Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Donald Trusts

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For the ignorant who think the replacement of Donald Trump on the presidential ticket of 2020 is something new. The reality is that in 1864, there was a mirror campaign to get remove President Abraham Lincoln from the ticket. In those years, it was seen fitting for a President to only serve one term, and that is the clamour which began, as Lincoln had bungled the war, not freed slaves quick enough for radicals, his regime was corrupt, his advisers inept, and old Abe was spinning yarns, instead of being President.

The intrigue began in the early part of 1864 AD in the year of our Lord, where a modern whispering campaign began of "dozens of Senators had joined to remove Lincoln from the Union Party".

Under the leadership of Senator John Sherman, a paper was produced, to 100,000 copies which was entitled Our Next Presidential Election. The contents were in brief, that Lincoln was unfit to be President.

As this circulated in the public, and Senator Sherman denied knowing what was in it, and was not a part of it. a more sinister paper appeared, which would become known as the Pomerory Circular, which was more detailed. It contained that Lincoln was inept, but it named who should replace Lincoln, and that was Secretary of the Treausry, Chase, who of course wanted to be President as Mike Pompeo does in placing his name before the public in being quoted.

All hell broke loose with the Senator Pomeroy Paper as a backlash began, in it having gone too far. Chase who was always timid in seizing what he wanted, but bold in private, was busy apologizing to Lincoln and once again offering his resignation. Lincoln let it play out, and soon one of Lincoln's favorites stories about a gun which was supposed to recoil more out the front than back, started manifesting in this intrigue, for the political shot at Lincoln out the firont, began flattening those behind the intrigue to replace him.

The radicals were not moved, but the names at the front in Chase and Sherman were not Cassius enough to move in for the coup de Lincolne, The main resistance against Abraham Lincoln had been eroded, and it would continue to erode to the Convention in Baltimore.

For Mr. Trump, he unfortunately is not running against a General McClellan of character, The intrigue arrayed against him is notorious from Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in Coup part 2 of impeachment as the #NeverTrumpers of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, are still Mitt Romney, exposed and naked, but pretending they are what America desires.

Donald Trump, rusts not in the Lord, but in the powers which kept Hillary Clinton from stealing the election of 2016 AD in the year of our Lord. He has not any political backing, which Lincoln did muster in bribes. He has a like issue of a GOP which has been betrayed by him, as Lincoln sought a new Union coalition to elect him, by the military involved in the election. Donald Trump though has no uniting factor, all he has is the cartel disuniting the democratic party, to have the Nazi wing vote for Donald Trump.
Trump simply does not have a political force as the democrat Blair family, with the firebrand Montgomery Blair to rise to his defense, or a Jim Lane of Kansas to turn the radicals into supporters for Trump. Donald trusts in e vote fraud again, just as the fraud turned at Indiana to oust Ted Cruz and make Donald Trump the nominee in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.
I believe Trump has put himself on a leash, ended MAGA and leads National Socialism as he will be protected against the criminal threats by doing so, by those in power. The heat was turned up on Ukraine to keep him on the leash, and in that, the fate of America is sealed as it does not make one bit of difference if Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Elizabeth Warren or Hamrod Clinton replaces Trump as the same policies will be enacted and passed.
You just wait for the "reforms" of Senator Gay Ear Graham to appear in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord to surprise you, as things "will have to be done".

So Donald Trump has his yapping dogs as a diversion.

But those who choose to rig elections for their control of America, have the final vote. Donald Trump's main purpose is to keep the right wing subdued, as foreigners now legalized pour in, to forever vanquish the American Protestant, for a Hindu, Jesuit, Islam leftism, being settled into every Reagan Blue State in America, to the last communities.

America is being changed by New York and European financial interests again in 2020 as it was shattered in 1864 elections. Nothing could be done about it then, and nothing can be done about it now. Only this blog though is the voice teaching you what is come and providing you the evidence that nothing is new under the sun.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
