I was Hillary's patsy, but I will be damned if I will bend over
for a queer, an old broad I would never rape and that tard Joe Biden!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is obvious, that democrats have stolen the Iowa election from Bernie Sanders, just as Hillary Clinton stole the election from him in 2016 and vote fraud stole it from Donald Trump in the same year.

I'll make you my Jewtina Secretary of State, Baby
The Lame Cherry does not support that old communist Sanders, but what democrats have been engaged in, in roughing that old man up and stealing votes is a crime. Perhaps Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, should save her venom for the homosexuals of Iowa who came in the back door for Bunghole Peter, instead of attacking that crip, Rush Limbaugh.
Bernie Sanders declares victory in muddled Iowa caucuses ...
As the vote counting meltdown continued in Iowa on Thursday, Bernie Sanders decided he was done waiting and declared victory. The announcement, at a rare afternoon news conference, came days after ...
Even with the vote fraud, Bernie Sanders has been gaining to a .15% close on Bunghole Peter. With Sanders now the victor in Iowa, he moves into New Hampshire the clear 7 point favorite.
Elizabeth Warren is fading fast. Joe Biden is jumping between a short lived second to a permanent 4th place finish again as he duels with Bunghole Peter. The New Hampshire contest will come down to as Amy Klobuchar as the spoiler. The spoiler will not harm Bernie Sanders, and in a vote division not help other candidates if the horse face gets out.
In all honesty, President Donald Trump for voter integrity, should order Attorney General William Barr to investigate Bunghole Peter, as it was his billionaire packer who created that magic voting ap which handed him the victory for a few days, and stole it again from Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders is who the democratic voters who are showing up to vote are choosing. Even if James Carville is reading the polling correctly in the democrats are no shows in low turn out. This is what democrats are voting for.
I can not see democrats voting for Michael Bloomberg the carpetbagger Republican. Bloomberg will not do well as this slide south, nor will be poll in Nevada caucus well.
With Bunghole Peter appearing as a vote meddler worse than the Russians, the DNC is not going to split into weak candidates for Hillary Clinton to try and leverage her way in. Bernie Sanders can honestly have this sown up by California. In that, when it comes to Vice Presidents, the correct choice would not be horse face Klobuchar out of Minnesota, but that Corona Yang Chinese guy from California. Bernie needs electoral might in the election, not more "appealing to the women's vote".
Bernie's Peking Man
With millions of fraud voters being stripped from California ballots, California could come back into play, and with that Corona Yang is the choice, as Bernie will not stand a chance without California as Donald Trump will take Texas and Florida, and this time indications are Virginia will fall for Donald Trump.
Congratulations to Bernie Sanders the Marxist. His worst enemies now are the image of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi........in other words the democratic party and the media. Lord help them if they stroke out Sanders in giving him medical problems as Bernie voters will rightfully blame them in the DNC establishment.
Side Note: AOC would be a good ticket for Bernie Sanders, if she was not from New York. The ticket is too heavy in Vermont New York east coast. She looks good, but her experience would even have democratic voters wondering when Bernie dies after inauguration, could AOC handle it or pull the entire democratic ticket down to an epic Jimmy Carter defeat in 2014 AD in the year of our Lord.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said