Saturday, July 6, 2019

Thank you Anne

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is always nice to have a day avoiding relatives in having mixed emotions about people you detest. Anyway enough whining as Anne nicely notified me of this:

So I go through the hoops to create a new button as I get told every so often that people have trouble donating.

Dear LC, I usually send you funds from your blog page, but that method doesn't work currently, so I'm doing it this way. I always heap praise on you & it's deserved. This a token of my gratitude for your wisdom, voice and heart. You are totally unique imo. My best to TL! Thanks, Anne

Anne is very kind in her words and I am grateful in her telling me about the glitch. I think it is fixed now in Paypal was doing updates.




 Anyway it is odd being at a family thing with creeps who are going to hell, who hate my ass, and I know what assholes they are, and the frauds sit around knowing not to approach me..

Tomorrow is round two.

If only Christopher Walken, Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn were at the party.


Who really was behind Donald Trump's Presidency?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Who knew after a year, in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord, that there was a controversy as to the identity of QAnon.  Yes the person who said  Hillary Clinton would be arrested.........this is a recent photo of Hamrod.......

was outed after an absence in QAnon did not originate as a college boy version of Ulsterman, but was instead John F. Kennedy jr.

The story was JFK faked his death a decade ago, and teamed up with Donald Trump to invoke an intricate plane to bring down the Deep State that blew his father's brains out in Dallas all over his Mum.

The followers or Q though scoured the net as the stories went, and found pictures of John John at Trump rallies. Of course this was all discounted as Q reappeared on the scene and denounced RANON in trying to hide the fact that he was or was not John John, but someone was John John.

In looking for evidence of this, I believe I have solved the mystery of Qanon and Ranon.

What was the first clue in this was this photo of an elderly man at a Trump rally behind Donald Trump.

It is astonishing in the man over Donald Trump's left shoulder looks familiar. Here is a blow up.

Nom de Deus, this looks like John Kennedy Sr., if he had not died at Dallas, and has been in hiding all of these years. Yes this photo looks like a 100 year old JFK. Have we discovered the source of QAnon, who set up the take down of the Deep State, but John Kennedy himself?

Was the story that on the operating table, JFK did not die, that he indeed did survive, went into hiding under the name John Q. Public, did therapy and has been biding his time to seek revenge on his assassins.

It was then this photo of President Trump at another rally which was astounding, in again the face looks familiar in back of Donald Trump.

In a blow up, the face is that of John John, if he really was not dead, had faked his death as Ranon stated, in order to take on the Deep State, but now with graying hair.

Until July, QAnon supporters believed that “Q,” the anonymous online forum poster whose cryptic clues make up the conspiracy theory, was a high-ranking Trump administration official, or maybe even Trump himself. But now, a good portion of QAnon believers have become convinced that Q is none other than JFK Jr, even though he died in a plane crash nearly 20 years ago.

In late July, whatever person or group is behind “Q” returned to posting and denounced “R,” its newfound rival for impressionable Trump supporters. Still, the Kennedy theory persists among a segment of QAnon believers.

This all fits in QAnon began as a brat snowflake pedaling his daddy's deep state cover for tells, but was soon taken over by John Kennedy. JFK in the interim, suffered from an acute attack of lobster bisque. I know it sounds rare, but that is the story, and here is the proof.

John Kennedy has been living in seclusion at Jackie's home at Martha Vineyard since he went into hiding. It was the lobster allergy which brought this all to a head, and he demanded that Carry sell that house as the smell of lobster would bring out the epipen.

It was during this episode that John John reappeared as the guiding hand of Donald Trump as Ranon. This brought about the feud between Sr. and Jr. as Sr. recovered and wants to put Obama into prison for being a Birther and grant Hillary immunity to testify about Benghazi, but Jr. wants to put Hillary into prison and have Obama provide the damning testimony on Russian hacking. Jr. wants to honor Ted Kennedy who put the Kennedy mantel on Birther Hussein, but JFK is furious that Teddy put the mantel on Obama.

Has the shadowy head known as the Control, who has been behind all of this, been John F. Kennedy. And get this for this barn burner in look at this photo from Facebook. The guy in the lower right looks just like Bobby Kennedy.
Yes!!! RFK faked his own death too, to bide his time to found Facebook and use it as the mechanism to bring down the Deep State from within.

Yes it was RFKanon who founded 4 Chan and 8 Chan the platform where his brother JFKanon as QAnon as the Kennedy Triumvirate backed Donald Trump to be their man to bring down the Deep State that put the hits out on the Kennedy's.

Yes seeing is believing. The mystery of the anonymous has been solved. Who knew it was the final chapter in the Kennedy saga.

Nuff Said


Why Does Alexandrian Ocasiio Cortez Hate Latin Americans?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Look, it is no secret that I appreciate CIA asset Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who was raised from the Kennedy ranks, funded by George Soros, an Obama girl, cuddling with Bernie Sanders to give a ditz label to Marxism, as she is doing a fine job, and I adore her for that. What I just can not figure out .....yes I can, but it is just a statement of consternation in why does Alexandria Ocasio Cortez hate Mexicans or that creatures from Latin and South America.

It all started with AOC plunging in among the wetbacks down on the border. There she ranted, raved and released statements that she was inspecting the place and not inspecting the place, as she informed the world that tanskins were drinking water out of the toilet bowl.

That kind of propaganda just begs satire and a CIA agent in the Edward Lansdale line would know this, as the analogy would be American  toilet water is cleaner than the water in Mexico and What else would you expect a stupid Mexican to do but drink from a shitter as they never saw one before in their third world shit holes.

Yes all of this was and is by Mockingbird design. Latins are not that stupid in they know these are communist agitators that AOC just so happened to interview, as the story was set up, and every Mexican knows it. It is a point though as the Lame Cherry satire kicks in, that now we have Alexandria Ocasio Cortez promoting toilet water as the fountain of freedom for criminal invaders in that is what they are drinking in the AOC toiletini.

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and the Toiletini

This tastes just like the Toiletinis down in Texas.....

That is what the point in this is, as AOC knows absolutely  that once she made it a story that Mexicans were drinking toilet water, that some clever prankster is going to start dipping water out of toilets, filling it into used bottle water containers, and start handing them out to these beaners as a joke.
They will laugh and laugh as the sweaty beaners in their hoodies on 500 degree days quench their thirst in toilet water. Considering what they drink for sewage in Mexico that would kill a parasite, the Mexican gut will not even belch from it, but that is what AOC has set up to begin as pranks across America.

You have to understand Latins though, in there is a Nazi pecking order like in Asia, like Adolf Hitler had in Europe, like Americans all think southerners are rednecks and Californians are asstards. There is just prejudice and AOC is Jewrican, as she needs a step up from Puerto Rico, as they are one step below on the food chain to the top ranked Cubans. At the bottom are Haitians and Trinidadians in being darkies, but AOC has all of this knowledge as she was raised in it. You want to get a Latin testy, just start calling them by a different group, well except the beaners as they want to move up on the food chain.

So that is what will appear, hell it probably will be Cubans and Ricans who will start bottling Toilitini's for their Latino underlings and get the biggest laugh of all, as AOC is the source of this, and it goes to the foundation of this in why does AOC hate Latin Americans?

Yes she is prejudiced as they all are, but I don't think AOC is really a hater. Instead this is all about the balkanization of groups. Donald Trump gets the Negroids, and AOC is out making a fracture in the ethic groups, driving the Cubans harder into Trump  Socialism and a good portion of these Latins once they start reading that AOC started a reality of all the bottle water the Mexicans are being served from Puerto Ricans is toilet water.

AOC knows that none of these Mexicans are going to harmed, as God knows I have featured my observations here in watching disgusting Guatemalans rolling boogers out of their noses and dropping them on the floor as they shop. Then there are the drooling Mexican bambino rolling around on the floor as they cover toys with spit. Hell I even saw one enterprising Latin letting their kid play at the top of a two story staircase. I told the kid to vam, but it was obvious they hoped the kid would get killed so they could make money off of it.
So drinking water out of a toilet, considering Mexicans fertilize your spinach with their excrement, is a step up, as there is less bacteria in an American toilet than in a Mexican taco, and that includes their eataries in America, as Mexicans do not wash their hands unless constantly supervised and you do know they do not use toilet paper.

So Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and some Jesuit sponsored Latin communist agitators decided to create propaganda of beaners doing the big gulp in the toilet bowl, knowing other Latins who hate this ilk will start handing out AOC Toiletini's as a practical joke. 

So coming to a Mexican near you will be AOC's Flush Twice Toiletini. I think it is a bit far, but then I am not the one making up stories and giving people ideas on how to retaliate on the lesser order.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

Look amigo, this is racist in I want my toilet bowl water like the people down on the border!!!



It was a good thing no one knew at a celebrity funeral 
there would be Kodak moments to capture their grief.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This forensic psychological examination all began with an appearance of Dan Aykroyd on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, years ago, and having nothing better on, we were watching it.

As in most things, I start looking up people who I am watching and reading about them, which led me to the death of Mr. Ayrkoyd's friend, in John Belushi. For those who do not know the story, Belushi appeared in the Watergate era, on NBC's Saturday Night Live, with other caustic personalities like Chevy Chase, who was a mirror  image of David Letterman in a prick who  never wanted  to be known for comedy, but his thought provoking Tom Brokaw commentary on how to hate Christian Conservatives.
Chase's portrayal of President Gerald Ford, helped defeat him and for that the world got Jimmy Carter and is still nuclear terrorism bleeding over that with Iran.

Belushi was a binge doper. He hired trainers to keep him from doing dope, but there was something in Belushi which was hurting and he used dope to hide from that. The Miami Vice era though was coke across America which destroyed  some real talent like Jan Michael Vincent.
Belushi  indulged in booze, coke and what killed him  was a lethal addition of shooting up heroin. This analysis though is not about the death of John Belushi, but the story afterward, when Belushi's wife, hired Watergate's DIA propagandist in Bob  Woodward of the Washington Post to write a memoir on what happened to Belushi. That was  the cover story, but what it was, was the wife was looking to see if LAPD had a snitch shooting John Belushi up in order to get the goods on Belushi associates, at least that is what Woodward recounted.

Woodward is a professional. He is  also the faggot who befriends you at a party, gets you drunk, and then rapes you, so that you wake up the next morning feeling betrayed. That is what Woodward  does with people, in he puts on a persona of a friend, sympathetically wanting to hear the story you want to tell, just like Oprah patting a raped woman's leg on live television to get her to spill her guts and then in the final edit people are shocked that Woodward's books are filled with the facts of how degenerate everyone really is.

Belushi's circle of Aykroyd, Penny  Marshall,  Jack  Nicholson all trashed Woodward, and the complaint was that Woodward never wrote anything about how warm and nice a guy Belushi was. The reason was as Woodward and his assistant found and repeatedly tried in re interviews, was that everyone John Belushi was around, would start with a nice story and immediately shift to John Belushi doing dope and going nuts.
In the early days, people used to top Belushi off with booze at bars to get them to entertain them. He was banned from all the bars, but the pattern remained. It was summed up in Belushi's wife, stating that her husband  was fun, but doing drugs was fun too.
That is the problem in this, in all drinks think the are funny, and all dopers are having a good time and think  they have such wonderful warm friends, until the morgue arrives.
John Belushi was a nice guy with the crowd he was running with, because they were all high.

Two examples of John Belushi's  "friends" were those who appeared the night he died. Robin Williams appeared at the hotel, and snorted lines of coke with him, but did not like the woman Belushi was with as she seemed a crook. Robert DeNiro the profane big mouth ranting on Donald Trump, was there too, he too saw what a hole John Belushi was in, and he left.
Neither of these superstars did a thing for John Belushi. They did not call the police. The did not call an ambulance. They did not call Aykroyd or Mrs. Belushi for help, because that would rock the boat and ostracize them in the industry, where hating Christians and Conservatives was celebrated, because they never joined in the orgy.
See in Hollywood, everyone knows Corey Haim and Coryey Feldman are little boys being raped in that David Geffen  sphere at Disney of associate homosexuals and perverts, but no one does a thing. No one intervenes with a Charlie Sheen just like no one pulled the leash on James Dean. The Hollywood of the 80's was a coke line and raping the innocent, and everyone knew it, and everyone protected it. That is why Les  Moonves of  CBS a pervert never fired David  Letterman another letch, because they are all in the skin trade and no one ever asks what Hugh Grant after being arrested with a transvestite whore, why he was arrested by LAPD in who Grant offended and how much genital he had to suck to get back into the movie trade.

That was the world of John Belushi, where Hollywood cast people with little talent, who did comedy, into horrid roles that only actors should have taken. Robin Williams movies were never funny. They were soul rapes of misery, because he was miserable.John Belushi was never offered anything comedic, but instead was in movies which were boring as it required an actor to carry movies like that and Belushi was not an actor. He was a stand there for the punch line persona in a funny situation like Dan Aykroyd.
If you look at Saturday Night Live, the only creations of the original years who had any success were Bill Murray, because he did comedy. Murray carried Chevy Chase who was like Allan Alda of MASH in being unfunny. If there was anything amusing in the movies Chase was in, it was because like Caddy Shack, Bill  Murray, Rodney Dangerfield and Ted Knight were carrying the movie.
Murray though  had his own problems in being a  David Letterman cocktail crowd trailer.

It was in this background that the John Belushi movie, WIRED, by Bob  Woodward hit the silver screen, and was  immediately destroyed along with the actors in it, because Hollywood did not want their pervert secrets out that got John Belushi killed. Dan Aykroyd was the worst in getting people fired and black balling people. Aykroyd said he  was doing this for his friend, but psychologically he was in forensics  most likely feeling immense guilt in not saving his friend. Those close to Belushi had the excuse of Belushi was an  adult and they thought he was recovering, but they all felt guilt as they knew the industry they were  enabling to save and promote themselves made them apart of shooting up Belushi.
In having  only peripheral knowledge of Dan  Aykroyd, he has always by the company he keeps been a good guy. He fortunately escaped marrying that lunatic Carrie Fischer, and married Donna Dixon and   they raised  3 daughters. As one never hears any bad stories about this couple and their children are not wearing Pussy Hats in protesting Trump, it points to they are  normal people and an excuse can be made for Mr. Aykroyd in lashing out as he did  for his friend. The others though never changed a thing, including Saturday Night's Lorne Michaels who was more worried about what Woodward  was portraying him as and in this #NeverTrump era has allowed Alec Baldwin to look absolutely foolish in raging against Donald Trump. Enabling behavior which is destructive is what the entertainment industry does as the demo is Trump haters, so use up Alec Baldwin t o keep the show on the air.

The movie Wired is buried by Hollywood for their sins. It was a horrific film which was  too biting in it begins with Belushi in the morgue running away form his autopsy as a taxi driver takes him through is life in review as Bob Woodward interviews the dying comedian. Too poignant of story and too much a reminder of what really is Hollywood. The actors, writers and directors though are not to blame for Wired as they were trying to make a living just like everyone else in Hollywood who  is not Eddie Murphy coke sucking the life out of expense accounts while fucking a new  white girl in the back of a limo in his audition as Beverly Hills Cop upon fleeing the Buhwheat Plantation of Saturday Night Live.

The fact is that John Belushi's career was over when he died. He had zero parts and was dosing himself to end the reality he was in. Fortunately his brother Jim, arose to stardom and has produced some fine performances including his comedy show Jim.  He could have rolled  up  the streets and given up as John Belushi's kid  brother as an excuse, but he worked the system and he prevailed, because in most instances Jim Belushi was giving people what they expected in large comedic performances. John Wayne had to come to term with people wanted him as a cowboy, and Jim Belushi understood that is why people were paying money to see movies he was in, and that was to be entertained.

Dope is what got John Belushi because he was a stoner. People  who  are on stage are there to hide from who they are and to validate themselves in  the attention of others as that is their psychopathy, and it does kill from the little white pills of Elvis Presley to the dick up the ass that killed Brad Davis.

Bob Woodward's problem is he is that Mirror Mirror on the wall, seducing people to tell their stories, but in the end Woodward shows everyone the real person, and that is what infuriates those imprisoned by the words of his books.

I would that John Belushi was not a person was hiding in dope something that he could not measure up to. I would that Mr. Belushi had  been responsible and home as a married  man. I would that John Belushi had rolls generated for him which would have fulfilled his career. The formula of Tim Matheson as a straight man and John Belushi as the punch line  would have worked, but Hollywood in the coke and  cock era  of making movies, was not interested in writing comedies like Caddy  Shack.........and imagine if Tim Matheson had been cast instead of the lackluster Chevy Chase and if a roll could have been created equal to Bill Murray as an over the top golf club manager.

John Belushi might have been alive today for a role like  that, and would have been alive if he would have found Jesus, instead of people sourcing coke to him to further their careers.

Give the star what they want, keep them addicted, and your big break might come as John Belushi is the nice guy who helps others.

Kodak moments demand a pose with a casket.

Stoner, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter as people live life in ways that catch up to them and do things in grief they never would repeat later.

Nuff Said
