As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As Donald Trump plunges the American people into another presidential election amidst division, the history of America is being played out in 2019 in the year 1863. This was the year of Abraham Lincoln mounting a second run as President in the midst of civil unrest and was the year that he like Donald Trump will not run as a Republican.
This may puzzle you, but that is what this blog is for, to educate and enlighten you, for you are in ignorance and darkness, and have no reasoning.
It was in 1862 AD in the year of our Lord in the midterm elections that a democratic family rose in the Blair's of Maryland and Missouri to meld together a fusion of democrat unionists at cost and republican unionists at any cost, which led to the disaster of 1862 in the GOP being routed on Lincoln's abysmal Civil War defeats.
By 1863 AD, the Army of the Republic had bludgeoned the Confederates to wresting the Mississippi from their control. General Grant was was producing victory, but the South was still in control of Chatanooga with the Army of Northern Virginia on Lincoln's doorstep.
It was in this center that Lincoln saw his 1864 victory, as the elections of 1863 in Pennsylvania and Ohio, gained this National Union Party it's first victories, which would only last until the death of Lincoln.
This is why Andrew Johnson was on the NUP ticket. He was a War Democrat. History has lied to you that only Republicans led America after the war. The fact is that Abraham Lincoln was not a Republican in 1864 and the President impeached was democrat Andrew Johnson.
The Republicans a majority party were in a few short months under Abraham Lincoln forced to become a third rate party of not any political power. The Republicans were not having any of this Lincoln founded democrat party, and broke to nominate the standard bearer of the Republicans, in the heroic John C. Fremont.
A number of Radical Republicans formed a party called the Radical Democracy Party and a few hundred delegates met in Cleveland starting on May 31, 1864, eventually nominating John C. Frémont, who had also been the Republicans' first presidential standard-bearer during the 1856 presidential election.
I should write all of this in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, where it would amaze and be the popular posts, but I reside in the future and write where the Lame Cherry is called by God. You will forget all of this as that is what you are, but this is where we are going, exactly as Webster Griffin Tarpley revealed was the elite's direction for America, that Americans would only be offered democrat socialists or communists to vote for from this point on, and the GOP would be a Green party of no standing as in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord.
Donald Trump is creating a party of cult, just as Bernie Sanders did, and as democrats are attempting to mould the anti Hillary party into something a cripple like Joe Biden can limp into 2020 on or be handed like a grande dildo to Elizabeth Warren the anti Hillary choice to fondle liberals with to defeat.
The Reagan Republicans can either accept their being hostages to Trump appointing the sodomite Gorsuch, the abortionist Kavanaugh to assist the Chief Justice in Obamerica, as the President has legalized open borders in Visa Vermin, has transferred more bribes to Wall Street and the Pentagon to retain those factions, and is opening your medical files to see if you can purchase a firearm.
The Trump ralliers have chosen to believe the fiction as they desperately need something to believe in and follow.
All of us are entering the past in 1864 for we are in 1863. What will come is the vision and more than 1776, more than 1861, and be the fulfillment of the gathering which you will witness in 2020 hindsight. The National Union Trump.
There is not a John Sherman to lead the way back though, as the GOP has only the purchased leadership which predestined what will come.
You are living in your past, 1863, you are moving to your future.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said