Monday, December 2, 2019

How you are being Starved to Death

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Since 1976, the Rockefeller conglomerates engaged in a genocide of American agriculture, and none of you gave a damn about it, as it was just "farmers". The first wave of bankruptcies in the Jimmy Carter years, drove family farmers off the land, and centralized the monopoly in "AgriBusiness".
Archer Daniels Midland, the Jewish foreign concern of Cargill and George Soros would rise to dominate agriculture and large scale corporate farming.
Vanished from America were the small farms of 200 acres and 30 dairy cows, earning subsistence living and what appeared was Monsanto, John Deere, with 5000 acre farming operations and 10,000 cow dairy operations, all operated by the Mexican Nigger.

Monsanto though was not the top of the heap. Instead after carrying out the genocide of farming in America, Monsanto was acquired by Bayer of Germany, which is now in complete control of the petro chemical biological side of what Americans produce.

This destruction of American agriculture was by design. It will soon mutate into robots doing the farming in expensive operations, but at the heart of the death nail was Dean Foods, which is a billion dollars in debt, and it got that way not from not understanding how to compete, as Mexicans are adept at beating the last gallon of milk from a dead cow, and as I can SMELL by Trumps Visa Vermin in the Brier Patch, the Mexican women are now milking in the dairies, not the low DNA males.

Many factors caused the company to fail. For one, Americans are drinking less cow milk. "Overall, dairy consumption (including fluid milk, cheese, and butter) has plummeted over the past four decades," I wrote. "Per capita, Americans are drinking nearly 100 lbs. less fluid milk than they did in 1975." In place of cow's milk, Americans are turning in small but growing numbers to cow's milk alternatives, including almond, soy, coconut, and oat milk.
Other factors, including falling cereal consumption and competition from Walmart—once one of its largest customers—have also hurt Dean Foods.

What the experts are missing in all of this is, not that Dean Foods forgot how to compete, but that Donald Trump is the long line of Bush41, Clinton. Bush43, Obama stooges for the globalists who brought in over 100 million foreigners, and even you are missing the point in another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, in FOREIGNERS DO NOT EAT WHAT AMERICAN BLACKS AND WHITES EAT..

The American Negroid and Caucasoid ate high energy foods. It is why they grew large and intelligent. Americans ate wheat, corn, beef and poultry, with huge amounts of milk, cheese and eggs.

The globalist led food police told you that eating sugar, eggs, beef etc was unhealthy beginning in 1970. After Americans stopped eating these items, the amount of CANCER, ALTZHEIMERS, DIABETES, ARTHRITIS and HEART DISEASE SPIKED. Now the real science is proving that all of these high energy foods are beneficial, because your brain is full of cholesterol and you body needs high fat.

What do foreigners eat? Soybeans which turns little boys into girls, little girls into boys, and produces retarded children. They eat rice with low fat and protein, which makes wonderful zombie to control, and they do not eat beef.

So when American industries like Dean Foods go bankrupt, because no on is eating dairy, it is because the Americans are dying off, and what is left are Asians and Mexicans who do not eat food. They eat what rats eat.

Indians eat no meat. Muslims eat goats and sheep. Mexicans eat cow fodder and Chinese eat bird fodder. What that produces is low IQ and DNA vermin who fuck a great deal, and leave you with shit holes like China, India, Mexico and Indonesia.

You are what you eat.

In being of the rural areas, I watched with horror as American wildlife had no idea what to do with soybeans. They would not eat the shit that China eats, and population numbers began falling in waterfowl to upland game. Soybeans produce oil, and a tasteless meal which unless force fed to Chinese pigs, no animal will eat that tofu tasting shit, when real protein as grass, insects and other animals are available.

It is not just Dean's. The great Minneapolis Minnesota corporations of Gold Medal, General Mills, along with Kelloggs of Michigan are all in jeopardy as these foreigners are not eating food for breakfast. All the cereals you used to see in commercials, aimed at cartoon kids are gone as sponsors, because the regime which is in power is not benefiting American food production, and is bankrupting it.
Put it this way. Do you know what Asian cults feed their disciples? Fruits and vegetables.

But that sounds healthy right? No it is not healthy as the brain needs protein and fats or you turn into a mind numbed zombie who will follow anyone around and be any person's slave. The dumbing down of America is by diet, dope and lack of Christian morals. It starts with diet, and as Americans are dying off, you will see more of these American food corporations disappear.

 I was listening to an old farmer in a cafe this past summer, stating that corporate dairies, cut off the tails of the cows, the cows never see the light of day, and the cows are dead in 3 years. I was listening to a white cracker who was working a 10,000 cow dairy and he said the cows are up to their bellies in shit, in the pens have not been cleaned the entire time he has been there.

Now were his PETA in this? When it was Americans running diaries, they were taking pictures all the time. When it is Soros who pays their salaries, you will notice that all of this animal protest has ceased unless it is Eric Trump's wife stopping race dog sports in Florida, which means the dogs are all going to die as they have no purpose now, and Mr. President signing an animal cruelty law, which will criminalize Americans for cleaning rats out of their drain pipe or bowhunters impaling a deer.

That old farmer stated he had cows that were 13 years old and they were still milking. That is what family farmers were, and now the worst abuse in the world is taking place to animals in America, and foreigners are the root cause of it all, and no one is saying a word as the globalists are in charge of the regime and the food production, which is destroying Americans by poison and lack of proper high protein and fat diet..........being priced out of range by Donald Trump's inflation in the Wall Street deal with big oil and the nation rapists.

American Identity will disappear by 2050. Mexicans, Muslims, Indians and Chinese DO NOT CELEBRATE Protestant Holy Days. They do not eat turkey. They do not eat hamburgers on the 4th. They do not celebrate Christmas. They have no use for Christmas trees.
Thee entire German Lutheran traditions of America are going to be gone, and it is why the shopping retails have gone stagnant, as foreigners are not Americanized and participating.

The Mexican makes the sign of the Vatican cross. The Indian bathes in shit Ganges water. The Chinese has the mafia light off firecrackers on New Years. The Muslim goes pilgrim to Mecca. None of that does one thing for the economy, creates jobs or produces a stronger America.

There is no reason to speculate on the committees who run America in Obama change a Birther believes in, as why an oil company would agree to policies to kill off Americans, and replace them with vermin who only buy used vehicles and do not burn up gasoline or why Petro Food companies would kill off Americans for vermin who eat like rats, is illogical, but that is their policies as Americans Black and White were the problem, but key conglomerates in the cartel are being wiped out as Americans are no longer there to produce profits.

This is going to expand in the Trump legacy, because American the consumer nation is not going to be consuming with Muslims, Mexicans, Indians and Chinamen as the tanskin majority. It will be economic ruin as no one can replace the Protestant American.

I do not post this to lament nor to depress anyone. It is simply the economic fact which no one has yet noted, and someone will soon steal this information and be the always expert on this, as I still wait for those 999 donors to donate 1000 dollars each, because no one provides the information which this blog does, and time always proves what appears here as correct.

You will notice that Donald Trump did not raise one alarm over Dean Foods. He is not going to rescue them and Wall Street does not care, as this is about killing off American food production in this genocide. More of this is coming and it is spreading, because the Trump Visa Vermin are not Americans, and they will not support of healthy food supply. The future of America is those rat hole vermin children of 85 IQ, joined by the remaining Black and White American enclaves who could no longer afford to feed their children a proper diet to develop their brains, health and bodies.

But changing consumer preferences, overproduction, and competition from non-dairy producers only tell part of the story of the downfall of Dean Foods. The big picture has the government's messy fingerprints all over it.
For starters, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is deeply involved in promoting dairy producers and production.
"USDA dairy marketing orders set minimum dairy prices, while the [agency's dairy] checkoff program takes money from dairy farmers to promote milk and other dairy products,"

Promoting products to communists, Muslims, Hindus and Jesuits who will never eat the food.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
