Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Library of Clown Porn

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So the pity of this story is not that TL and I are sitting in the public library my old school teacher, Miss Piffy, who wed herself to the 5th grade teacher named Mr. Wiggles, so she was Mrs. Piffy Wiggles, because I sit here like a little puppy in hope that you rich people will bring me a big donation, because I have earned it in numbers of exclusives, no one else has told you of.


No, the pit is, I am in the library looking into your future, as I have beheld your life in the looking glass prism of you and your children, and it is an opaque reflection of a corpse without even a banshee wind for sound effects.

So I am sitting there and in walks this 20 something named Seth, but you can think of him as Seth McFarland or Seth Grogan, as you get the same dumb ass type.
So Seth walks up to the librarian like he is at the bar and says, "I owe the library 72 dollars in fines".

Now this is a story which caught my attention as I would think that 20 dollars is enough to chew the ass of your adult child over, as even four dollars and twenty cents for two books, which was the fine of the next woman, who was checking out, some pulp shit, was too much, as five bucks is five bucks, but Seth there, he has 83 dollars.

It gets worse though, as then he names some woman. I figure this woman is the place where he is placing his horn dog seed into, or was in happier illustrated times, as he asks about her weird ass name which is not the same as his. Let's call her Carnelia, as people name their kids all kinds of weird ass names now.
I mean you got the Bible. What the hell is wrong with Mary? How about John?  Sure there was Bloody Mary and John Dillinger, but you always get a bad cat out of a good bunch of drop offs most times, as you got John Adams and Mary.......well I don't know any good Mary's, but that is good as I don't know any bad Mary's either. So Mary is a safe bet for a boring woman, boring sex, boring meals and  she won't stick a knife in your foreskin for farting at her in bed.

Where was I?

Yes the merits of boing names. so you got Seth and Carnelia, and Carnelia gets looked up, and sure as shit, Carnelia got 83 dollars in back fees.  I was looking on UK Amazon for a movie, and I found out that they sell porn on there. Lot's of porn, but I forget the word in the title that brought up the porn. US Amazon has none of that, and so much the pity, as so many people are looking for ways to go to hell and Amazon is letting them down.

So Seth reaches into the wallet and asks the librarian, who looks like a librarian, if she takes plastic. She says, "What the hell do I look like a whore!!!!".
No she didn't say that, but she did say they did not take plastic. So Seth has to go to the bank and is out the door.

Seth returns, she says how quick he is, no reference to a whore getting cum on her, I am sure, and he assures her he is fast. I know the conversation in retrospect sounds like prostitution, but I am certain a prostitution ring is not running out of the library, even if some of the librarians were hot back in the day.

So the librarian tallies up Seth for the total, and I don't know if there was tax, as I suppose you taxed on fines too, as this is America, but it is like 183 bucks for fines. I never have heard of such a racket and taking advantage of stupid people who are just damned lazy.

I mean, for a review in this:

You get a library card.

You get told your book or movie has to be back by the next night, a week or two weeks.

If there is not a waiting list, I think you can call up and say, "Hey Mrs. Librarian, I got his clown porn tape, in Bizzy Does the Jizzy on Lizzy" and I would like to keep it for another night, as my stud boy really busts a nut on the honking tricycle part", and the Librarian says, "Sure I will put you down for another night, just wipe the DVD down as jizz sticks them in the machine and the teacher at school was complaining about that in having to take his player to the shop to get unjizzed".

That is all there is to it, and you bring back the movie or book. NO FINES.

I mean how do you not remember you have a book or movie.........especially since Seth returned it as he did not have the library property on return.

Anyway there must be some library police, as he said he did not want to get into trouble again. We got his fumduck from Kentucky who moved in, and he spends hours there watching movies on the computers. He is a fat old boy, like the boys who are 9 years old playing games on the computers wasting time. I know you can't watch clown porn on them, not that I have tried, but I suppose Seth took his home to watch it and got so dehydrated he forgot to return the movies.

No my library does not have porn. Clown porn is from my cousin who was telling us all the marvelous benefits of clown porn and fisting. Odd how his sister asked about clown porn in what it was, but not fisting. He noted that too, but I only thought it as I am a polite judgmental person.

This is your future my rich readers. You have children and you are the kind of person who does not have the sense to return clown porn to the library, and you get huge fines, instead of donating huge sums to me for reading non clown porn subjects here.
That does not bode well, as how Darwin is it, that you can not follow directions or are self motivated enough not to have the library police busting down your doors, as you got the clown porn playing away as you play with yourself.

I know for certain that most of you are going to die in the first days of a meltdown, as there is no hope for you. I would that there was, but my telling you how poor I am and there is nothing but beasty stuff in response from the majority of you, is just pure piss and venom. When you get bit by a satan cock nuclear missile from the Asians, you will have your bloody menstrual cycles out your penis and anus, and is a hell of way to go, but you had your clown porn in the good days, and proved how Charles Darwin you are.

Almost 200 dollars in fines from the library,. I wonder what the IRS levies on dolts like you.

I mean shit on a shingle. What the hell is that.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

