Monday, June 10, 2019

Why is Mike Pompeo protecting Sexual Deviants at US Embassies?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There seems to be some confusion, or mixed signals coming out of the Donald Trump White House, as one moment he is throwing trans perverts out of the military and the next Mr. Trump is praising fagsexuals the world over, and tweeting that America will bully all nations into promoting the LGBT's as American foreign policy.

Then there is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo rescinding the Birther Obama and the Michelle orders that all US Embassies across the globe would be mandated to fly the rainbow flag along with the flag of the United States in Sodomite Appreciation Month, which is June.
Never mind that the Rainbow is a symbol of the Hebrew God to never destroy the world again, for being abominations, which included being homosexuals, so the Rainbow is a divine symbol which has been bastardized by perverts and homosexuals should have been hauled into court by the Department of Justice for civil rights violations, because for some reason when Mike Pompeo gives and order, the Kushners in their pro sodomite promotions, are overruling the Secretary of State of the United States in some US Embassies are still out of the closet for Obama in hating Christians in flying  these multi color flags.

 “We fly below the radar,” one employee said. “We survive because they don’t realize we’re here.”

Well not exactly below the radar, as Time which is a CIA publication is noting this FU to Mike Pompeo, and nothing is being done about it.

Despite Trump Administration Denials, U.S. Embassies Are Displaying Pride Flags Around the World

The thing is in this, is Johns Hopkins released a real scientific study, which has again proven that there is not any gay gene, in no one is "born that way". Sex is a choice and it reflects a scientific study of rats in the 1970's which discovered that if rats were packed into a confined space, the rodent would engage in perverted homosexual actions. Being a sodomite is a result of a psychological confinement where the person or rodent chooses to engage in sex with a same gender. Abnormal situations produce abnormal misbehavior.

Johns Hopkins Research: No Evidence
People Are Born Gay or Transgender
Posted by Hazymac 6/9/2019 8:30:41 PM Post Reply
Scholars at Johns Hopkins University released a new report on Monday which argues that there is not sufficient evidence to suggest that lesbian, gay, or transgender people are born with this sexual orientation or gender identity. "The idea there that sexual orientation is fluid, that people change as people grow," Lawrence Mayer, a co-author of the report and a scholar-in-residence at Johns Hopkins University's psychiatry department, as well as a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, told The Christian Post. "There are probably some people that identify as hetrosexual [sic] that then later on identified as homosexual, so it goes both ways.

While the Lame Cherry could not obtain identities or photos of those embassy staff who are in open rebellion against the Secretary of State, there are these examples of Obama Kushner Ambassadors in other Rainbow stations.

Ambassador Anusia Sphincter of Pedostan

Ambassador Guyless Scheiße Arsch of Fagovakia

Ambassador Dave of Transylonia

If Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is not another fraud in the Trump Trans, it is a reality that he must fire all of these embassy personnel, as they have defied his orders and this is the only recourse which is left to Mr. Pompeo.

There has been far too much of this Donald Trump closes the border and yet almost 1 million illegals who have been captured by the Border Patrol have been released onto American streets. Once again here is another Trump policy of Donald Trump in bed with sodomites, the Secretary of State issuing orders over the misuse of American embassies and religious symbols, and the same sodomite actions are being engaged in.

The embassies of Nepal, India, the Israeli state, Austria and South Korea are all defying State Departement mandates.

A picture tweeted by the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi, India, shows the building’s facade lit up with rainbow lights. The Embassy in Seoul, South Korea, displayed a large pride flag several stories up. The U.S. Consulate General in Chennai, India posted a video of the Consul General speaking in front of an enormous rainbow flag. And the website of the U.S. Embassy in Vienna featured a photo of the Pride flag hanging below the American flag from International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia in May.
In Jerusalem, the U.S. Embassy sent a delegation to the city’s Pride parade, according to the Jerusalem Post. Additionally, Randy Berry, the U.S. Ambassador to Nepal, tweeted a photo of himself with embassy staff holding up letters spelling “PRIDE 19.”

What is Mike Pompeo going to do? Fire these personnel or prove that he is a fraud like the rest of the Trump Trans in the same Obama perversion as usual.

Being a sexual deviant is a choice, just like Mike Pompeo not recalling all embassy staff in firing them is his choice, as Mike Pompeo chose to protect the deviants as the deviants chose to be deviants.

Trump Admin Tells U.S. Embassies They Can't Fly Pride Flag
The Trump administration is rejecting requests from U.S. embassies to fly the rainbow pride flag on embassy flagpoles during June, LGBT Pride Month, three American diplomats tell NBC News

Yes trust me baby, as yours is the only pussy I grab that means anything to me.

Nuff Said


The Soycialist Green of Sebastian Kurz Global Rule

Sei gegrüßt, Mutterland, sei gegrüßt, Vaterland

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I never believe that events take place as in the coup against Donald Trump or Sebastian Kurz, in which the real adults have not already factored in the cause and effect, in how to exploit the situation for their victory, as they have been at this for centuries, and they simply have seen it all and done it all.

For Donald Trump, it has been a disaster for MAGA and his Christian followers, who will face genocide by tan skin replacement, as there is zero protection for Americans, and I can not find fault with the President as he is saving himself and his family first, which is a normal human reaction. It is better to feed the beast the fodder of the fields as you whistle through the graveyard of the future.

For Sebastian Kurz, the coup against him, which he pointed to the work of a Clinton Jewish socialist of Silberstein who had been toppling regimes in Austria, Ukraine and the Israeli state for Bill and Hillary Clinton, that coup was like giving political testosterone to Sebastian Kurz, as he is more popular, stronger, and more sure of himself, as his political base is expanded beyond Austria, to all of Europe.

The Chancellor has been very skilled in his Return of the Habsburgs, as he has set Europe on the path of global domination as America disappears. Africa will be a wetware commerce program of African raw materials, funding an African allowance, which the wetware will purchase European goods in great profits for Europeans. At 2 billion Africans, that is trillions of dollars to pave the streets of Europe in gold.

The coup against the Chancellor though was linked to the control of the European Parliament election. In Austria, the Chancellor won in his supporters were voted in, while his destractors on the right and left who finished the coup in the Austrian Parliament, are now plunging in the polls, as Kurz rails against the right and left, and Austrians rally to him.

In Europe, across the board from Hungary, France, England, Greece, Italy and Germany, it was Kurz allies who were elected. The Steve Bannon show of promoting nationalists were trounced, and the remainder as Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson etc... are Kurz allies.

The horse trading in all of this has been for Manfried Weber of Germany to become President of Europe. Weber is a Kurz protege and rose from oblivion a year ago, as Kurz was raised up, and now Weber is set to control the European Parliament for Kurz reforms, as the Parliament is being secured for Weber in "deals" which no one can refuse from France to Italy, and in this super state United Europe, the legislative body will be implementing those Kurz reforms for a federalized Europe created in the Kurz image. Think of it as an armed socialist super state.

By September Sebastian Kruz will receive a People's Mandate from Austrians and return as Chancellor of Austria, with his Motherland of Austria leading the German Fatherland in Manfried Weber governing the European Parliament. Joined to this will be National Socialists in control from London, Berlin, Rome, Athens, the power houses of Europe.
The Germans are pushing for Snap Elections to rid themselves of the Mad Frau Cow of Angela Merkel. Her deputy the regrettable Annegret has led the party to ruin in her quotes, and what has arisen is a Kurz Soycialist Green party, which is neither nor  or either or. It's power is nationalists who Kurz will keep from power, while his socialists dominate the Christian Socialists, wed to the Green movement.
For those who are missing the point, Sebastian Kurz rode the same nationalist wave to power for his benefactors as Donald Trump has, and Sebastian Kurz has turned on the same base which placed him into power exactly as sodomite,  gun banning, Donald Trump has.

The coup against Donald Trump honed his skills, but did not expand his power base. For Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, the coup against him, has empowered him further and increased his reach outside of Austria to control of Europe, and that means the world. In this dynamic, the younger Kurz will prevail as in this sphere he is growing in strength while Donald Trump is weakened with his implemented foreign invasion, trade wars, and the alienation of his base for a "Neo Trump Party".

The Sachs Race is about to reincarnate the Holy Roman Empire of Catholicism in a global order. The Vatican being the common bond, while the political unions being the weakness of the joints glued together for the moment of convenience.

There will be a new Crusade for Jerusalem as their unifying capital where they will assemble to worship this feat of Nimrodian proportions in glorifying their union. This is a marriage which Sebastian Kurz has invoked. The Motherland and the Fatherland, will create a fortress of nation state progeny from The North Sea to the Dnieper and it will be consummated in Jerusalem for the Pax Marital Bed.

These are remarkable times and remarkable people are at work. The death blow which should have finished Sebastian Kurz and the Habsburg Reincarnation, has been an empty tomb, as this empire state upon which Kurz rides is coming to renewed vigor and life as he does.

This is the future, a stormy sea of humanity, in which rise their chosen regime, and as it covers the earth in it's ocean quest. These are the events of Prophecy and it is one of the more remarkable realities in the House of Eber had two scions for the end times, one will wilt in Jacob as Nimrod swells with the sap of the land.

Do not bother watching the Americans, as nothing of interest will happen in that crypt of political cannibalism. The attraction is this beast which Sebastian Kurz has breathed to life and how all are joining to give power to it, as it is the time.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Democrats: Breaking out of the Ass Pack of Biden, Bernie and Peter

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is obvious that democrats like pedophiles, which means Joe Biden is popular. Democrats like rapists, so they like Bernie Sanders. Lastly democrats like Peter Buttgieg, in the scent of feces penis and names that remind one of sticking a cock up an ass to smell like shit.

This this for the also rans who seem to be fading. They obviously do not have any staff or advisers who are worth a damn. It is obvious from 2016 that a normal Nigger Knocker like James Webb is not what democrats desire, so democrats need to sink to the voter pool they are appealing to.

A Monmouth University poll of likely Democratic caucusgoers in Iowa, out Thursday, finds Biden at the top of the pack with 27% support, Sanders at 16%, Buttigieg at 9%, Sens. Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren at 7%, former Rep. Beto O'Rourke at 6%, Sen. Amy Klobuchar at 4%, Sen. Cory Booker at 3%, and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro at 2%. The rest of the field stood at 1% or less in the poll, with a sizable 12% saying they are undecided among the 24 candidates tested in the poll.
'Mayor Pete' surges into the top 10 in our 2020 rankings

In New Hampshire, site of the nation's first primary elections, a St. Anselm College poll also out Tuesday shows a similar lineup: Biden at 23%, Sanders at 16%, Buttigieg at 11%, Warren at 9%, Harris at 7%, O'Rourke at 6%, Booker at 4% and Klobuchar at 2%. The rest of the tested field landed at 1% or less. Nearly 1 in 5 said they were undecided or backing someone not named in the list of 14 candidates presented to those who took the poll.

Ok to simplify this, we got:

Poco Warren
Kamala Harris
Beto O'Rourke
Corey Booker
Horseface Klobachar.

This is tough as Beto has been like a witch, satan worshiper and fake Mexican and pasty white Iowans and New Hampshirites just do not like this guy. I mean in a field of old perverts molesting children, writing about raping women and shoving cocks up their asses, Beto has shot his wad, and his kind of perversion in being a religious demon is not what democrats desire.

OK first up, we got Poco Warren. I think she needs to be a Squaw Man. Poco needs to get some hot young Injuns, girls, as Poco needs to go lezbo, she needs to be a dyke lezbo molesting like aboriginal teenage girls. I think that she needs to pose on the National Geographic topless with her naked teenagers she is molesting, as that is where the politics of America is going in legalizing molesting children.
Poco needs to break out of the pack and she is competing with Pedo Biden, Rape Writer Bernie and Ass Plug Pete. Owning some native whores is the statement she needs to promote to get her name out there. Otherwise she needs to pack it up and bend over for Bernie.

Kamala Harris. Look she has gone dope head, cuddled with Corey and has been a black whore and she just is holding there. Kamala has to go Lindsey Lohan and Kim Kardashian. Kam is not that bad looking, so she needs to stop wearing panties and shove her crotch into pictures to get published.......... I mean she she is questioning Ruth Bader Ginsburg's replacement, she needs to plop it up on the table and shove her mic up her pussy and cum before the American people and then pant........."oh I didn't know the camera was on."
She needs something to set her apart from the geezer guys and shit scent boys who are leading. A good Youtube site of Kam masturbating to photos of men and women in why she is getting wet will get her that vote she is looking for.

Beto? Ok he is as not Joe and Bernie as Corey Booker is. I say Beto and Corey need to start making lip locks, full tongues down the throat. I don't know if dems can divide the two, but you got to remember they need to break out, and a coon with a fake beaner is something new. They can be Beto and Corey, the Joe and Bernie you do not want to see kissing, while Pete Asscrack is just posing with sippies.

Lastly we got Hoseface Klobachar. Hoseface, Horseface........what the hell are you going to do with her as she tried to be the gal that Brett Kavanaugh complimented. No democrat wants a woman that a pansy judge boy likes.
Klobachar is a tough one as she is just trying to be Joe Biden's Vice President in appealing to the normal people who do not want to vote for Trump. If Klobachar wants to be on the Supreme Court or the losing Vice President slot to ho Kamala Hosebag, she needs to just be the loser she is.
Otherwise to appeal to the norms, I say she needs to go taser those coon Muslims that AOC hangs out with. Horseface is known to abuse people, so she needs to electro shock the coons on Capitol Hill. It will get her some press, and when AOC comes out, Horseface needs to get into girl fight, tear off AOC's bra and panties so it gets her on Youtube, and people put up with Horseface while jacking off to AOC.

So that is the help I give to democrats for free. I really think that some Kardashian shit will bury Biden and Bernie as they are fossils. Pete the Asscrack is just too Designer Dong. Sure polite racists and homophobes like Peter, like they were comfortable with Obama, but anyone of the above bitch slaps this little fag and he goes to poll oblivion. People like street tough fags not poser boys. Everyone knows that.

That wraps this up in how democrats can break out of the ass pack of Biden, Bernie and Peter.

Nuff  Said
