As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the study of the death of Harry Dunn, the British parents of this donorcycle, have revealed themselves as some of the most heinous of people on the planet. They believe and have professed, that because they have a dead son, they can then psychological rape and emotionally torture the innocent driver, who had no intention of harming anyone.
That is the revelation in the Dunn's, in absolute power corrupts absolutely, and when the Dunn's discovered they were given sympathy, they concluded it gave them carte blanche to reveal what anti sociological creatures they were.
When Anne Scoolase the innocent woman in this apologized. They refused it. They refused to meet with her, even with Donald Trump as the arbitrator. Instead they wanted to meet the most powerful man in the world, and force him to hand over an innocent woman to the likes of a police state which has slowly been murdering Julian Assange for years.
Think about the forensic psychological profile in the Dunns. Some will make excuses for them, but where in the law does it state that British or America Law and Protections are set aside, just because your child dies in an accident?
Where in the Law, does it state that an innocent woman, will be deprived of her rights, placed in metal restraints, removed from her home, shipped to a foriegn nation, where she will be subjected to a mob of British attorneys, British counsellors, British mediators, along with the British parents, ALL BEFORE she has a barrister or a Judge hears the case in a court of law?
That is what the Dunns were demanding. It was only after emotionally assaulting this innocent woman, for only the Dunns know how long this kind of abuse would feed their dark souls, then they would consider the apology, and after the conviction..............remember that in they have already judged this innocent woman a criminal, outside of British Courts and Juries, nullifying the golden thread of all are innocent until proven guilty, then the Dunns after torturing this innocent woman, smearing her in the press, dragging her to a kangaroo court on television, then the Dunn's would appeal to My Lord, for a sentence where this lynched woman would not serve time.
The Dunn's are pathological. These are not grieving parents. These are parents looking to inflict horrors on an American woman as they have deliberately engaged in murdering her reputation to flush her out of her rights, so they can torture her.
The people of this planet are unfortunately hostage to the victims of the world, but not all victims, only the chosen victims. The Dunns have joined a class of American Blacks who were slaves, Jews who were in the holocaust, and this duo, who can say anything, demand anything, destroy other people's rights, because there is always money involved.
Ask the questions of why should a Black American receive reparations for being too maleable to pick up a stick and defend themselves from Obama Luo slave traders?
What about the Jews who were quite powerful in extorting money from Europeans when the law protected them, but when the moneychangers no longer ruled the police state, the Jews lined up for the cattle cars in mass. How is that termed a Catholic word of holocaust, when the criminal leftists who had been calling for German holocaust, walked to the work camps, after being sold to the Nazi's by their Jewish elders?
Ask the question of Harry Dunn, how anyone could raise a kid to 19 years old, who was so stupid that he did not konw enough to get out of the way of a car. What did his parents teach him, that it was all Disney and he could say POOF and the car would vanish?

Just looking at Harry Dunn, with his stupid name, you can see this person should have had to have had a permit to walk, as how he ever mastered a motorcycle makes on wonder how many times he pissed in the petrol tank thinking it was a latrine.
Anne Scoolas had no intention of harming Harry Dunn. Harry Dunn's parents have every intention of harming this innocent American woman. No one is rising to the defense of Anne Scoola, save this blog, and no one save this blog is challenging the Law of Dunn, which lynches and frames people, the way Donald Trump was lynched and framed by the deep state.
If I was President of the United States, I would inform Boris Johnson, that the United States had just seized all British assets, and if these reprehensible Dunn's were not indicted as international terrorists and tried according to Dunn Law, in their conviction according to Nuremberg Courts, that the United States, would declare war on England, liberate the Irish, Welsh and Scots, and when it was over repeople it with a manly race from the Saxons of central Europe.
It would be clear choice for the English. Do the English want to rape, torture and destroy an innocent American woman for which America will fight to stop, or do the English will to do the right thing in charging the Dunns with crimes against humanity?
Most simple choice really, in are the Dunn's worth all of England in their absolute victim status, as an American, I firmly believe the entire American nuclear arsenal expended in the defense of one American woman is a price America should pay for each American.
The English have the misconception that they can tamper in American 2016 elections and get away with it. The English think they can come to America and threaten an innocent American woman. The English are a people in dire need of an education, where America is not dying for them, but America is most willing again to rekindle 1776 and 1812 for a final solution.
The Dunn's are the scion of the worst of the English. The mass murderers who gave small pox blankets to wogs. The mass murderers who addicted the Asians to opium. The mass murderers who called for the genocide of Americans and infected George Washington with anthrax. The same mass murderers behind the murder of Abraham Lincoln.
The Dunn's have started something and the coastal press has promoted the assault of Ann Scoolas. The English for all their flat brain, twit mind assaults upon the United States, should be aware, that there are Americans who wnat to finish this the American way in defense of an American woman.
Declare War Mr. President, or did you enjoy having Theresa May piss on you in 2016 with the full intent of your children being thrown into prison to be ass whores?
The English came to the United States again, and it is time that the Americans follow that race home, and finish this fight the Constitutional way.
Given the reality of the pansy English, by the time London was flat, the English would be the ones offering to deal with the Dunns to save themselves.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said