Tuesday, January 28, 2020

John Bolton, now the Darling of the Trump Hating Left

What can I say, Pompeo brought down Bolton, and he would
 bring me down too if he could.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have never been a great advocate for John Bolton in I simply did not trust him. He was though one person who could have unseated Donald Trump or forced the Trumpstate to abandon the President and work a deal out with John Bolton's Bushites to become President.

This book deal promotion though of Bolton stating that Trump spoke of withholding foreign aide to Ukraine, is hanging Susan Colins and perpetual Mormon traitor Mitt Romney, in wanting to hear what Bolton has to say. All Bolton can say is that Donald Trump said something, in policy meetings, meetings which are confidential and no aide to the President should ever reveal, but what was mentioned never became US policy, so therefore what Donald Trump was discussing is what all leaders discuss, and nothing criminal came of it.

John Bolton would acquit Donald Trump and bring down democrats and Rhinos.

Fox's Napolitano Torches Pro-Trump Attacks on Bolton: 'A Conservative Icon Until Two Days Ago'   mediaite 

John Bolton Is Just the Next Blasey Ford - The Rush Limbaugh Show   eib 

Tucker Carlson Rips Into Bolton, Compares Him to Snake from Trump's Parable   thepoliticalinsider 

Bolton Is Succeeding Where the NeverTrumpers Failed   nationalinterest

It is though as this blog stated from the beginning. Donald Trump is a bastard when he is through with people. The White House is a Cassius dagger of cliques for power. Bolton happened to be a Neocon power structure strong on defense, compared to those who are trying to start wars for Wall Street profits in the Pompeo and Mnuchin sphere.

A similar event took place in the Reagan cabinet when Cap Weinberger and Robert MacFarland were hawks, overruled by the Nancy Reagan and George Schultz. The worst of this is for John Bolton is that the Mockingbird smears have begun and he is the Neocon being tarred and feathered by the Trump Nazis.

It would be illogical for Bolton to hang himself. The reason appears to be as stated, Donald Trump courted John Bolton to give Trump political standing on the right, and when push came to shove, Pompeo and Mnuchin shoved Bolton out with poison photos released, as John Bolton represents the kind of confrontation that the Goldman Sachs DIA is not advocating at this juncture.

It was bad enough that John Bolton would have resigned, was white about it all, but then the inner coup fired him, and Dan Scorvino took to Twitter and kicked Bolton in the nuts, just to rub it in. It brought about this entire cutting off of the hard right, which is what the Webster Griffin Tarpley prophetic warning stated, in America would be ruled a split Nazi and Communist Democratic party and the American right would disappear to 3rd party status like the Greens.
It was deliberate what was done to John Bolton, as much as the Mockingbird money thrown in his face, to entice him to see revenge on Donald Trump in print, and it all laid out perfectly again in the Bush Brennan coup plotters using John Bolton, but their plot was weak and ten steps behind. What ends in this is John Bolton on the political pike, neutralizing any leverage the right would have with Trump nazism.
This was a perfect orchestration and a perfect operation. It is just that it leaves a foul taste in real American's mouths in what Donald Trump put his name on, in humiliating John Bolton to get this result.

John Bolton is now isolated. He can scribble policy rants, but he will die of old age before anyone listens to him, and more to the point, the odds are against that a Ronald Reagan will ever arise in America again, as the cartel is not going to allow that to happen.

Market Watch

That is just rich in Comrade Kelly, who legalized invasion America for the American Genocide, the Obama voter who fathered failure for Trump, is now the guy saying he believes John Bolton. All John Kelly is doing is his job to enable the Marxists by giving them John Bolton's corpse to quote in their Trump derangement.

Think of that one, in liberals who hate Trump are now quoting John Bolton, the guy with the walrus mustache they were mocking the hell out Bolton as a buffoon..........as Rush Limbaugh once was praising Bolton and now is calling him a Brett Kavanaugh rape fantasy skirt.

Go enjoy your money John Bolton as America will vanish soon enough.

Nuff Said
