Saturday, November 9, 2019

It is time to Ex Communicate Pater Francis

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Catholic religion is in the biggest schism of the modern era, all due to the heresy of the Latin Pater Pope, named Francis, whose friendship with an atheistic journalist has become the problem, of the revelations published that this Pater Francis is not faithful to Catholicism nor to Christ.

Catholics have an immense problem in this, as Popery does not allow for anyone to remove a Pope. Granted, there was a Pope in the last century who got the idea of selling all the Vatican had and giving it to the poor, and ended up dead in his chamber within days, but save that kind of removal, Catholics are being led by a heretic.

This Pater has from the start, been uttering abominations, contrary to the Bible. Francis embraces sodomy. He has lingering speech reversals by David John Oates which speak of pedophilia. The Pater's newest screed is Jesus did not rise bodily from the dead,
Jesus, Himself, stated that He would rise His Body up in 3 days, for the bringing of a body to life, is the Promise of Resurrection to the Faithful. Without the body is just the geist, and spirits are not raised from the dead. The body is what is raised, as the spirit does not die.

Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, as Jesus did others. The Pater is stating in his theology that Jesus could not raise Himself from the dead, while He raised others.
As St. Paul teaches, Jesus was the First Fruits, or the Holy Day of the First Fruit, without Him, all are dead in the grave.

In his new book and in the periodical he founded, La Repubblica, Eugenio Scalfari, a long-time friend of Pope Francis and frequent papal interviewer, claims that the Pope told him that Jesus Christ did not rise bodily from the dead but "in the semblance of a spirit."

The Pater has a limited understanding of Christ, one dimensional. Francis apparently can not conceived that Jesus is both God and man, all at the same time. For Francis, he has Jesus only as a man for 33 years, and once dead, he is then apparently transformed to God, and what makes this real for Francis is Jesus disappeared.

In the Nov. 5 edition of La Repubblica and in the introduction to his new book, Scalfari states that Pope Francis said, “He [Jesus] was a man until he was placed in the tomb by the women who recomposed his body. That night, in the tomb, the man [Jesus] disappeared and came forth from the grotto in the semblance of a spirit that met the women and the Apostles while still preserving the shadow of the person, and then he definitely disappeared.”

In Scripture we find the Ethiopian being taught by the Apostles, and they were caught up in Spirit and disappeared, so there are examples in the Bible of Spirit enhanced bodies performing a number of above Newton's Law mysteries, which are called miracles. Jesus walking on water is one such example. David leaping over a wall is another, Samson bringing down an entire mansion is another.

In October, Scalfari stated in La Repubblica that Pope Francis had told him that Jesus incarnate was just a man while on Earth, not both Man and God as the Catholic Church teaches, as well as most Protestant churches. 

The Nicene Creed is a profession established for the Christian Faith, both Catholic and Protestant. Both Nicaea and Constantinople, professed the same foundation of Christian Faith in Christ, in His unique Person.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, begotten of the Father [the only-begotten; that is, of the essence of the Father, God of God,] Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father; And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds (æons), Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father;
By whom all things were made [both in heaven and on earth]; by whom all things were made;
Who for us men, and for our salvation, came down and was incarnate and was made man; who for us men, and for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin Mary, and was made man;
He suffered, and the third day he rose again, ascended into heaven; he was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and the third day he rose again, according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of the Father;
From thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. from thence he shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead. ;

whose kingdom shall have no end.

Very God of Very God, is Jesus, when He was the Word of God, or Though of God. The Father's Thoughts are living, and this is the Person of Christ. They can not be seperated, no more than their Presence in our lives can be separated from them in the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God.

This Pater Francis suffers from a demonic schism in lack of Faith and instead trusts in his worldly intellect which is foolishness to God.

Pater Francis was in the Catholic oracles stated to be the final Pope. He certainly is person of the darkness and fits the False Prophet of Rome, in the return of Simon the Sorcerer. of the book of The Acts.

If Catholics follow this false prophet, their end is rejection of Christ, for the Pater rejects the omnipotence of Christ in limiting Him and the Father, for Who They are.

As one examines the apostasy of Catholicism, the schism is real. Francis loathes Americans and worships socialism and communism. In Europe, the Pater has helped place into power nation rapists like Angela Merkel. There is open warfare in Europe, in Steve Bannon with conservative Jesuits have been in a political war with the Francis apostates in parliament.

Francis though lingers too long on thoughts of How many angles can dance upon the head of a pin. His self indulgence has driven him quite mad. He confesses not on the booth, but to his Father Confessor an atheist, who delights in publishing the Pater's ramblings as Pope Francis is the equal to Barack Hussein Obama, in both desired to tear down a nation or a religion and rebuild it in their own image.

I recall in the oracles of Europe, that in the near future, there are to be two Popes. This would indicate that what Francis is manifesting is not finished yet, and only begun. His apostasy is about to split the Catholic religion, just as Webster Griffin Tarpley stated the democratic party in America would be split into a Nazi and Marxist wings, and they would be the choices for Americans to rule over them.

To end this apostasy of Francis, the Cardinals must move on this, and vote to Ex Communicate Francis. As there is not any precedent in this, it should fall to the office holders who voted for Francis in one or as many will join, to issue the warning to Pater Francis.

In the hierarchy, any Bishop is authorized to issue Order #1318. If the Cardinals do not move, then it is the responsibility of the Bishops to warn the Pater, that he is in danger of being removed if he does not repent.
If the Pater Francis does not confess his sins and repent, then the Bishop should ex communicate him, and all who rally around the apostate, the unrepentant sinner.

This is the stuff of Martin Luther, and it will require a man or men of this Christian fortitude to deal with Pater Francis who is espousing rebellion against Christ, the Apostles and Prophet's teachings as Inspired by the Holy Ghost. In that Pater Francis is challenging the Holy Ghost, for which that sin there is not any forgiveness.

This once again, is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The first ex communicate of the Church was Simon Magus, the namesake of the Pater Pope. It is reached the time to remove this Pater Francis for his Crimes against Christ and Christians.

Nuff Said
