Friday, February 1, 2019

On an Cock in Virginia.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

The Lame Cherry must defend Virginia Governor Ralph Northam who is under attack for being a supposed racist and people are attempting to abort this fetus political tissue from the Governor's Mansion.

NARAL, Planned Parenthood Call On Northam To Resign…But Not for Supporting Infanticide Which They Support in Order to Harvest Babies’ Organs for $$$.

I mean should not a man from Onancock be able to express himself in Alexandria Ocasio Cortez diagnosis, that all white people are born with the problem of racism.  I mean when a white man is born a racist, it is like breathing, so is not dressing up in a KKK sheet a medical condition and not something any of us can judge the Coonman on?

I for one believe that Ralph was celebrating the Negroid. Seriously everyone attacking Coonman is  missing  that his first nickname of Goose. We all know what Goose means in Coonman liked giving it up the ass. Ralph Northam is a homosexual male. We all know that being a fag is the trump card in all things. Homophobia triumphs Racism in the world laid by the Obama foundation.

Talkin' black might get you flack
But bein' gay gets you all the way.

 In this black history month is not Ralph the living example of all the best of black history. White men who helped the make up industry with Wall Street profits in black face paint and men washing in Oxydol in their clean pressed white sheets all to help Proctor and Gamble bring all of us in black and white television all those Soap Operas void of Negroids. as the black in having no color broadcasts was enough black for all of us.


Democrats have reached their limits on abortion
in we will not abort a 60 year old White man. 

I say, enough Confederate monuments have been torn down. Who needs Robert E. Lee, Stonewall or Bedford Forest, as America has a living monument to all the things that are important in Governor Ralph Northam. We must protect Goose as the smell of feces penis and lotion hands, that aroma of the Obama legacy in the White House, is what we must focus on, as  we are in a new era of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez sexual definitions of political right.

A man on an cock in Virginia must be defended, because we now know the limits of Democrats in they will not abort an old White man.

Nuff Said


The Rod Passes Over America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Anne defined me as the most interesting person on the internet. She is always a dear as are others in a kind word of the exile of the brier patch. In that I preface this not to the kind people who have been there for me, and not these flash in the pan frauds, but to the people who define themselves as so intelligent that they have this all figured out, when in reality every damned, and I do mean damned one of them in all their riches, power places and bling, are the Biblical definition of the "ass who wants to get fucked and can not in her heat quit snuffing the wind for a jack's cock".

Far more graphic than the Bible verse, but I do try and break through the din in teaching you to think, see things, and yes the hardest part of having rich people prove they are who they say they are in moving them by God's Grace to donate generously.

I believe that the things I have been posting are the most dangerous information I have ever posted to enlightenment. When Robert Mueller in protecting America is sending 39 FBI agents with ocean craft to arrest Roger Stone, he is  sending a message, as I have told you, not to Donald Trump, but to the Missing Link.

I am prudent to never get into the Missing Link, for the reason of I do not know their or their identity, nor would I care to discover it in journalism, as even the hint of being suspected has old white men in prison for life like Paul Manafort, Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone.
Nothing brings down the hammer worse than a Jew like the Rosensteins in nuclear information to Soviets, Jew collusion in Jonathan Pollard or this cadre of Charlie Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange and Seth Rich in  Wiki dumps of deep state information.
What is taking place with Paul Manfort, Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone is all the peripheral trail of who was behind Wikileaks of the Birther Hussein Obama age.

The leakers were all liberals, all Obama voters, and were of vast interest to the Justice Department as it was working on trying to find the source. Think of Manafort in the Ukraine Russian connection. Corsi and Stone with the Wikileaks dumps. There is a constant in  all of this in like players in an Alger  Hiss hysteria of the security state looking for the Missing Link most ruthlessly.

OK bright ones non donors, tell me the headline.

President Trump: ‘Democrats are Becoming the Party of Late-Term Abortion, High Taxes, Open Borders and Crime!’

As democrats have chosen to become this incendiary equal to the molotov cocktail of Mr President, then what is Donald Trump?
Democrats have become exactly the Godless Marxists that Webster Griffin Tarpley said the party would be turned into. The  alternative to voters would be Socialists, the National Socialists of Donald Trump which were created as the AltRight and disappeared in another piece of this jigsaw puzzle.
Mr. Trump agrees to DACA, to Trumpnesty, keeping Obamcare, keeping Obama record taxes, turns the Nazi conglomerates full bore loose more than Obama on Wall Street, the oil markets and even in using HAARP to force Americans to buy energy. It has been a great sale, as Minnesota is order customers to set their thermostats to 60 degrees as Excel Energy does not have enough natural gas in the pipes to heat homes.

The GOP is becoming a majority socialist party with a fringe of these cucks no one wants to be around in Ben Shapiro.

I keep coming back to WGT because he told you something he was not supposed to tell you, and has effectively disappeared from his all knowing FDR sermons on the mount. Murdering children out of the womb is  by design in New York and Virginia laws and it will all spread.

When the the Mockingbird produced V for Vendetta, the implanted message was clear. Leftist violent revolution in London, would equal the civil war dividing the United States.  All of this is by design and  all  of this is smoke and mirrors to keep you from figuring out what is the Truth..

I have to measure my words and be prudent in not posting things which would get me eradicated as this is beginning to pass through the insular layers to the masters behind the shadow screen.  What Robert Mueller is looking for is the Missing Link. On one side there is Donald Trump in his DIA house which is being replaced in the Mike Pence coup. His extensions have come under heavy scrutiny in a cover story of a fake dossier. On the other side are the financial interests who have deployed Robert Mueller on this mission. On the edge of the Trump associates is the Missing Link which returns this all back to who has been managing the original Obama leakers who have now vanished. That group had one definitive denominator in they all disliked Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Step back  to 2008 in Hamrod's legal troubles in New York which disappeared.  Step back and know it was Bill Clinton joining a Canadian which is part of Uranium One in the sale of nuclear  fuel out of  Muslimstan to China, which deposed Hillary Clinton from the White House and put that Nigger in from Indonesia who was not even an American, was backed by the Berliner Boys, and was the ultimate humiliation for the Clintons, until Donald Trump's associates thwarted the Clinton's stealing of the 2016 presidential election.

All of this is known information which you have forgotten as it was wiped from your memory by the diversions. I am pointing out something in the jigsaw without pointing it out as it would be most unhealthy in my poverty and orphan condition. All you will do is go into heat for the stories designed to burn out your memories in your addiction like an ass looking for jack cock.

You should be able to see an image in this in the puzzle, but I know you will get it richtard wrong, because you keep getting programmed to deduce to a false lead.

The rod is being passed over America. Washington DC will be a party of Marxists and Nazis as the choices, as the last vestiges of Ronald Reagan America is overturned by leftist migrations out of hell holes like New York, Minnesota and California to turn those states into Tim Russert Red.

The Missing Link is not being spoken of in media, but appears in the grilling of the Mueller team of the people indicted and convicted. Why is that? You will get that wrong to. You are though beginning to think and that is more  than you were engaged in by having deep state programming fire you on infanticide.

I will have to ponder in what information can be posted as once the Holy Ghost explained it to me, it was rather boring and it began to be washed from my memory.

I must now check sourdough bread on a murderous HAARP  weather day which I am baking in trying to keep warm.

Nuff Said


From Lame Cherry Kitchens

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I took this photo last year, I was not an orphan nor aware of all of the trials which awaited us, but I took it in a creative time in all of our misery, as even little things should be employed to make the situation so aware that life sucks.

As you can see, I am not an artist, but that is not the point. The point is to make something stupid so that people smile and think how clever it is.

Food for me has always been a welcome solace from the misery of life. It is why I was so disappointed and furious that numbers of women, my mother leading, who found ways to make mealtime a torture.
I can remember Grandma's meals in making me gag literally. The worst was frozen bolognia on the stove, raw, but the outside cooked, as she had to serve up something quick. It always baffled me how a woman could not have a meal planned out for the day, and all of them shirked the responsibility to the last minute.

One would have thought that Gram would have got the point as when they were first married, she had not cleared the table of dishes, and when Grampa came home, he solved the problem by taking his arm and sweeping them from the table.
That shocked his new wife, but it was the last time she shirked her duties as a woman. Yes that is so not modern world, but it is the fact that women have responsibilities and their first one is to not try to be a man.

I was always amused at Grampa as he once told his wife, how good the pies were of his brother's wife. That forever condemned the sister in law to scorn by Gram, out of no fault of her own.
The secret to the sister in laws pies was simply putting sugar into them by the cup, instead of the teaspoon miserly measuring Gram employed.

That is one thing my Grampa taught me to my delight and everyone elses too. As when Gram died, his pies ran over with sugar. He put so much sugar in his pies that it was still in crystal form when done. He used to make Grampa Cookies too, in which there was not really a recipe, and I just made them myself, and probably will post the recipe here, as they were basically a bag of peanuts, bag of chocolate chips, bag of coconut and it all kind of stuck together.
He relished being a good cook and I know he relished having the last baking word in Gram's horrid cooking.

So Shepherds Pie can just be plain jane laying there or it can be a few moments to make a duck on a sunny day. It just makes you feel better to go on an adventure in eating something delightful. I though make food by God's Grace which is delicious. I have listed how to make cooking easy and taste good, so I will not repeat. It is a point though if your main ingredients are air and water, you ain't going to get much flavor out of that.

I have to go now and read a book about people slaughtering each other in war. I would like to have the money to go shoot some ducks though, with a double barrel blackpowder shotgun. I think I would like that as I like eating duck better than making pie dough ducks.

That too was a secret of Grampas cookies. Ducks. Maybe the above is a goose. Doesn't make much difference as the secret to his cookies were geese too.

Nuff Said



The German Knight

 We took this challenge before our Lord and our conscience, and it must be done, because this man, Hitler, he is the ultimate evil.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Perhaps the most misunderstood Hero of World War II, was Claus Philipp Maria Justinian Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg. 

Most will not recognize the name, but will know the man when his last deed in service to Germany is noted in, Claus Stauffenberg is the man who attempted to assassinate Adolf Hitler at Rastenberg with a bomb.
The focus though on the assassination of Adolf Hitler is a propaganda which cloaks the nobility of this German Knight of Bavaria, in why he rose up against a man, a system and an order which he had devoted himself to.

 The idea of the Führer principle [...] bound together with a Volksgemeinschaft, the principle "The community good before the individual good," and the fight against corruption, the fight against the spirit of the large urban cities, the racial thought (Rassengedanke), and the will towards a new German-formed legal order appears to us healthy and auspicious.

 Claus Philipp Maria Justinian Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg

By 1944 AD in the year of our Lord, this Catholic, who was the definition of the Jewish slur of "Nazi" knew the war was lost, and what was critical was the salvation of Germany in an Armistice with the West. This Veteran, maimed in the eastern campaigns of the Reich, would be a trusted aid of Adolf Hitler, but in this, the Count would note that his ideals of justice in the Krystalnacht and the repression of religious rites in the Reich, were being violated by the Nazis. The violation though was not the motive for his move to stop the war, it was his foresight of knowing the Rape and Genocide of Germany was months away, unless a ceasefire could be negotiated and German soil be preserved from Russian and American occupation, which cost Germany 11 million dead in the Concentration Camp Captivity.

For Stauffenberg, it was not morality which motivated him, but patriotism. The final solution for Germany was that one man must die for Germany to survive and if Hitler was not stopped and the Government seized by patriots, Germany would die.

It was German character which saved Adolf Hitler, for Stauffenberg had placed an explosive briefcase next to Hitler for the assassination, but the orderly instinct of the German taught from childhood up, had unthinkingly moved Colonel Heinz Brandt, standing there to slide the briefcase forward, in an orderly place by a heavy table leg. That is what saved Adolf Hitler.
If it would have been the sloven English, opaque American or laissez faire French, Adolf Hitler would have died as those peoples would never have moved the briefcase.

 Stauffenberg - Hitler - Keitel
at Rastenberg

In late 1943, he had written out demands with which he felt the Allies had to comply in order for Germany to agree to an immediate peace. These demands included Germany retaining its 1914 eastern borders, including the Polish territories of Wielkopolska and Poznań. Other demands included keeping such territorial gains as Austria and the Sudetenland within the Reich, giving autonomy to Alsace-Lorraine, and even expansion of the current wartime borders of Germany in the south by annexing Tyrol as far as Bozen and Meran. Non-territorial demands included such points as refusal of any occupation of Germany by the Allies, as well as refusal to hand over war criminals by demanding the right of "nations to deal with its own criminals". These proposals were only directed to the Western Allies – Stauffenberg wanted Germany only to retreat from western, southern and northern positions, while demanding the right to continue military occupation of German territorial gains in the east

Destiny was against Stauffenberg as he did not expect anyone to have survived the blast. Prudence would have required an assassin to make sure the corpse was twice dead by an awl to the ear, but instead he left with another conspirator to rally supporters at Berlin to overthrow the regime.
Communications were not cut, so in a short time Joseph Goebbels radio broadcast that the Furher was alive.

After this the SS soon appeared at the conspirator's office, a firefight was engaged and Stauffenberg was shot in the shoulder. He was executed the following morning by co conspirator General Friedrich Fromm, attempting to divert attention from himself.

Stauffenberg was third in line to be executed, with Lieutenant von Haeften after. However, when it was Stauffenberg's turn, Lieutenant von Haeften placed himself between the firing squad and Stauffenberg, and received the bullets meant for Stauffenberg. When his turn came, Stauffenberg spoke his last words, "Es lebe das heilige Deutschland!" ("Long live our sacred Germany!")

In all of this which is lost, is who Claus Stauffenberg was. He was the anti Hitler in every way. This tall, handsome and imposing German, was the antithesis of all things Hitler hated. Stauffenberg was of the old order, the nobility, and of the Wehrmacht which held themselves above politics as the protectors of Germany.
Hitler mistrusted all of them from his World War I experience and Stauffenberg was the epitome of this moral, Catholic, equestrian order.
Yes Stauffenberg was a royal knight, a man who wore riding costume, was at home on the back of a horse and a Soldier of that mounting. Adolf Hitler was none of these attributes. Hitler was a product of the canvas and the pen. Stauffenberg was a breeding of the kingdom and of the soil.

Claus Stauffenberg was a dichotomy to those around him. He though was best summed up as the offspring of Goethe in German intellectualism, as this educated man embodied the education of Germany from the composure of Wilhelm Richard Wagner to the human sciences of Johann Christian Reil.

He let things come to him, and then he made up his mind ... one of his characteristics was that he really enjoyed playing the devil's advocate. Conservatives were convinced that he was a ferocious Nazi, and ferocious Nazis were convinced he was an unreconstructed conservative. He was neither.
Nina Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg

This most educated German was an intellectual who employed the Socrates method to arrive to the conclusion of the paradigm cut from the facets of every illuminated thought.
To term Claus Stauffenberg and assassin is the worst misjustice to the greatest Hero of World War II, as his act was not centered on killing anyone, but on saving a nation from the forces without and within which had led it to a precipice of world genocide which has not ever been fully comprehended, but was understood by this most brave, German Knight.

The evil of Adolf Hitler was not his mein kampf, but his destruction of the German internal intellectual and religious order, and his leading Germany to defeat, which would bring the genocide of the German People.

If our most highly qualified General Staff officers had been told to work out the most nonsensical high level organization for war which they could think of, they could not have produced anything more stupid that that which we have at present.
