Monday, September 30, 2019

Sebastian Kurz with America as his Trumpstool

I, Kurz

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As President Donald Trump attempts by the illusion of Trumpeachment to retain the office of President in the United States, this old man has been overtaken by the true challenger, Sebastian Kurz, who by November 2020, will in hindsight see Donald Trump a year behind der Fuehrer.

For the short attention span Americans, consider what has brought the world to this. Donald Trump in his advisers have humiliated Sebastian Kurz in global politics. When the Chancellor arrived in America in his grace, Donald Trump berated him at the White House with Trumpisms of twitter rages.
Returning, Steven Bannon colluded with Jesuits to overthrow the European elections as others supplanted Manfred Weber as European President for the Merkel Macron skirt squad of menstrual leaders.

Of course the greatest slight was a coup against Sebastian Kurz which was an attempt to overthrow the Habsburgs again in Austria, where a Jewish collaborator of Bill and Hillary Clinton engaged in a coup against the Chancellor deposing him of his elected power.

All of that, and Sebastian Kurz rose from the death wound he received, to obliterate the ruling left and right in Austria, create the Kurz center party, smash all other parties in gaining 37% of the vote in a landslide, and the Chancellor has become the Fuehrer, the Leader, of Austria, Europe and the World.

In examining the Government which Sebastian Kurz will form. The Chancellor has been espousing Green platforms, and at 14% of the vote to Kurz's 37%, he already has a ruling majority. If the Chancellor chooses to bring the FPO or right wing to key roles of power, Sebastian Kurz will govern Austria with 67% majority. If he includes Neos, that is a super majority of 75%.
This is not out of the realm of possibilities as the Greens could manage environment, the Neos education, FPO would have labor, and OVP would head finance, defense and the foreign office.

With over 90% of votes counted the ÖVP is projected to take 37% of the vote, up from 31% at the last election in 2017, and better than opinion polls had predicted. The 22% forecast for the Social Democrats (SPÖ) would be their worst result in history. The far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ), which until May served as the ÖVP’s junior partner in government, is on course for a disappointing 16%, down a full ten points from 2017. The Greens are projected to take 14%, their best-ever result, and the liberal Neos 8%.

In all of this, Sebastian Kurz laid the groundwork for European domination of the world without American belligerence. Africa is by robotic manufacture to fund a new European exploitation, based upon Chinese stolen technology from the Americans. With 2 billion Africans as consumers, based upon the natural resources of Africa funding this commerce, Europe has the platform to lead the world, and produce a 1000 year Reich in outer space.

The United States is 365 days behind Sebastian Kurz. For the next year, Donald Trump has his Trumpeachment theater, as Sebastian Kurz leads Austria, Europe and the World. Jared Kushner's failed peace along with the lame duck Benjamin Netanyahu of the Jewish state, Austria is set to produce the final solution there too, supplanting the United States.

In all of this, the reality is Sebastian Kurz sits upon the throne of Europe and the United States will be the Feurher's Trumpstool. Donald Trump had 18 months to salvage the United States and he instead saved himself for the Faustian promise of President Ivanka and Vice President Mike Pompeo in beauty and the beast.
Each day which follows puts the United States two days behind Austria and Austria with Europe, two days ahead.
2020 is going to be the long year of America falling behind while Europe cements the foundation for a thousand year Reich.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Ich fragte Donald, wie es sei, so alt zu sein, dass er sich erinnert, als Gott sagte: Es möge Licht sein.

Nuff Said
