in other sources, it appears that this was leaked to Rush Limbaugh, from the same Kushner media which keeps running script for Cuckservative Treehose and every person's favorite, QANON.
The talking points in this are a new American Civil War has been introduced, and for people who have paid attention, this blog has been mentioning about the 1864 presidential campaign before any of this information surfaced in the Trump media. The Lame Cherry will continue to have a number of exclusives on this, as none of these tampons have a clue to historical reference, but it is not me, this is the Holy Ghost putting a book into my hands, to feature the context and content here.
That is the story in this, in who is feeding Rush Limbaugh information on John Brennan, and the Trump campaigns talking points on Civil War. My source is the Holy Ghost as my insights into the bedchamber conversations are from God. This coordination though in the quadrio of Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Rush Limbaugh, with Goldie Locks Ingraham is a latent reminder where all of this started with Donald Trump, which none of these paid Mockingbird assets would not touch, and that is Birtherism.
As the Lame Cherry does not have Donald Trump phoning me up at till 11 pm., we must use Cyrano satire to make this interesting and have some fun at John Brennan's expense. Below is his passport into Ukraine, as Juanita Bremman.
RUSH: I got an email, “What do you mean, Brennan traveled to Ukraine with a fake passport? I didn’t hear that.” Well, folks, I’m sorry. Let me give you the details. John Brennan, Obama’s director-CIA, went to Ukraine under a fake passport so that nobody would know it was him. Fake name. Can you do that? Can you get a fake passport? No. John Brennan can, CIA director. I’m surprised he even needed a passport. But he went under a fake passport to get opposition research on Trump!
Here is Juanita Bremman with all of her cleavage and beauty in Ukraine as no one would suspect the CIA Director as a woman.
Juanita Bremman
Readers need to be reminded in where this all began in Joe Biden was paid off with the Vice Presidency for making Lawrence Sinclair a political prisoner in that homosexual liaison. For John Brennan, the road to Obamaland began with Obama's passport, in John Brennan's involvement in the Birther cover up.
Brennan handled the nasty things that needed to be done. If you recall, during the presidential election, I ran a number of stories on the passport breach of Obama’s passport at the Department of State. There were always questions about Obama’s citizenship status and what kind of passport he used to he travel to Pakistan during his college years as a foreign student.
Back in March 2008, the State Department launched an investigation of improper computer access to passport records of Barack Hussein Obama.The investigation was focused on John Brennan company (here.). Brennan’s employee was accused of tampering with the passport files.
A cynical Obama said at the time:
In Portland, Ore., Mr. Obama said the series of attempts to “tap into people’s personal records” were “a problem not just for me but for how our government functions.”That balls. Brennan was working for him. And laughable, considering how intrusive his administration has been and continues to be in accessing private information.
“As soon as we realized that there were these unauthorized accesses for Senator Obama’s passport files, we collected the information, we briefed the secretary, we briefed Senator Obama’s staff, all before we ever replied to the reporter,” Mr. McCormack said.You will also recall that the key witness in the presidential Passport tampering case was murdered. Shot in the head, in his car, in front of his church.
Did CIA pick sanitize Obama's passport records? - WND
NEW YORK - John Brennan, the Obama counter-terrorism adviser nominated this week to head the CIA, played a controversial role in what many suspect was an effort to sanitize Obama's passport ...
An Obama apologist who focused on debunking the murder of the John Brennan employee of Leiutenant Quarles Harris, Jr, glazes over the important aspects of this case while attempting to make excuses for Birther Hussein.
Harris was involved in a passport, credit card scheme with 3 State Department employees. Harris was cooperating with Federal authorities, and outside of his church he was gunned down, in the same manner that Obama lover, Donald Young was shot multiple times in his home in Chicago.
The three State Department employees were contract workers, one of them worked for John Brennan's Analysis Corp.
Harris was shot and killed that day in Washington D.C. From WJLA, Channel 7:
Officers responding to a report of gunfire in the 2800 block of 12th Street, NE, found the body of 24-year-old Leiutenant Quarles Harris, Jr in a vehicle. Police say he had been shot several times.And from a WJLA follow-up report:
Police stopped [Harris] and found 20 credit cards and eight completed passport applications. According to court documents, Leiutenant Harris told police he and someone inside the State Department were taking information off passport applications, which they used to get fraudulent credit cards. Another conspirator, inside the Postal Service, intercepted the cards before they could get to the actual people.
Leiutenant Harris was in court for that case three days before his murder. "He felt like he was going to do jail time. He was willing to do jail time."...
Police are investigating the murder, while State Department Diplomatic Security, Secret Service and the Postal Inspector are all investigating the fraud case. The only comment from law enforcement was that it's an ongoing investigation.
Leiutant Harris' murder comes after a spat of violence in the fifth ward. There were five homicides in a four day period.
In the case of the candidates' passport breach, three contract employees for the State Department improperly looked at the passport files of Hillary Clinton, John McCain, and Barack Obama. Two employees worked for Stanley Inc., and the third worked for Analysis Corp.*
* Analysis Corp.'s President and CEO is John O. Brennan, an advisor to Obama during his campaign and administration.
All of this revisits 2008, where a number of bloggers were detailing factual evidence that Barack Hussein Obama admitted he was Kenyan. This is important, as Obama was a Kenyan until August 4th, 1982 by his own admission. He then stated incorrectly that his British Kenyan citizenship "expired" due to legal notice on Fight the Smears.
Obama never filed the appropriate documents in this renouncing of British citizenship, but more to the point in all of this is the FACT, that the United States Constitution mandates that the President must be NATURAL BORN of American parents to avoid dual allegiances to foreign powers.
Natural Born means both by birth American and NEVER having citizenship of any other nation. That is what this blog has always focused on is Constitutional Law. When adoptive mum, Stanley Ann Dunham transplanted Barack Obama to Indonsesia as Barry Soetoro, Obama became a triple citizen of British Kenya, Indonesia, and a squatter in the United States. It does not matter where Obama was birthed, it is the fact that Obama was illegitimate in being Kenyan by his own admission.
Citizen Wells, detailed the Obama admission, and the criminals who Obama was hiring individuals who could fake birth certificates, and the ringmaster in all of this was appointed to the CIA as Director, where a credit card fraud scheme was running out of the Bush State Department and John Brennan's contracting office.
Brennan would reappear 8 years later in the incorporating of fake dossiers, in a framing of Donald John Trump in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.
Citizen Wells
The Obama campaign acknowledged at its “Fight the Smears” Web site that Obama was a foreign national until the age of 18, by virtue of his father’s British then Kenyan citizenship.
“Since Sen. Obama has neither renounced his U.S. citizenship nor sworn an oath of allegiance to Kenya, his Kenyan citizenship automatically expired on Aug. 4,1982,” the Web site stated.
John Brennan Obama’s top terrorism and intelligence adviser Analysis Corp. employee cauterized Obama passport data, Article “scrubbed”, Fake news defends Brennan attacks Trump
“Why has Obama employed numerous private and government attorneys to avoid presenting a legitimate birth certificate and college records?”…Citizen Wells and millions of concerned Americans
“Vivek Kundra, who was tapped as the White House technology czar
March 5, oversaw technology projects and budgets for 86 D.C.
government agencies as head of the District’s Office of the Chief
Technology Officer.”
“Yusuf Acar, 40, who has worked in the technology office since
2004, was charged with bribery, conspiracy, money laundering and
conflict of interest.”
“Acar also told the informant that he could use computers to
create fake D.C. birth certificates, Hibarger said.”…Citizen Wells from pre rectified Washington Post article dated March 13, 2009
So the investigative journalist, Rusty Hudson Limbaugh III of the Trumpnazi sphere, has brought this full circle as Brennan literally is involved in the same 1864 sedition of the Lincoln McClellan elections in advising other snowflake zombie to bring charges against Donald Trump on things they have heard as in the Trumpeachment call to Ukraine which is bogus.
What John Brennan is engaged in is another phase of this coup against the Presidency, and that is using fake charges, to criminalize Donald Trump. This is the reason that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has delayed the impeachment vote until December 2019 AD in the year of our Lord. It is not as Rusty III states to smear Trump, but is to allow more fake charges to be filed, where Donald Trump will be indicted by the House on an Everest sized pile of Kurt Einchenwald epileptic seizures.

Pelosi Isn't Calling for an Impeachment Vote Because Math.
Now you know why Pelosi isn't calling for an impeachment vote. At least 19 Dems aren't on board. And if we lose that vote, our credibility, and our ability to hold his Nazi ass accountable, goes ...
Unlike with James Comey in Hillary Clinton's 'intent', Donald Trump will face a series of charges which Nancy Pelosi is fully aware of which are of zero weight, and John Brennan is coordinating in trumping up, but combined they will provide cover for a House impeachment vote. It will be the charges are serious enough that we must indict without evidence, on these nameless whistleblowers, for the Republican Senate to hold a trial, placing the GOP in the hot seat of protecting Trump.
You already are aware that minority leader Charles Schumer will grow a 3rd impeachment testicle, named Mitt Romney, as Romney has been up that scrotum since being castrated by Obama's vagina in 2012 AD in the year of our Lord.
Can you get Anderson Cooper to tea bag me Chuck?
The Republicans in the Senate are soft in having only 53 seats in the majority. That really bites Donald Trump in Ivanka's ass for John Kelly sabotaging and smearing Christian Roy Moore in Alabama. Moore was taken out so MAGA would cease, but without Moore in the Senate, Donald Trump is facing being replaced by Vice President Mike Pence.

Look at the facts in Donald Trump has shoved Mike Pence aside, for Mike Pompeo to be Ivanka's Vice President in 2024. Pence can read the writing on the wall, and those who are of the neocon Bushism will look to remedy all of this Ivanka usurpation by ending it now, by installed Mike Pence as President.
Mitt Romney is Cassius, Marco Rubio is soft, as the Bush's chose him to be Jeb's Vice President, and Pissgate all started with Rubio's Paul Singer hiring the research to take out Trump. Susan Collins would cut Trump's nuts off in being a ball buster, that takes the threshold to Mike Pence voting to acquit Trump at 51 votes to 50, but Pence is not going to be placed into that position, as Rand Paul has been pricking around, Ben Sasse has always loathed Trump, Richard Burr of North Carolina's mafia has been anal probing Trump from day one, Tim Scott of South Carolina's mafia with Lindsey in the gay ear Graham exorcising John the hero McCain's ghost.......where is this all started in these were McCain's people in this continuous coup episode, and in all these thoughtful deliberations, Mike Pence has his MIA report as Donald Trump becomes political toe tag.
See this is 1864 AD in the year of our Lord in the intrigue which almost took out Lincoln, but Lincoln new to have enough tits for the pigs. Donald Trump in trusting the cartel in Trump Trans never bought off enough of these political whores, and an honest broker like the Lame Cherry, they thought they could isolate and ignore, but here is this poor orphan girl warning of the scenario of Donald Trump being forced to resign in this John Brennan delay. If Donald Trump had been not Ivanka blonde, he would have produced the cash for this blog to have had his biggest cheerleader here again.
If Mr. President has a Stephen Miller brain, he would return to the original script of 2008 in this and what forced Obama to come unglued at get bin Laden's look alike killed, and that was the Birther issue in John Brennan's cover up, Obama rewarding Brennan and Brennan skirting off to Ukraine.
Obama is illegitimate and that makes everything Obama did illegal. That provides carte blanche for Donald Trump and the special courts.
Just remember which family sanitized Obama's records first and laid the groundwork for the Brenna coup.
Wonder what Barack Obama gave W for his part in protecting the Birther.
Abraham Lincoln in 1864 was one ruthless son of a bitch, bribing people, slaughtering people and stuffing ballot boxes, I don't see Donald Trump being hands on enough or bastard enough to save himself. Maybe the Lame Cherry has woke up Stephen Miller though, as the sayuns will do what it takes as all this Limbaugh talk is giving time for those with the hammers and nails building the Donald Trump impeachment gallows, as the time line can be written for presidential candidate Mike Pence in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.
But Daddy promised me I would be President Ivanka 46....
Once again this is the Lame Cherry in exclusives in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said