I know how you feel Donald...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is a most puzzling time we are held captive in, as the #NeverTrumpers in America are doing the devil's bidding to rip the United States to shreds for the enemies of America in the fake impeachment of President Donald Trump, and the man in Rome, Pater Pope Francis, who detests all things Donald Trump and America, just moved to impeach Jesus from the Catholic religion.
Yes the Pater Pope, that old false prophet, just told his atheist friend that Jesus is not the Son of God.
In the latest edition of La Repubblica, Pope Francis' longtime atheist friend and interviewer, Eugenio Scalfari, claims that the Pope told him that once Jesus Christ became incarnate, he was a man, a "man of exceptional virtues" but "not at all a God."
That revelation entirely obliterates Christianity, as without Christ, there is not a Faith that anyone is accepted back by God the Father, as Jesus being the Son of God, was the only acceptable offering on the Cross to die for all of our sins.
The Pater Pope literally said, "Jesus was a good lamb chop for the slaughter, but he didn't have much of an aftertaste."
When the Pater Pope was challenged on this, as was the Vatican, they did not deny the Pater Pope denied Christ and just impeached Christ from the religion. Instead, they replied that the atheist "heard" something, not that the false prophet said something.
Of course Catholics of the orthodox branch, who have been in a fury over this Pater Pope's other revelations of blasphemy, seized upon this rightfully and were in an uproar.
Church Militant's Michael Voris commented, "That is the relevant part of the statement, and it, in itself, is now creating its own firestorm because it does not actually deny Scalfari's characterization, merely hinting at the possibility."
"Likewise, it does not affirm in any fashion that Pope Francis does indeed hold the divinity of Christ during Our Savior's earthly ministry," said Voris.h/t Rorate Caeli
Nuff Said