As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After being abandoned by this President in helping assist him to be elected, a Christian rises up and served God and Country, and that includes President Donald Trump.

National alert system test: Here's what you need to know ...
Don't worry, President Trump can't just send one whenever he wants ... to know about that text message you just got from Trump. Share; ... a nationwide "presidential alert" system sending text ...National alert system test: Americans to receive Trump ...
Alert system will let any president issue a warning about a crisis, which could include a missile launched at the U.S. or a tsunami ... 'Aw man, I see President Trump sending out Twitter messages ...
In that, the Lame Cherry reminds President Trump he has a tested messaging system to alert Americans concerning emergencies. Coronavirus is an emergency. What the Lame Cherry advocates is the President or who is involved in the Germ Lord task force of Mike Pence, to provide Americans with a weekly update in a map which entails.
RED ZONE areas where Corona has been confirmed.
YELLOW ZONE areas of Corona self quarantine.
GREEN ZONE areas which would be most of the United States which does not have the virus.
I would offer this on FOX, other media, the Limbaugh types, where people who are not receiving these emergency texts in having opted out, can text in #CoronaUpdate and then be included in the updates.
If people do not want these updates, they can opt out by sending #OptOut.
I would offer this advice to the President, that he does not make this political. No taking Brad Parscale numbers for the GOP, and that the President does not delegate this to some advisor. This is a chance for the President to provide information, calm the public, provide links and in a map worth 10,000 words keep Americans informed as the responsible Government of Taiwan has been engaged in since December 2019 AD in the year of our Lord.
I would offer regional alerts if new cases were discovered, and keep Americans informed. As a suggestion, Blogger has an interactive map for bloggers which actually shows by colors, which nations have visited. For the President, the United States would have colors where clusters are, and an American could tap on the area, and get a read out of the number of Coronavirus there.
Provide Americans the information and they are intelligent enough to process it. Keeping them informed, allows for future necessary actions the Government must engage in to protect them.
The sniping at the Washington Post, CNN and Nancy Pelosi is not going to stop, until the President goes directly to the People and in a sentence or two, informs them why the task force is doing something.
The Trump administration's mixed messages are sowing coronavirus confusion
President Trump is right to want a calm and serious atmosphere in discussing it. But he and his administration have delivered mixed messages that only add to public c…Washington Post
Once that is done, all of the sniping will stop and Donald Trump will regain the leadership which his advisors have degraded him from, in their wrong advice.
This blog offers the advice this President is being deprived of. If this President does not come with his A Game this blog will strongly contend in pointing out how lame the President's advisors are. I personally believe that Donald Trump is the best America has in the running for the things which this blog warned every reader, including the thieves who did not donate, was coming on America. I will remind all of you that in 2016 AD when this blog was moved by God to write the Trump Presidential Time Line, that you were told that blows were coming to the United States, and Donald Trump was the best opportunity to lessen those blows. Biologlical warfare is one of those blows, but it has not been lessened because this Jehu cut out the Protestant Christians he should have had serving him. Donald Trump is in place, and changing him will not stop what his coming.
As this is my platform, I can remind all of you that the Barack Obama framing of Donald Trump and the Nancy Pelosi impeachment of Donald Trump are a reason that America is suffering from a biological attack. If this President would have shut the borders, and deported all, instead of the Courts playing Obama games in hindering Donald Trump, the outbreaks would not have happened, nor would the crocs of the swamp state been emboldened to bring in infected Americans to the Heartland of America. These people would have been quarantined offshore.
So the Lame Cherry is well aware of Donald Trump's problems as are a number of Americans. His job is now to not trust Mike Pence as Germ Lord, but to talk to the American children and keep them informed in a network of information to hourly updated Government websites.
Every American will always help their Government, but the President must have advice to help Americans. His people have received a great deal of advice in this to help him. He has presented incongruent steps which have only led to a greater problem for him.
For the Trump advisors, go find General Gus Pagonis, seek his advice in who he would recommend as logistics expert for the United States economy. It will be military and it will solve 80% of the bitching Americans are going to blaming Donald Trump for.
Mr. President you also have one of the best already working for you in Bruce Jette, your Assistant Secretary of the Army for logistics.
You need to get these people working and networking, to coordinate healthcare to making sure the public has toilet tissue.
Nuff Said