Thursday, January 23, 2020

Saving the FBI from the FBI

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a myriad of problems in the implosion of law intimidation and coercion against the American People. Today though Attorney General William Barr not only took a step in the right direction, but appointed someone in the FBI, who is who Americans have far too few examples of in being what we expect an FBI Agent to be.

Deputy Director Bowdich is a self made law enforcement officer. He rose from a street cop in New Mexico, attended Georgetown University and through good legal work, protected America from gangs to Mexican mafia kidnappers.
He is one of the remarkable success stories of American law enforcement.

After Andrew McCabe went on leave on January 29, 2018, prior to his dismissal from the FBI, Bowdich, as Associate Deputy Director, stepped into that position.
Bowdich was formally appointed Deputy Director on April 13, 2018, by Director Christopher A. Wray.
Bowdich fired Agent Peter Strzok on August 10, 2018.

What is the new oversight the Deputy Director is involved in is the hemorrhage of what this blog has railed against as the root cause of the law enforcement problem in the United States, and that is the generational Mosaad type training of viewing Americans as the threat to law enforcement, and instead of protecting them, law enforcement has instead intimidated and threatened them.

There is a base psychology test that all law enforcement is sorted through. It has produced an officer which follows orders, and commits themselves to a "circle the wagons to protect the group" rather than the public.
Director Christopher Wray has exhibited this in protecting the FBI and their secrets in the attack upon the 2016 elections. That is a vast problem, because the innate human flaws still inside law enforcement in the corrupt people are still there as they are breaking the law to enforce the law.

What Attorney General Barr is focused on, is the manifestation of this, and that is record numbers of law enforcement are committing suicide. The police are killing themselves, because they are in a system which has betrayed their best intentions, will not police itself, and this system is protecting the lawlessness of far too many officers.

I was observing 3 state troopers in my state this past year. I call them penis heads, because most of them are shaved heads, never look like they see light, and have this brain dead expression. This is what is typical of the type that law enforcement hires. The problem in this trio was two penis heads were huddled together on one side of the table, while another shaved head sat across from them, talking loudly about how stupid the public was. I have witnessed this officer glaring at me as I drove, and he appeared in areas of our county on off roads where he had no business patrolling, as he is HIGHWAY patrol, not city streets or county roads looking to arrest people.
In the cities we have our Police and in our counties we have our Sheriff.

It are these thugs in police, and you can point to Andrew McCabe destroying the life of Special Agent Robyn Gritz to this thug which lurked in our community, honest law enforcement is placed under a great deal of pressure as these thugs are promoted.
As this degrades, no one wants to work with these cops, they see their abuses, keep silent and it compounds in superiors order officers to prey on the public in robbing them in speed traps, to being told not to enforce the law on Mexicans working for the local millionaires or for the rich kids.

That is why suicide rates are up. Law enforcement is broken from the top down and the bottom up. Virginia is a latest example where the Governor is pressuring local law enforcement to steal the guns of legal locals. Politics and the hiring of a group of political minders is not what people who signed onto law enforcement joined the force for.

I honestly for the protection of Americans and Police Officers, hope that this committee will address the problems with the flawed hiring system, and the flawed souls, who are causing this problem with all of the flawed politicians.

The problem is there is only one David Bowdich while Obama hired thousands of like minded travelers in the days before his regime ended. One honest man can do a great deal, but in Richmond Virginia, we discovered the FBI was planting stories about The Base in NBC media, briefed the Governor of Virginia to create a state of emergency, and it all appears to have been to create an alternative gun owners registry list, where everyone in Richmond is now on file as a terrorist suspect.

The problem with the FBI, and offices like the Second District of New York are still there. To protect law enforcement, requires addressing the entire issue of how people are screened and the training of those officers to protect their system, instead of the public first. It requires a great deal of self character to have the kind of absolute authority of the FBI. Deputy Director David Bowdich has shown such character. He is one man though, and that is the problem in all of this. It will take more than one man and one committee, to protect law enforcement and thee American People.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

