As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry in matter anti matter exclusives will provide you the links, in what this publication has been exposing from the start of the frame up of Donald Trump, in there have been leftist factions inside the United States at odds with each other, over the control of the American power structure, since the advent of Birther Hussein Obama, a foreigner installed into the White House after the super market crash of 2008 AD in the year our Lord, unleashed to put Obama into power.
Where this all began is unknown beyond that point, but there was an operation to take back control of "America" and the operational focus was the leaking of information to Wikileaks in Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Chuck Manning, and the covered up account of the murder of Seth Rich.
It is Seth Rich which ripped the epidermis off the body of this operation, because it reveals the link to the links of the conspirators and their reason for this counter intelligence operation.
It was the Washington Post, a CIA Mockingbird platform which first leaked from CIA sources that Russian hackers were behind the DNC hack as World Net Daily reported in context on June 14th. By the 27th of June, Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch had a secluded tarmac meeting in Arizona over Hillary Clinton's problems and a quid pro quo being worked out.
Immediately, the Ukrainian internet security company which Hillary Clinton was utilizing, pointed the finger at Russia for the "hack". The problem was that there was not a hack and this was a cover story, which CrowdStrike backed down from. The "hack" was instead Seth Rich copying DNC records, resigning from the DNC in disgust over discovering Bernie Sanders was a stooge for Hillary Clinton to throw the election, and Rich was moving to New York for a new job.
It is CrowdStrike, operated by Russian born Dmitri Alperovitch, which set all of this in motion. There is a key link in all of the principles in this, and that is the connection to the Atlantic Council.

The Atlantic Council has, since its inception, stated it is a nonpartisan institution, with members "from the moderate internationalist wings of both parties" in the United States. Despite its connections, the Council is by charter independent of the U.S. government and NATO, a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
In September 2014, Eric Lipton reported in The New York Times that since 2008, the US organization had received donations from more than twenty-five foreign governments. Lipton reports that a major donor Bahaa Hariri complained to the Council about the founding head of the Rafik Hariri Center for the Middle East calling the overthrow of Mohammed Morsi in Egypt a military coup. Four months later, the founding head resigned from her position.
The Atlantic Council produced a report promoting the TTIP in 2014 with the financial backing of FedEx, who were simultaneously lobbying Congress directly to decrease transatlantic tariffs.
In 2015 and 2016, the three largest donors, giving over $1 million USD each, were US millionaire Adrienne Arsht (executive vice chair), Lebanese billionaire Bahaa Hariri (estranged brother of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri), and the United Arab Emirates. The full list of financial sponsors includes many military, financial, and corporate concerns.
The leading donors in 2018 were Facebook and the British government

If you missed the above, I will repeat it, The leading donors in 2018 were Facebook and the British government, which is Facebook was Barack Hussein Obama's NSA funded internet platform to spy on and brainwash the masses, and affect elections, as the British regime, as was first reported on the Lame Cherry, was via Theresa May as head of MI6 and rewarded with the Prime Minister Post, were the source to legitimize the Hillary Clinton Pissgate Dossier through Christopher Steele, fed to John Podesta and John McCain, which ended up on the desks of the FBI James Comey and CIA's John Brennan.
In short, the Atlantic Council is the policy arm of the Nazi conglomerates to promote their business in trade as in FedEx, Marxist overthrow in Egypt by Obama terrorists raping Laura Logan to silence her, to the narcotics trade in Lebanon, to NATO funding in the military industrial complex receiving greater billion dollar contracts due to increased tensions with Russia.
Are you comprehending what took place in this spider's web for the cartel control of nations and the policies for the genocide of White Protestants in Europe and America?

June 14, 2016
The Washington Post reported it was "Russian government hackers" who obtained the DNC communications, but West simply asked the obvious question, "On what did the paper base this claim?"
She noted the security expert sources were from CrowdStrike, a private firm working for the DNC, which, she pointed out, had been founded by the Moscow-born Dmitri Alperovitch, a nonresident senior fellow at the globalist Atlantic Council, which has ties to Hillary Clinton.
Damon Wilson is an American foreign policy advisor and the current executive vice president at the Atlantic Council, a foreign and public policy think tank based in Washington, D.C. Wilson also currently serves as a senior advisor on the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council and as an International Advisory Board member at the Slovak Atlantic Commission.
Prior to joining the Atlantic Council, Wilson served as Senior Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council during President George W. Bush's second term.

As the Lame Cherry has informed all of you, there are constants in this:
Constant 1: A group was attempting to seize back control of America as Obama had supplanted that control, and it all began with Bill and Hillary Clinton selling uranium in the Stan to China.
Constant 2: A group inside the United States was operating as a mole group for Russia, and it was not Donald Trump.
Constant 3: Robert Mueller, the protector of America, was never looking for Donald Trump, but was working to protect the identity of the Missing Link, who initiated the operation to flush out key elements of the coup which installed Obama.
In every link to the original coup, the Atlantic Council was the platform which was setting up Donald John Trump and his staff.
The mysterious Maltese Professor, Joseph Mifsud, was linked to this, along with the Council on Foreign Relations.
Maltese Professor Who Lured Papadopoulos Tied To Soros' Open ...
The event also featured multiple speakers from the Atlantic Council, including Nonresident Senior Fellow Elisabeth Kendall and Ashton B. Carter, who is listed as an Honorary Director at the Atlantic Council. On the 26th and 27th of June 2017 Mifsud attended the 10th annual council meeting of the European Council on Foreign Relations.
Mifsud was the link to the Italian Intelligence, which links to Mosaad which shadowed this entire operation, and the intelligence staging area of LINK Campus, which is linked to the Atlantic Council.
Mifsud is a British agent, and in this menagerie the Atlantic Council appears, and is the body which Attorney General William Barr, with his investigator John Durham is hunting.
Barr Went to Rome to Hear a Secret Tape from Joseph Mifsud ...
It's going to be hard to trust this guy. On May 7th through May 9th, 2017, Joseph Mifsud was a participant in a panel discussion as part of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation-sponsored "G7 International Forum" at the LINK Campus in Rome joining Andrea Montanino, a Chief Economist at the Atlantic Council.
George Papadopoulos who was one of the primaries who were framed by this coup, lists the Atlantic Council donors, and in all of this NGO, the names of the principles from John Kerry's State Department, George Soros' Open Society Foundation which unleashed the terrorism in America, Perkins Coie who was Hillary Clinton's intelligence legal operation providing cover funding for the Pissgate Dossier, and the British Foreign Office AKA MI6, were all criminal elements engaged in treason, treachery and acts of war against the United States.
George Papadopoulos on Twitter: "To makes things clear: The ...
Here are some 2016 donors to the Atlantic Council that is interesting. Pinchuk Foundation ( a huge Clinton donor), US State Dept, our Armed Forces, the European Union, Open Society Foundation, Perkins Coie, Foreign & Commonwealth Office of the United Kingdom, & Google.
None of you are being told what this is all about, including the current impeachment of Donald Trump, which is originating from the same interior group of CIA, CIA assets of Adam Schiff, Mockingbird media leaking the same propaganda to frame Donald Trump, to overthrow the 2020 AD in the year of our Lord elections as was the operation in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.
There have been people put into prison, people who have had Homeland sent to interview them, people who have been murdered, in this coup against the United States elections, and the operational platform where this all originated.
You may not be aware of the first coup which took place though against a Republican in the Obama regime.
Israel - Atlantic Council
As a strong ally in the Middle East, Israel's domestic politics and geopolitical role are of primary concern for the United States. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has confounded one administration after the other, with various attempts at brokering a peace process falling short of success.
Atlantic Council Think Tank, Jewish & Israel News ...
Posts Tagged: Atlantic Council think tank. January 8, 2013 2:49 pm . 0. Knesset Speaker Says Israel 'Worried' About Hagel Nomination. Following the swift reaction of U.S.-based Jewish groups ...
Chuck Hagel, who Obama chose as Secretary of Defense, was destroyed over his publishing an article about Israeli Apartheid.
Under pressure, Hagel steps as Pentagon chief
WASHINGTON (AP) — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel announced Monday he is stepping down, leaving under pressure following a rocky tenure in which he has struggled to break through the White...
This is all quite simple, but this is a factional fight of the powerful, and it has spilled out into the public, under the guise of diversions which none of this is about.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said