I play myself.....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This poor orphan girl abandoned by Mr. President, after she wrote the time line to make Donald Trump President, and one of the few media outlets who broke the Trump Story Blackout of the Summer of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, as Matt Drudge would not run any stories, is about to save this President from impeachment and open this story to the glaring lights, as Mr. President let drop in a Congressional conference call that it was RICK PERRY who instigated the Ukraine call based on Liquid Natural Gas exports to that nation.
Department of Energy, Sec. Rick Perry, as all of the Ukraine fiasco blew up by Adam Schiff in Congress, joined a John McCain protege of the State Department's Kurt Volker, who started singing to House Committees investigating this call, in resigning, and the real story of Ukraine is about to come out on the Lame Cherry.
Axios broke this story linking Perry to the call, but provided cover for Perry, but the revelation is, that the President of Ukraine was focused on buying US LNG as Poland was in a sweetheart deal.
Zelensky talks about buying American oil and wanting to work with the U.S. on energy independence, but Perry and LNG are not discussed in the 5-page memo of the Trump-Zelensky call released by the White House.
The Lame Cherry is now going to take you by the hand and explain all of this, so you understand who was behind this Ukraine call and why the faggot, Rick Perry was pushing this call, as his people have been leveraging Donald Trump from the start of all of this.
This all has to do with Russian LNG flowing into Europe which is cheaper than American shipped gas. While American consumers were paying huge price spikes, LNG was flowing to Poland and Ukraine to buy their allegiance.
US to provide Poland, Ukraine with LNG as Zelensky slams Nord ...
The United States, Poland and Ukraine have signed a trilateral memorandum of understanding aimed at securing the energy supplies of Poland and Ukraine with liquified natural gas (LNG) from the US, the Ukrainian press has reported. According to a memorandum signed by US energy secretary Rick Perry ...
The seller to Poland and Ukraine is not Americans, but the British MI6, Queen of England, front company of Cetnrica, who globally has been changing everyone from Mozambique to the West Indies from oil to natural gas, and it is American Natural Gas they are selling.
Centrica Starts Buying Cheniere LNG - marinelink.com
British multinational energy and services company Centrica has loaded its first liquefied natural gas (LNG) cargo from the fifth LNG train at the Sabine Pass liquefaction plant in Louisiana under ...
Centrica, buys this gas from a company called Cheneire, registered in Joe Biden's Delaware, but is located in Houston Texas. Cheniere over a decade ago began pumping 18 billion dollars into facilities in Louisiana. This was during the Obama regime, when Obama was going green and charging Americans, but huge facilities were being built at Sabine Pass to convert American gas to liquid, and Obama's British were selling it to the world.
About Cheniere Partners | Cheniere Energy
Cheniere Energy Partners, L.P. (NYSE MKT: CQP) (Cheniere Partners) is a Delaware limited partnership formed by Cheniere Energy, Inc. Through wholly owned subsidiaries, it owns and operates the Sabine Pass LNG receiving terminal and the Creole Trail Pipeline located in western Cameron Parish, Louisiana on the Sabine-Neches Waterway.
Who are the top owners of Cheniere stocks?
Yes Carl Ichan, but it goes much deeper than that, but you now know why Ichan was in Trump's back pocket in supporting Donald Trump.
Carl C. Icahn, Individual | 21.98M | $1.50B | Mar 2019 |
Vanguard | 20.66M | $1.41B | Mar 2019 |
BlackRock | 15.67M | $1.07B | Jun 2019 |
Fmr | 14.59M | $998.62M | Jun 2019 |
Kensico Capital Management | 11.48M | $786.09M | Jun 2019 |
Baupost | 10.67M | $730.64M | Jun 2019 |
Tortoise Capital Advisors | 8.05M | $551.03M | Jun 2019 |
Goldman Sachs | 7.32M | $500.91M | Jun 2019 |
Cheniere is depleting United States reserves, which drives up prices for heating American homes at winter. Each shipment would heat 45,000 American homes. If this gas was in the United States, the price would drop for Americans to an affordable 60 cents a gallon, instead of the 1.25 in winter heating costs.
Every few days, a 900-foot long tanker sails from Cheniere Energy’s mammoth new Sabine Pass terminal on Louisiana’s Gulf Coast, loaded with natural gas for destinations around the world.Everything about the operation is oversized. The terminal straddles 1,000 acres on the Texas-Louisiana border and cost about $18 billion to build. Each shipment contains enough liquefied natural gas, or L.N.G., to heat 45,000 homes for a year.
But before you think you know everything about this rapine, you have not a clue in this, in who the fag Rick Perry was really answering to, in order to goad Donald Trump into making this phone call to Ukraine, which was about natural gas, and became about Joe Biden and Trump's impeachment.
The following is the history of Cheniere, and it begins in a sweetheart deal Cheniere received from green energy Barack Hussein Obama.
In 2008, at the beginning of the transfer of power from George W. Bush, to Barack Hussein Obama, which included 10 million Republican votes disappearing for John McCain and Sarah Palin, Cheriere was going bankrupt from importing LNG. That year, it began the transition to exporting American natural gas, but it did so in a sweetheart deal where only Cheniere received export permits, and in those permits, Cheniere was allowed to export to nations which did not have free trade agreements with the United States which are the lucrative contracts. Those nations were China, Japan, Korea and most of Europe.
Five years ago, Cheniere Energy Inc. was losing tens of millions of dollars a quarter and slashing its workforce in half, as crippling debt threatened to force it into bankruptcy. Today it’s the undisputed leader in the nation’s promising new energy sector: exporting liquefied natural gas, or LNG. That remarkable turnaround followed its industry-leading decision in 2010 to reverse course and export, rather than import, natural gas.
Cheniere’s success in executing that costly and risky switch is a direct result of its ability to obtain a unique regulatory status. Federal energy regulators have awarded the company a combination of federal permits — so far withheld from all 20 competitors seeking similar treatment
Cheniere's stocks before the sweetheart deal in August 2010 were trading at 2.41, but after the deal rose 380% to 11.56. And who were the investors who just happened to have purchased stocks?
- Spencer Abraham, a former secretary of the Department of Energy (2001-2005), who formed a consulting firm in late 2005 that landed Cheniere as its first major client. That prompted one television stock touter to rate Cheniere stock a “triple buy” as a “pure play on cronyism.”
- John Deutch, a former director of the CIA (1995-1996) and recent chairman of a DOE advisory committee on natural gas, who serves as a Cheniere director and holds company stock and options worth $1.7 million.
- Vicky Bailey, a former commissioner of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (1993-2000), a former senior deputy to Abraham at the DOE and current Cheniere director with stock and options worth $1.6 million.
- Neil Bush, the younger brother of former President George W. Bush, who served as co-chairman of a company that partnered with Cheniere in 2001 and collected at least $22 million in royalty payments over a decade.

You take it up the ass good Rick.
With the green Obama Department of Energy monopoly granted these insiders, who seem to be the #NeverTrumpers, including the son of George HW Bush and brother of George and Jeb Bush, Cheniere signed 20 year export contracts with a number of foreign governments.
With the DOE permit in hand, the company quickly signed 20-year LNG contracts with groups in the United Kingdom, Spain, India and Korea to export LNG from its Sabine Pass, La., terminal on the Texas border along the Gulf Coast.
This is a slap to all the voters of Barack Hussein Obama, as they thought Mr. Obama was Mr. Green, and in this, as Mr. Obama was feigning hatred for George W. Bush in blaming him for everything, here was Mr. Obama handing over insider trading profits worth billions to the Bush family interests, and the entire moneychanger structure of insiders who are the nation rapists of the United States.

Here are the keys George, just have her tank full when you park it.
You now know why George W. Bush and the shemale Michelle Obama are so froggy over each other. The lubrication of their relationship was a criminal insider trading deal, which their advocate, faggot, Rick Perry just ensnared Donald Trump in, in selling American natural gas to Ukraine.
These are the power institutions of the cartel. The infamous Black Rock has this in it's bio:
The U.S. government contracted with BlackRock to help clean up after the financial meltdown of 2008. According to Vanity Fair, the financial establishment in Washington and on Wall Street believed BlackRock was the best choice for the job.In 2009, BlackRock first became the No. 1 asset manager worldwide. In April 2009, BlackRock acquired R3 Capital Management, LLC and took control of the $1.5 billion fund. On 12 June 2009, Barclays sold its Global Investors unit (BGI), which included its exchange traded fund business, iShares, to BlackRock for US$13.5 billion. Through the deal, Barclays attained a near-20% stake in BlackRock.
In 2010, Ralph Schlosstein, the CEO of Evercore Partners and a BlackRock founder, called BlackRock "the most influential financial institution in the world."
After the instigated Obama Stock Crash of 2008 which installed Obama, George W. Bush turned financial monopoly control over to Black Rock. By 2010 under Birther Hussein Obama, Black Rock had become the most powerful financial institution in the world. And into this, these cartel moneychangers had their fag stooge of Rick Perry at DOE, instigate the call to Ukraine that Donald Trump made.
Congress is now targeting Rick Perry, as well as Mike Pompeo who was listening in on this conversation for testimony, but democrats are about to open the entire shit hole of politics, as this entire frame up.
And what did the founder of Black Rock have to say about the 2016 AD in the year of our Lord elections?

I heat my mansion with the little violins I play crying for Americans.
According to Schlosstein, a Bush campaign insider says that Jeb Bush has as much if not more in his war chest as all the other GOP candidates combined.
On the Democratic side, Schlosstein says it’s almost impossible not to see Hillary Clinton as the party’s presidential nominee. Whether or not Clinton has Schlosstein’s support is another question. When asked, Schlosstein points out he has supported Republicans on the city level: Former Mayor Michael Bloomberg each time he ran, and Rudy Giuliani in one mayoral election.“I have never found a Republican at the national level that I prefer to the Democratic candidate,” he says. “But it’s always possible.”
Schlosstein, does not like Republicans in the White House, but he does like liberal gun grabbers like Michael Bloomberg, but will slum with some Republicans for influence in local elections.
There is a revolving door of influence in federal power jobs, from industry, finance and oil, into intelligence, treasury, energy, health, agriculture etc... It is not a stretch that two democrat Whistleblowers, found willing Inspector Generals to help with democrats and republicans in Congress to frame Donald Trump for impeachment as the deep state went into coup mode again. It is follow the money and influence.

It's really Schiff's fault as he has three assholes.
Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff are the two biggest morons on the planet. This political dodge to get Trump softened up for Hillary Clinton in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, tags this to Rick Perry, who tags to Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State and Barack Obama at the White House in crooked energy deals, which go directly to the Bush family, as Joe Biden's boy was in Ukraine getting paid off in dirty energy deals.
All of this started when Vice President Mike Pence was removed from a Ukrainian trip, and Rick Perry took his place, promoting American gas exports to Ukraine.
Mike Pompeo played his coup against Mike Pence too soon, but Pompeo was running an operation for the same cartel members that Perry was bending at the hips for.
This once again, is the Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives, breaking a story which no one has any idea of in what is really behind the Trump Impeachment.
The President had better have a horse in this race to carry him, as what Donald Trump has touched on in Rick Perry, is what will lead to the Missing Link that Robert Mueller was protecting.

Maybe it is in the fine print....
Donate you rich people and donate big!!!!!!!
Nuff Said