Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A Grave of your own Digging


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not expect or advocate anyone mirroring my Christian walk or Jesus carrying me, as I have had a hard time of it, and had to struggle since a child, who had a mother as a weapon of satan, who used to preach at me, "Forgive and forget". This is from one of the most vindictive women I ever knew, and a woman I told to her face that she was an " obstinate bitch".
I doubt many children have such frank statements produced at their parents.

It took me a very long time to come to the Biblical "Lord's Vengeance" in things being turned over to God as that is His place, and it protects you from prison and protects you from degrading into a malicious and hateful person. I learned all of these lessons the hard way, and over years of time

The Uncle was a real bastard in taking care of him. My last memories of him are sucking on a damned toothpick like he was King of the world, and his scowling hateful face telling me that I did not have to return as he had someone else to run errands for him.

As it has been two months now, I watch things from a distance, and tonight TL and I had supper which was some deli food, from a deli we always had to pick up food for the Uncle, but he would complain about it not being right in the salads.
That to me is revenge in we sit enjoying a meal, and Uncle is not eating it. For several weeks we purchased some donuts he liked, because they were extras, on the shelf, and I was enjoying eating them in knowing he was not.

See from what I have figured out, there were a number of assholes lurking around Uncle for most of the year. It was a year when TL and I did the hard work, his daughter kept track of his medical and financial needs, and there other assholes were telling others that they were looking after him too.
Last time I checked, eating his candy and giving him snacks that he shit himself, was not looking after him.
They have all disappeared, it appears, as no one wants the hard work at any price.

I am assuming that his children have left him to tough it out. He is a stubborn person though, and I suspect he will roll out on a morgue gurney in time, but as we eat deli, he is gnawing his toothpick for desert, as he can not have a great deal in that house.
His supplies have had to have run thin. No one is doing his laundry, and he has no soap. His activities have changed in he seems to just sit in the dark.

I though have zero compassion for him, because in a fury, he spiked demons, who spiked coyotes who appeared and murdered my beloved pets in mass. I am not going to get over that, and it makes me growl like a she bear bereaved her cubs. I will have God avenge me, but in the meantime, I enjoy the things going wrong like him in a dark prison of his own making. No one is around him. Gulag folk are probably eating better than him. He can not complain to his children or they will haul him away. He can not complain to others or the community services will haul him away. It is a bitch when you are a real bastard. He had the very best of care, and all he had to do was work with his children and he instead insulted them horribly.

The thing is most people do not want to care for others, no matter the price. So when someone digs their own hole, in thinking they have the world by the ass, the reality is that reality bites them in the ass hard. So the little things are big things. Shoveling a sidewalk is not what a renter is going to do for Uncle, as they pretend to not see the problem. There is a great deal of that in someone was supposed to check the snow load on the roof, and that is going on a week, and no one has appeared. I would have had it fixed, like we fixed everything and made everything go smooth. That is probably the problem in this, in we made it look too easy.
It was hard though, as I was worried about getting my ass chewed daily, and concerned about blowing it for his children in the time they needed with him.  He though wanted us gone, because he figured out we knew what his scam was in scamming them all, in he never has given a damn about anyone.
His mistake though was in misreading TL and myself. He thought he could berate us and we would be cowed, and he figured if we did not take it, the could replace us. We never went back which infuriated him, and it really has been a slow burn in his discovering that no one else wants to be around him.

It is amusing in knowing the future, as he has none, outside of a care facility. A place simply falls apart without someone capable of looking after it, and that includes getting people to do work. His last attempt had him cheated, and it will not be long before someone robs him as people will not care when that Indian dances.

It is a sad situation, but I await the Lord to avenge us. There are pleasant problems of knowing his problems which are mountains, and he built them all, and now he is in a prison of a place he thought he never wanted to leave.

Just sitting there like a hermit. No one to trim his nails as that is what TL was doing, and no one to make sure he was doing ok.

I always wonder what price people put on their lives. One would think for saving Uncle's live that he would have figured out we were priceless, but he discarded us. It is like the information on this blog, is priceless, but all the people stealing it, think that God is not recording it, and recompense from them will be extracted.
When you are before Christ, what price is your soul worth? Would not a person give everything they have to not have stolen from me? It is as Uncle, when he is incapacitated and alone, can't get to the phone, laying there for days. What price would he pay to have had us around?

Always something I never understand in how people are. They will skimp on things which are indispensable, in others being their safety net, and when the judgment comes, they complain to God why things went bad..........

Instead of knowing that this was God avenging someone else that these horrid sinners mistreated which got them into their grave of their own digging.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

