As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
If I could explain, it takes awhile on the slow internet I am stuck with, as I do not have access to high speed internet, in order to respond to people. There are other issues in weather and orphan things. To load email takes minutes, and to load Paypal, took reloads of the site as my internet is slow.
dear lc
not looking for a pat on the head or a gold starjust a confirmationtried to donate on thanksgiving by cc
instead of getting a confirmation i got a sign up to paypal notice screencc has no record of it going through
are you having problems with donations going through?
thank you and God blessyour work is truly wonderful. the only bright spot in a darkening worldmb
To answer Bob, no I am not having Paypal issues. Every time I check, it is working. Beth, Terry, Lee just donated, so it is working, as are others previously who have set up recurring, and have not said anything to me, so I do not mention them here, as some people do not want a nagging woman talking about them here.
The Bob donation though did not go through.
Paypal is updating as many sites are, but with highspeed internet, there should not be a problem. I do not know the browsers issues, and someone wrote on that, but I have not had resources to read that mail in how to rectify things with that.
I am back at it in have to keep as focused as I can with everything going on.
For those who care, the above chess was my diversion to think while doing things. By God's Grace I play at Bill Gates Chess in Level 8, and I made it go nuts suicidal just now. I dislike the game as I like to play fast, but I dislike other games now, as this one does challenge me.
There are secrets to killing the Microshah. Maybe I will write that up tonight as it took me a bit to find the human flaws in the game.
God bless