Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Emotard

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

After reading this headlein from the Epoch Times that the President and Don jr. are the number one and two death threat targets, there honestly needs to be for the health of world sociological society a penalty phase for those in politics, media and social media, who elevate people of no consequence to the position in people's lives, that the emotionally distraught think that their lives hang on some US President, which is absolutely not the case.

Secret Service Says Trump, Son Are No. 1 and No. 2 Targets for Death Threats: Trump Jr.   theepochtimes

All of us have politicians and celebrities which we have contempt for. They make it easy, as most are attention starved primates who gain the attention they yearn for, in being outrageous.
I can list people I despise, like Birther Hussein whose image still thinks being a smiling Negro is all you have to bring to the debate as that makes you special. Obama's image had some Obama Foundation summit of real tards, in his stealth plan to overthrow America by raising up these Obamachurians,..........but it misses the point that Obama let in so many tanskins that the Blacks will be be ghetto enclaves in 30 years and have zero political clout.

The thing is, I am rational in knowing that my world does not rise and set on this fraud. Obama was putting his name on polices that the powers that be wrote when they put him into power in two stolen presidential elections. They are the power, not this Designer Negro. None of these pawns are any more powerful than you reading this. They just have a title they sold their souls for and get to spend your money without going to prison.

There is not whit of difference between Trump policy, or if Jeb or Hillary had stolen their way to the presidency. Republicans confiscate guns. Democrats are great for gun sales. Both create a monopoly for high rapine of Citizens. Trump is great for left wing profits in the media, just like Clinton was great for right wing media.

The world though, and it is the world, which has been conditioned by their despots to focus on what the Americans are doing, so they are the same nitwits as too many Americans, in thinking their lives are going to be made worse or better if some leader was above ground or not. Nothing changes as the bankers hold all the financial control and direct the police state to collect your money from you.

Personally, I view Donald Trump as a good leader. He has hit his stride much sooner than everyone, save Ronald Reagan in the past 40 years. He is a natural president. I disagree that he is implementing Obama's 3rd term, but it is ridiculous to think that Donald Trump is going to change my life for the good or worse, as I am a Christian and I look to Christ and a future where the politicians are not crooked.
As for Don jr. He is just a smarmy adulterer. He had the best chance of being president, but not after he dumped his wife and kids, for a big titted Fox groupie. He looks like Eddie Munster and if people want to cheer someone like that, it has no effect on my personal sphere as I do not associate with flagrant sinners.

The worst of it is these John Cusack and Debra Messing emotards, who are always ranting on Twitter like Donald Trump cares what they say and worse yet, that they are some spokesmen for people in having some intelligent thing to say. There used to be some kind of quiet dignity from celebrities, who knew they should be seen and not heard. Now they all are so unfilled in being millionaires and all that fame, in being miserable, that they are only happy when Obama is there rewarding Wall Street, starting wars, swindling billions for his green know doing the same exact thing that HW Bush and his kids were doing and was a cardinal sin according to democrats.

It is a fact that Mockingbird conditioning and MKULTRA in the nestlings have created this divide in America and the world for distraction from what is taking place, so the feudal few can control the many. That is why there will not be a necessary change to have the citizen begin examining themselves what would bring internal harmony to them, as what their indulging themselves now, exposes the reality they are close to raving lunatics most hours of the day.

So it a battle to be a Christian and discipline oneself to not be caught up in the daily drama, and looking to others to solve your chaos, when chaos comes within and for the Christian the Peace that passes all understanding within is Christ.

People really do need to unplug from the electric current half of the day. You are not alone if your cell phone is off and you are not going to miss anything if you are watching the grass grow. I am displeased in I was watching on PBS Bluegrass artists on the weekends, but it is like these performers are all on coke now and speed. The music is played two to four beats faster and if you listen to rock from the 1970's, it is slower than the driven beat of the maniacs of today. The entire world society has been edged up to a tension of the quick beat. It is not normal, and that kind of tension is unhealthy. It also makes people psychotic as they never rest.

Coffee once kept the American slaves in production, but now it is power drinks spiked with a more caffeine than a plantation of coffee had. Add the downer of weed, the placation of designer opium to take the edge off, and people are on a rollercoaster daily, and hourly.
It is a wonder that the entire population has not suicided out or gone postal, as this is not what humans were designed to be.

No one is going to get off the addiction though, as that is why beta television was chosen and so were cell phones, in the tech appeared out of nowhere. These are conditioning instruments built on the media yellow journalism which one spiked another generation to psychosis.
It is what the reality is though, as even my old Auntie was bitching about Donald Trump, getting half her facts wrong, and forgetting what a mass murderer Obama was. When people that old can get spiked, there is little resistance to miserable people who have no dreams left, to seek to blame some politician for all their problems, because they attach to what they think is power, and think if they could just gain victory over that power, then they would be empowered.
As 8 years of Obama did nothing for the kooks of the left, hating Donald Trump is not going to solve things for them any better.

I have told you, that if I received the big donations here as I should, I would be unplugged most days. I would work offline, pondering life, writing Christian posts and from time to time pointing out things like this post to try and keep you from injuring yourselves, as none of this matters.
The human was created by God, to sow Himself into the human, to make them eternal, if they came by Jesus to the Father, obeyed His Commands to protect them from self destruction and they cared about others.
I once heard an announcer state that if a bird, took one drop of water from all the oceans of the world, every 1000 years, until they are empty, that would not be a moment in eternity. People are not here in this world but for a moment really, so getting worked up over things that are going to disappear is illogical. Your focus should be growing God in you, in His Peace, and being good as God defines it, to have that love in Heaven.

There are no politicians involved in your future, so it is ridiculous to have them dominate you in your present in being an emotard.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

