Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Thine Trumpstool

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is frustrating in being so exposed in publishing this blog, in how just a hand full of Christians bother to donate, while the majority of you sit in luxury and make excuses. When this blog has consistently broken stories in being proven right time and again, and brought you back from the ignorance of propaganda distracting you, and not having numbers of you step up, it is worse than Christ having only one leper return and asking where the other 9 are. I am not anywhere near Jesus in Faith, as I have not been able to send Peter out to catch a fish with a coin in it's mouth to pay bills.

Most of you remind me of dumb stock, a great deal like my mother. You will not do what is right. Telling you how awful you are, praising you for being good, does nothing, as you just sit like a lump and I wonder why God does not manifest the kind of love I need in money to give me the emotional buffer in dealing with the hits unleashed on me in this emotional war.

I think about the above paragraph, and wonder if any of you deadbeats ever notice that no one talks to you like this on a personal level, but then you do not care one way or the other, as it is all about your selfish, me, me, me, me, which will have you sentenced at the Christ Judgment, when no one will know you.

What this is about are the Black Swans which this blog published, but not about this royal hierarchy of the lords and priests, or the parents of Baby, the greatest artificial mind ever.

The Black Swans

The history of banking began with the first prototype banks which were the merchants of the world, who gave grain loans to farmers and traders who carried goods between cities. This was around 2000 BC in Assyria, India and Sumeria
the crucial historical development of a banking system to medieval and Renaissance Italy and particularly the affluent cities of Florence, Venice and Genoa.

This is about those Swans which have been moving in the Habsburg order, having risen a most notable leader in Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, and how it is not about them, but about the things of the Missing Link that Robert Mueller was protecting in his investigation, and not about the Missing Link, but about what all of this whirlwind of Donald Trump is really all about.

It was in the American Civil War that the House of Rothschild made inroads into the United States, by trading in Lincoln's Green Backs and turning them into legitimate American Gold. Soon enough the Americans in that industrial power, would create real wealth with a ceiling in the Morgans, Rockefellers, Chases, Carnegie, Harrimans, Astors wealth. Few of you reading this remember a 1960's time in America, when America only had 7 millionaires, and most children could name them.

That all changed, as the financial houses appeared in America from the House of Rothschild in the Lehmans leading investment, and President Theodore Roosevelt heard the allure of America in war to plunder Germany, and in that Jekyl Island commerce appeared. The United States needed empire to rule the world, but the United States did not have the revenue to produce that kind of expansion. The Europeans did, and for the Federal Reserve control, the Europeans dumped their resources in fractal lending, to begin lending money to Americans, the Americans own money at interest, which in world wars, and record welfare and defense spending, the United States in an petrol oil economy, inflated itself into insolvency, as a million dollars is worthless now, as a new tan skin slave class replaces the Christian Protestant which built America in Jesus Name.

In the 1900's, Jewish anarchists had for 50 years slaughtered royals in Europe and created revolution. The Jewish interests in New York wanted those tired and poor murderers in America to socialize the United States, and there appeared the fellow travelers to give backing to the House of Schiff, which was Rothschild sanctioned, but soon in New York rose up to war with the Rothschilds over the Czars of Russia.
The Rothschilds desired a peaceful plunder of Russian wealth. The American Jewish Schiff's desired a murderous plague, to install the Rothschild's Marxism in Russia as a Soviet Gulag. The Schiff's won that fight, and America was plunged ever deeper into this intrigue, while the Schiff Rockefeller's funded a National Socialist in Germany to make war against the Soviet Jewry, which the Schiff's had appointed in Moscow. Thus\, the invention of Adolf Hitler.

It was after this war, that American fools, not realizing they were being played, accepted the plunder of Germany in the billions of dollars. Attached to this was nuclear weapon perfection from Germany, and the operation which brought not just German Reich scientists to America, but German Gestapo who would help build the new American CIA, on the foundation of the murderous Will Bill of the OSS of World War II.

Thus America had at it's center the American Patriot, but inside of FDR's regime were Soviet communists which Harry Truman kept around, as Harry Truman began infusing Hitler's Nazis into the US Government. Never forget that Hitler's financial genius in World War II was named Warburg. FDR had a Warburg running things too, it was his brother.
Perhaps you are beginning to understand that patriotism was a ruse in world wars to con Americans to their slaughter.

This was America though, Patriots who never really comprehended that the United States was being fought over by Nazis and Communists, and both of these leftist groups were backed by the same Black Swan group, in their political visage known as Dr. John Coleman's Committee of 300.

The reason Barack Hussein Obama the foreign birthed illegitimate bastard was placed into the White House, by stealing 10 million GOP votes, TWICE, is because he was backed by the Black Swans. It is why Obama hates the British but bows to the Black Swan Queen of London and why Obama was at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin. The Birther was paying homage to his globalist masters.
Obama caught the American group by surprise, as John McCain, another globalist red, was to be president. This group did not want Hillary Clinton as president, even if she was one of them. So when the European cartel moved to punish the Clintons for selling uranium in Asia to China, which is part of the LaVoy Finicum murder in Oregon tracing back to Uranium One of Canada and Vladimir Putin, it was the same issue for the American branch as the Clintons sold something they had no business selling without cutting anyone in.

Obama though began cutting new deals for his benefactors and cutting out the old order. The world dope trade saw Obama laundering coke from Africa, not into London, but the Balkans. al Qaeda was given the mule cut for this business. Obama ripped holes in the Mideast for his community organized communists in his Color Revolutions. He tried to bring down Putin. He stole Ukraine from Russia and caused a war there. Obama's terrorists with John McCain wresting control in Ukrainian Nazi's were soon being supplied with Libyan weapons, trained in Jordan, armed in Turkey and stealing oil in Iraq and Syria worth billions, all under the title of ISIS, which was nothing but Kurds hauling oil as front to this new terror group.

To put this simply for your brain process, Obama's communists were taking things from an increasingly isolated  American Socialist branch of the cartel, and they were not going to stand for it, any more than Hilter was going to allow the Bank of London and reds in Moscow Jewish guilds genocide Germany. As this requires stating, what Donald Trump has been all about is America Nazis fighting for their control and survival against International communists, who had their leader in Birther Hussein and his fellow travelers who produced Pissgate Dossiers.
It is why Jews keep popping up in this. There is a Mosaad American Intelligence division as Victor Ostrovsky exposed. There is also for lack of a better definition an American Shin Bet or FBI group of Jews, which Benjamin Netanyahu and the Kushner clan are a part of. If you look at everyone from the Gorilla, the Alt Right to Alan Derschowitz, in this strange assemblage, this an intelligence group extensions. The same financial group which backed Adolf Hitler National Socialism, and brought in Nazis in Operation Paperclip, are the group that Donald Trump turned to after Obama humiliated Trump, and in Trump they saw the political manifestation, backed by the DIA front, to restore their Schiff order to America and root out the Obama international communists who were taking things from them.

That is what Russian meddling is about. That is what impeachment is about. There is an Ashkenaz fight for control of America, socialist or communist mandated with Americans facing genocide, no matter who is the victor, as Protestants are a resistance which will not bow to the golden statue.

If you have any sense, from reading this blog, you are seeing how this has all been before your eyes, how it never made sense, until you had plugged in the key code players, and then it all begins to make sense in how beyond comprehension it is without the gemstone keys.

I will admit I had been puzzled about a great deal of this, as I was looking at this from the outside. I knew from the start of this when Edward Snowden appeared that the entity this blog called the Control was in operation. In the American Shin Bet, was the day of June 13, 2013 when Obama left the building, and from this the image of Obama lost all political victories after that day, his psyche changed, as did his appearance as this shapeshfiter was not Obama.
It was after that date that Executive Orders prevailed and what emerged was the Joe Biden front, of Michelle Obama and Val-erie Jarrett of the "COO" or Committee of Obama emerged in Susan Rice, John Brennan and James Comey, as the praetorian guard of Obama's legacy, and that meant installing Hamrod Clinton and bringing down Donald Trump as the Obama Bush order, was moving for war with Russia in Europe.

Webster Griffin Tarpley said all of this would become a reality, as that is what the American cartel desired. A Nazi ruled America, split off from the democratic party, which would be communist. Communism it yet so repugnant even on pretty Alexandria Ocasio Cortez terms, that it will make National Socialism acceptable, as this is what Dwight Eisenhower's handlers desired for America.
The United States is experiencing a ideological war in leftism, the Nazis and the Communists, never the twain shall meet.

Everything for 7 years has brought the world to this. Two Jewish convert factions of Ashkenaz who are secular and not religious, of vast power and financial resources in their hundreds of years of success, are involved with goy Nazis and Communists.

...and in that, we have the global expansion, as Donald Trump is the gemstone of the American cartel, Sebastian Kurz of Austria is the European cartels gemstone. There has been great of Black Swan intrigue in this to take out the President of the United States and the Control having taken down Sebastian Kurz by the Blackcon Jesuits and Steve Bannon. Both want a Balkanized competitor, to plunder Russia, and lust for the prize of Pax Jerusalem.
Iran is the manifestation of this game of thrones. I suppose you think that entertainment just appeared without coincidence either.

Everyone uses the Russian Jews though as they are the poor relation. No paragraphs for that, just the reality.  Is a shame as Mrs. Cohen is the Helen of Troy of Jewess.  Such a pretty swan upon the political tempest of this pond. Beauty should have a place even among the Nazi and the Communist.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
