As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
In the darkest days of the election of 1864, in which Abraham Lincoln faced the same betrayals, challenges and intrigue both foreign and domestic, agatinst his regime, President Lincoln wrote something on a piece of paper, and then handed it to his Cabinet, instructing them to sign it on the back, but not read it.
The President then returned it to a drawer in his desk.
On the night of the 1864 election, when Abraham Lincoln by electioneering squeezed out a victory against the will of the Ameican people, who did not want war, conscription, high taxes, the destruction of the South, not the emancipation of foreigners as Citizens into America, Lincoln the next morning at a Cabinet meeting, instructed his secreatary, John Hay, to open an envelop without tearing it, handed it back to Lincoln, who then read aloud what the Cabinet had signed.
It was dated Ausguat 23rd, 1864.
This morning, as for some days past, it seems exceedingly probable that this Administration will not be reelected. Then it will be my duty to so cooperate with the President elect, as to save the Union between the election and the inauguration; as he will have secured the election on such ground that he cannot possibly save it afterwards.
Lincoln reminded the Cabinet, that he wrote this before the democrats had nominated a candidate, but Lincoln presumed it would be General McClellan,a nd that Lincoln would sit down with the General, and tell him, that Lincoln was the one still with executive authority in the power, but McClellan was the stronger with the American People in influence, and that they should in this short time, work together to save the nation.
Lincoln dexired for McClellan to raiser the troops for the final battle, and Lincoln would devote all his energies to finish the war.
Consider this for a moment in 2016, where Barack Hussein Obama and his deep state group did nothing but impede and impeach Donald Trump for what will be 4 years, in working against Americans, whether a majority or minority to change what America was.
Consider that Lincoln heard from Cabinet Secretary Steward who said McClellan, would have agreed to it all, every day, and then done absolutely nothing every day.
Consider that Lincoln replied, At least, I should have done my duty and have stood clear before my own conscience".
In that, the problem with Abraham Lincoln resides. Lincoln was a leader who shredded the Constitution. He made genocidal war on Americans of the South. He made Americans in mass by emancipating foreigners, to overthrow the vote, and yet after all this terrorism and subterfuge, in facing defeat by the American People, in their rejecting Lincoln's "there is no divorce in the Constitution, only death will seperate", Lincoln would not take the final despot action of rejecting the election of McClellan, in order to save America.
That point states that Lincoln never completely loved the United States, as much as Barack Obama hated the United States. One would go to extreme means after an election, in Obama, to destroy a sitting President, but even Abraham Lincoln would not stoop to that, as Lincoln would obey the People, unlike Woodrow Wilson or Franklin Roosevelt, who used like Obama national emergencies to bastardize the Republic, to get what they wanted, to the great harm of the nation.
As President Trump has converted from MAGA to being a National Socialist, is the troubling realtiy of the 2020 electoins, becuase in Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln would abandon the American tarbaby he created. In Barack Obama, Obama would in basckstabbing assassination genocide a nation, and in Donald John Trump, America does not have a leader who will not accept the overtrhow of America in the perpetual candiate of Hillary Clinton, and save the United States from the intrigue created against the Constitution.
America has had few George Washingtons, Andrew Jacksons and Ronald Reagans who would do anything to save the United States at all costs. America instead has been betrayed by traitors and agents of the world cartel, or America has been abandoned like tarbaby, instead of protected and defended.
The question of 1864 are the ansewrs of the 2020 Presidential election.
George Washington's Prophecy shown to him, showed three great times of the Revolution, the Civil War, and a comging time of the world gathered against America, and in all cases it was foreign intrigue and American traitors which brought about the events. No man would save America in the final gloom, that would fall to the Christ. That is the Washington Prophecy.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said