As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If you are a poor orphan girl like me, and tighter than a fiddle string, as you do not know where your next dollar is going to come from, it is often a guilty feeling to not being able to make cash offerings to God. God does not focus a great deal on the following, because I firmly believe He knows rich people, always claim to not have any money so they can horde it, and if they ever heard one verse that thanksgiving to God was an acceptable offering, that purse string would be tighter than a puckered bunghole.
I bet you never hear that from your 50,000 dollar a year preacher in the pulpit now did you.
Psalm 107:22
Let them offer sacrifices of thanksgiving and declare His works with rejoicing.
Psalm 116:17
I will offer to You a sacrifice of thanksgiving and call on the name of the LORD.
For the poor, Jesus does not expect the last Widow's mite. He also expects everyone to be a cheerful giver. For some of the donors who have bitched at me, there was nothing cheerful in them, and they hated doing it, and if words could kill, they would have filleted off my hide.
God expects lots of things in the relationship you have with Him. You are to listen and obey Him. You are to keep His Commands. You are to honor Jesus as the Son of God, to glorify the Father Who sent Him. You are to care about others in active actions. You are to pray always to be in constant contact with God, and you are to study the Bible and ponder what the Holy Ghost is teaching you.
The rich have a big burden, like attractive people, like people with power, like people with talents, because they think those things make them better than others or more Jew loved by God. It is not the case as with more gifts, more is required, and if you ever noticed, the smartest, most attractive, richest and most powerful are the most miserable, and are the ones building a super highway to hell.
I would that instead of your counting your blessings or the things you have to be grateful, that you would instead thank God for the specific things you have. I fall asleep praying often, and after your main prayers, not that thanking God is not a priority, but a good sleeping mindset would be in contentment of the good things God has given you, that you delight in.
God has all the gold and power. A poor person is not going to add to it, and a rich person's gods of power and portfolios are nothing that impresses God. God desires you to be of a thought process that you know where everything comes from, in it is Him, and in that, you look to Him for all things, and you train yourself or discipline yourself to thank Him.
I thank God for the donors here and ask God to bless them.
That though was my Bible verse from the Holy Ghost about a week ago, in schooling me on thanksgiving as an acceptable offering for all. The rich though will use it to cheat God, until the Lord collects and sends them to hell. The poor may also try cheating God, but God already knows the angle, so stop being resentful and confess to God that you appreciated what He has given. Start with Jesus as nothing is more important.
God bless the cheerful giver and may the Word of God dwell in you richly, in Jesus Name Amen and Amen and Amen
Nuff Said