Friday, October 4, 2019

AOC's Planet Parenthood Restaurants

Yes I agree there are merits to Planet Parenthood Restaurants


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is no secret that the Lame Cherry has a fond affection for the CIA girl troll of Alexandria Ocasio Cortez in her virginal whites and out. I love the CIA and despite the psychotic things John Brennan did and Mike Pompeo, the CIA is just an agency that I would love to be employed by.

In that apology, it appears that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez was trolled by the Lyndon LaRouche people, another group of most interesting advocates that I am very fond of, as they make interesting reading on diverse subjects and have uncovered a great deal of information, even if they are democrats.

LaRouche people though produced a brilliant troll of AOC in sending in a questioner who stated that the world needed to start eating babies. Most will think this is related to that Swedish greenist who said we needed to start eating people to stop climate change, but in effect, Pepsi has been putting baby parts into soda for years, and the cosmetic companies have been at it for some time, then there is Planned Parenthood selling baby parts for high dollars and let's face it, stem cell therapies sweeping the nation are from baby parts, so America is a nation of cannibals.

So a question to AOC from LaRouche associates about eating babies, is a paradigm of Americans pull babies out of the womb, suck their brains out to murder them, and the people of New York and Virginia pass laws for it, Brett Kavanaugh refuses to hear aborticide cases, and what really is the difference between murdering a kid, calling it abortion, and grinding it up for the medical industry or eating it on the BBQ?

The reality is the question of extremes. Why is it not extreme to inject dead babies into a spinal injury victim, but it is deemed reprehensible to eat babies as the LaRouche democrats just questioned AOC about?

I really judge the Daily Caller and Breitbart extreme in calling the democrats of LaRouche a cult and anti semites. It is not like they are saying mass to Lyndon the way Catholics do or baking up Jews the way Nazi's did. All they do is ask questions and write progressive articles.

I'm always ready to try and assist everyone, including democratic LaRouch advocates and democratic AOC advocates, and it seems to me the LaRouche democrats should have presented AOC with some baby recipes, fresh from Planned Parenthood.

How about Taco John offering a Baby Burito?

I state that as McDonalds is offering up their McRib  again. How about a McTot with some savory sauce?  I am sure you remember Hansel and Gretel and the misunderstood witch, in modern democratic standards as they hang around with Jeffrey Epstein pedos now, in she used to advertise for kids to come over for dinner.

All that aside, I have noticed something in the above baby eating video with AOC in that her breasts are not as full and rounded as in the photo below?
AOC looks to be sporting Double DD's in the below and she is whistling while she works. That is not the same AOC above.

But just to prove that AOC is not being dishonest, here is a photo of AOC with a male admirer, looking to be a cleavage crawler in her ample Grand Canyon of breasts.
Granted AOC is a plus C in this photo, but she is just a whistling away as he works again. She is such a happy soul working for the CIA.

I did some research and though there are denials, AOC's bloodlines are related to West Indians who Christopher Columbus said did not like praying to dead things and liked eating people. So the LaRouche democrats asking AOC about baby eating to save the world, is right up her genetic ally.
Then again, Hillary Clinton gets that new baby blood transfusions like that Peter Thiel does in queerdom, like so many rich people do, and it seems to be restoring that drunk old sick woman to run again in 2020. Granted Hamrod Clinton has to soften Trump up with impeachment, but as Chris Matthews says, "Why not impeach Pence too?" That would seem a better fit as then Nancy Pelosi would be President and as she handled Obama's rationed death to America for him, I could see President Pelosi finding all kinds of ways for Americans to eat babies. AOC in her family history of cannibals probably has recipes that could be featured in Taste of Home. 

Cannibals: Natives who refused to submit to the Spanish were called cannibals. They were characterized as idolaters and consumers of human flesh who could not be converted into Christianity and were therefore suitable for enslaving.
Caribes: The Spanish understood Caribes [pronounced ka-rib-hes] to be real people when in fact they were creatures who existed only in Taíno mythology.
Caniba: Columbus sought an audience with the Grand Khan of Cathay (China). Caniba is the name Columbus gave to denote the Grand Khan’s subjects.

  • [Mid-16thC. From Canibales, a variant (used by the explorer Columbus) of Caribes, the name of the cannibalistic people of Cuba and Haiti (see Carib).], Encarta World English Dictionary
  • [Spanish Canibal “Carib”, of American Indian origin], Webster’s New Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • [1545-55, cannibal, variant of caríbal, equivalent to canib-, carib- (Arawak) + -al –QAL; from their belief that the Caribs of the West Indies ate human flesh]. Webster’s Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language
In 1492, the indigenous people of Cuba and Haiti belonged to the extensive Taíno civilization, rivals of the Eastern Caribbean’s Island-Carib. The more diplomatic Taíno cacicazgos (chiefdoms) were not the warrior society of the Island-Carib.

 My concern is since the LaRouche democrats have brought this into the public forum, and AOC is seen winking in the video above as if she is in on this, that some democrats might start eating their own and get arrested, as it is not probably legal, unless Planned Parenthood does it. It would be a horrid thing for some uninformed democrats to say, get their aborted kids killed by salting that day, and then taking the pickled kid out to the parking lot for a tailgate party of their friends, fire up their solar powered green BBQ, and next thing they know is some police officer is arresting them for eating people when it is just lunch to them.

So now that democrats have brought this to the debate, and it once again was the far sighted LaRouche democrats, with AOC winking at them, is there not enough time to impeach Donald Trump and to pass some green recycling laws where vegans could enjoy dairy, tofu and a baby on a bun legally, as wasn't it the animal rights people who said there is no difference between a rat and a human? Sure it was, so can not Speaker Pelosi before she becomes President, pass the Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Green Baby Law and let the dining begin.
Oh and how about this, Speaker Pelosi passes the AOC bill, impeaches Trump and Pence, Mitch McConnell convicts them both and John Roberts of Obamacare rationed death, signs in President Pelosi, and she signs into eating babies to save the planet, and they all sit down to Baby Cordon Bleu.

Madam President with Lunch du Jour for Congress


Trump versus der Fuehrer

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

A most interesting spin has appeared concerning a strange duo appearing in Europe from the United States in Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has jetted off to southern Europe and he has taken fired Trump official, Sebastian Gorka along.

No one has explained what is the reasoning behind this, but what first emerged in a State Department briefing was that Pompeo was jetting off to the Vatican in attempting to wed Protestant NGO's to the Vatican in humanitarian funding. Pompeo was then off to Montenegro and then Greece, in focusing on NATO issues.

In all of this, Russia never came up, except late in the briefing from a reporter's question. Only then did every story spin that Pompeo was going to Italy to battle Russian influence in the region.

Senior State Department Official Previewing Secretary Michael R. Pompeo's Upcoming Trip to Italy, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Greece

Special Briefing
Office of the Spokesperson
September 27, 2019

None of that makes sense, unless of course this United States keeping it's finger in the pie, is not concerned about what Russia was doing three years ago in the Balkans, but more to the issue of the Chancellor of the hour, in the return of Sebastian Kurz of Austria, after a failed Bannon Jesuit coup and after a failed Clinton Jew coup, which only produced a Sebastian Kurz party in Austria and had the new EU Presidential skirt, parroting what Manfred Weber was declaring on European Identity, which is what Sebastian Kurz policy is.

What this Lame Cherry believes is taking place is the Trump regime is very concerned about the leader of the world, Sebastian Kurz regaining power after having his political head cut off.

The reason Pompeo is trying to bribe the Vatican, is because Catholic Sebastian Kurz is in league with the Pater Pope Francis.
Montenegro is Sebastian Kurz's diplomatic success. As for Greece, Greece is a natural ally and working partner with Austria. Mike Pompeo appearing in Sebastian Kurz's back yard is not about Russia, who is an ally of Kurz, but Donald Trump is worried over Sebastian Kurz's control over southern Europe.

And what of Sebastian Gorka?

Gorka has more citizenship than Obama. Well maybe not more, but as many as Gorka is British, Hungarian and American in current voting status. The key in this is Hungary, which is of the Austrian Hungarian Empire. Gorka who was cut out of Trump sphere over MAGA, is now front and center in attempting to split Hungary off the Habsburg Empire.

What is appearing is American intrigue and tampering focused not on Russia, but on Europe. The telling part is Trump Pompeo believe that building an alliance of Italian and Greek control of the Balkans, will neutralize Chancellor Kurz. There is not any American focus on the Merkel / Macron Skirt Squad installed to manage the European Union. Trump apparently believes the French and Germans are non consequential in being free from Sebastian Kurz's control.
If that were the case, then the European Union President would not be voicing Sebastian Kurz's rhetoric.

Donald Trump has every reason to be focused on Sebastian Kurz, who has been moving like lightning supplanting America from Europe and the world. Manfred Weber texted the need for European centric living, not Russian, Chinese or American. Yes the Europeans disdain the United States in the current political climate and Trump's horrid diplomatic mishandling of Austria and Europe is the root of this.

Sebastian Kurz is not forgetting what the Americans and anti Pope Jesuits were engaged in with Steve Bannon, and how Clinton's Jews were behind the coup in Austria. It is a completely lame foreign policy of the Trump White House to send in Gorka to weed off Hungary, as Pompeo attempts to bribe the Pater Pope with control of Protestant charities and their moneys.

Back in Rome, the Secretary is going to participate in a joint U.S.-Holy See symposium, which is called Pathways to Achieving Human Dignity: Partnerships with Faith-Based Organizations. That's going to be on October the 2nd and take place in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City. This is an outgrowth of the Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom. You'll recall we held that a few months back in Washington, in June specifically, hosted by the Secretary. It was the largest human rights-focused gathering that we'd had at the State Department, and this is a continuity of that.

Christians being bartered by the Trump regime as a policy to attempt to prop up more failed Trump foreign policy in Europe.

You were warned of this, on the Lame Cherry a week ago, and now Donald Trump has Mike Pompeo and Sebastian Gorka scurrying to Europe in an attempt to fracture Europe from the leadership of I, Kurz.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Sebastian Kurz with America as his Trumpstool

I, Kurz
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


Hand in the Rafferty Jar

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was sitting in a Hardees about a month ago, and the kids in there always have on vintage rock and roll, and I enjoy that a great deal, and as I sat there telling TL which song it was, I said to TL that the song reminded me or something in the riffs I had heard somewhere else.
The song was Stuck in the Middle with You, by Stealers Wheel, or Jerry Rafferty who later tortured everyone with Baker Street, a song of saxophone screeching which reminds one of cats being run over on the tarmac by a 747 and then sucked through the General Electrics.

I knew the person where I had heard the riff, it she was a liberal skirt, who got her start with that prick liberal Don Henley of the Eagles in his shitty songs and lyrics, and then it came to me as I kept playing it in mind, that the riff that Jerry Rafferty with Stealers Wheel were playing was stolen by Cheryl Crow for All I Wanna Do.

Just listen to the funky twang of Rafferty and then Crow and even a novice can hear it is the same lick.

This is serious stuff as Crow had to give credit to the person who wrote the lyrics which gained them a fortune.

Fortune is the key word here, as Crow did not mention the licks in Stuck in the Middle, and no money was paid Jerry Rafferty or Stealer Wheel. As someone who is plagiarized a great deal, this is a sticking point with me, as I know what I hear in Stuck in the Middle and it later in All I Wanna Do. Crow owes Jerry Rafferty a fortune and a Grammy as the liberals gave her an award for this song of the year.

I absolutely love Stuck in the Middle as it was original and genius. I have detested Cheryl Crow for her one hit wonder that she keeps getting awards for in trash songs which deserve no credit, but as she is a liberal, liberals keep handing out the awards.

That though is the reality and a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said


Fire on Fire Review

Why in hell did I agree to be in this movie!

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In need of a cheap movie diversion for my birthday, we came home with Fire with Fire, a movie with Bruce Willis who basically disappeared for the entire movie as it was 2012 and was probably hiding from Obama, but this is the basic story.

A white firefighter, has coon friends, who a white Nazi shoots, and tries to kill him. I don't quite get why one of the Nazi is that British soccer guy, Vinnie Jones, but when they kill him, the movie drags.

Anyway, the firefighter is banging a federal police officer who is Black, and is being threatened by the Nazi, so the firefighter goes to the good guys, the Black crypts, gets a gun and starts murdering Nazis.

I can't act, but I ain't big ass Michelle Obama either sistah!

This movie sucks because Willis is in it and is not in it. It sucks because the firefighter is Josh Duhamel. It sucks because the Black chic is Rosario Dawson who can't act. It sucks because Vincent D'Ofornio is the Nazi, and gives such a Powers Booth image of Jim Jones, that D'Ofornio comes off as the racist portraying a racist.
 On and D'Ofornio looks like crazy Tom Arnold in this movie.

Are you the skinhead or am  I?

I actually like this liberal actor's work on Law and Order, but the dude just is not as intellectual as he thinks he is, and it always shows in real life.

The main point in this is movie sucks, except for the few action sequences. Other than that, the white on black sex was repulsive as the actors are not appealing, and 50 Cent is unbelievable as the kinder and gentler face of Crypts.

 I think I'm going to puke.

Oh Josh Duhamel pukes a great deal as some kind of statement that he just can not stomach the violence he is engaged in, or getting kidney punched by the kinder and gentler Crypts.

I would like to make this movie over with actors and give Willis something to do. I would slap D'Ofornio around a few hours to tell him to stop being a racist against Nazi's and just play the Nazi for what a Nazi is, as they are over the top enough.

I'm Vinnie, I could make dog shit watchable!

I would cast Vinnie Jones as the firefighter, and honest to God cast Kayne West as the head of the Crypts, or at least that guy from CSI California. I think if you put a wanker like Jones head to head with that Rosario Dawson she would fly, as she at least can show up on screen acting, but she needs a man to get something out of her. Then again Vinnie Jones could replace Vincent D'Ofornio too if he could not get his racism under control, as the premise that Nazi's are taking over Nigger Crypt gang territory is bullshit, as Obama was importing MS 13 to take over Chicago form the Homies and the Mexicans.

Yes I know you wanted me naked....

Oh and Bonnie Summerville is the hot DA, who is just there to show everyone what they are missing with the coloured on the screen with the racist liberals. I mean why put some hot blonde in a movie and not have someone roughing her up out of the shower or sometime, or her masturbating to Nazis. You just got to give a woman something to do than be Bruce Willis' eye candy.

So if you want to wait around for the action, not the sex, not the story, and can stomach watching a racist liberal being racist against racists, then this is probably a watchable movie with a few beers or shots of whiskey. It was a cheap movie on sale in the Thrift, so that sort of explains why it was in the pile of stuff no one wants to watch.


Cast overview, first billed only:
Josh Duhamel Josh Duhamel ... Jeremy Coleman
Bruce Willis Bruce Willis ... Mike Cella
Rosario Dawson Rosario Dawson ... Talia Durham
Vincent D'Onofrio Vincent D'Onofrio ... David Hagan
50 Cent 50 Cent ... Lamar (as Curtis Jackson)
Julian McMahon Julian McMahon ... Robert
Vinnie Jones Vinnie Jones ... Boyd
Arie Verveen Arie Verveen ... Darren
Eric Winter Eric Winter ... Adam
Bonnie Somerville Bonnie Somerville ... Karen Westlake

With that, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter movie reviews.

Nuff Said
