Thursday, October 10, 2019

Trump and a Kurd caught Crosswise

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is time to examine the facts of Donald Trump.

Donald Trump just handed northern Syria, where the Americans are, to Turkey of the Edomites.

'Recipe for disaster': No plan to control ISIS prisoners as Turkey invades Syria   washexam

Fact, Uncle Gordy of the Rense program, stated that ISIS never existed, as it was birthed by Barack Obama in Iraq. ISIS was the Kurds, who had pirated Syrian and Iraqi oil, in massive oil shipments by imported trucks, into Turkey, where the oil and profits were laundered into Turkey, and to a billion dollars into ISIS accounts, for redistribution to their benefactors.

Manchester Bomber May Have Been Groomed By UK Intelligence
After Obama left the building, Donald Trump seized control of northern Syrian oil from "ISIS". That oil was being pumped by American oil companies. That oil was being stolen from Syrians. That oil was being laundered into pipelines entering Syria. That oil ended up in Haifa of the Jews, and began flowing to Europe.

A most interesting paradigm now exists in Trumpland.

Syrian oil is still flowing by American pumps, into Jewish pipelines. Turkey detests Jews and Americans. The Kurds were supposed to be American allies.

Meanwhile back at the golf coarse.

That clue of the Kurds have been compensated is interesting. As interesting as Donald Trump's said reasoning that the Kurds are deadbeats, and now Obama's ISIS creators in Turkey, are going to be the oil brokers in Syria.

Turkey has been handed the keys to the Syrian oil pumps, and Donald Trump has threatened them with financial ruin, if Turkey screws the American oil barons out of their oil.


I repeat OIL.

Oil  is the lube in this. Kurds were cut out of this deal for being expendable managers of American profits for the American oligarchs. Americans get the cash. Jews their cut. European the oil.

Syrians are cut out. Russia is not in control.

Iran is odd Muslim out.

This area of the Kurds, is Iran's Achilles Heel. Iran must in order to keep the Kurds at bay, were making deals with Iraqi Kurds and with Syrian Kurds, including Turkish Kruds who all want their own Muslim nation.
The key to the northern Mideast is the Kurds. Kurds are the land bridge from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Iranian Empire needs that land bridge to it's terror proxies of Hezbollah in Lebanon. This land bridge is the Muslim Opium Gold Trail.

Donald Trump has been exploiting through Mike Pompeo, the same Obama policies of Shia Sunni Islamic warfare. The Mideast is...........

As this poor orphan girl has explained time and again, Islam is a microcosm of macrocosm. Barack Obama blew up what Bush fam refined in Jimmy Carter's version of Zbigniew Brzezinski's Militant Islam, for a war against the Soviet Union, which Americans keep getting mass murdered in.
In the east is the nuclear Shia power of Iran. In the south is the nuclear Sunni power of Saudi Arabia. In the west south is Egypt, a military secular Islamic power. In the north west is Turkey another military secular Islamic power.

Donald Trump in firing John Bolton the conservative, lost in the Mike Pompeo Iranian policy, as Iran invited in Russia to Iran. Checkmate. The Iranian Shia and Saudi Sunni paradigm brought about a spike in oil prices when Saudi oil facilities were attacked.
The Saudi's have money. Donald Trump stated that he would wait on what his Saudi overlords of cash and oil, flowing in control of American portfolios would direct to initiate on Iran.

The Jews have nuclear weapons, but no fortitude to use them. The Jews are disliked by Turkey and Iran. As Donald Trump has not been bombing Iran, which is ridiculous and would get the principles in Tel Aviv and Mecca nuked, what is Donald Trump's response?

Mr. President cuts the land bridge Iran possessed through the Kurds.

The Trump policy written in Mecca is the Kurds ownership has been handed to Turkey, to pit nuclear Turkey against nuclear Iran, the two caliphates pitted against each other in the ancient Ottoman and Persian Empire frictions.

Get the Turks and Iranians to kill each other, while the House of Saud, Tel Aviv Mosaad and their nuclear pimp in Washington DC, backs away for the conflict to erupt........and it is dumped into the lap of the willing Europeans, led by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

So while each of you have had your heads up your asses in not have a clue of the answers as to why Lindsey Graham just debuted as Donald Trump's bitch, you have been walked through an intelligence briefing, so even your rectums can reach conclusions by the evidence, as to what is the policy the United States has had created for her.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter. Do not allow your kurd to get caught crosswise in your anus thoughts.

Nuff Said
