As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The more that this blog studies the Coronavirus of Wuhan China, the more it concludes this was a weaponized virus, which was deliberately released at the industrial and commercial heart of the Godless communist China.
The Chinese again were in cover up mode, meaning that Peking thought this virus was their creation, and this blog concludes that this virus was being constructed to be released as a humanicide against nuclear India in the south. Eliminate nuclear India as a power, and China has traditional room to annex India in expansion, as it has Tibet.
The Wuhan Corona was released prior to the Chinese Lunar New Year, which assisted in the spread to areas in the spokes of the Chinese hub. From 11 million Wuhan workers, the vacationers and refugees have amplified this to 30 million who are in lockdown, and the reality is the number is 60 million Chinese existing locked behind their front doors.
When the PLA arrives to quarantine the exposed, they have been known to attack them with a knife, and be subdued and then hauled away.
Hundreds of miles from Hubei, additional 30 million Chinese are in coronavirus lockdown
What you are witnessing is the Kill Shot of China. As stories progress in this, that the world economy is constricting, the constriction has not yet begun. The Chinese interior to the coast is in full lock down. Convoys of trucks are delivering food. The reality is, China can not afford to hand out these kinds of rations to 60 million Chinamen. China does not grow enough food for herself to begin with, and China exists by export, and the problem is China is no longer exporting, and no matter what factories like Honda from Japan trying to start production again, one person who is sick will shut down the plants again, and more to the point, does anyone in the United States want to purchase a Honda coming out of plague infested Wuhan?
The reality is the shut down is beginning as Ebay and Amazon sellers are going to become pariahs in the Made in China selling. Alibaba and Huawei, China's two PLA state sponsored oligarchs are both in these Coronavirus regions. This is the beginning of the Kill shot of China.
Zhejiang has the most coronavirus infections after Hubei, leading to draconian restrictions in the main cities, from Hangzhou and Ningbo, one the world’s biggest ports, in the north to Taizhou and Wenzhou in the south.The most severe are in Wenzhou, which has 421 confirmed cases of infection, the highest of any city outside Hubei province. More than 100,000 people from Wenzhou live in Wuhan, and many of them came home for the Lunar New Year holiday, bringing the infection with them.Public transportation in Wenzhou has been shuttered since Jan. 31, and businesses were ordered to close until at least Feb. 18. Funerals and weddings have been banned.
Literally, China is going to be shut down until the end of February. This cycle is not going to stop and when this virus begins appearing in the United States, the United States will like other nations, seal it's borders to Chinese shipping and trade. This is when the global depression begins.
Or maybe it is a few more in Chicom quarantine.
A Stunning 400 Million People Are On Lockdown
In China As Guangzhou Joins Quarantine
There simply is not enough food or shipping China to deal with the situation of feeding the people in this kind of welfare program. This is compounded, because the Nazi's could not have cremated 6 million Jews, as there was not enough fuel in Germany to cremate that many people, nor enough time during the war.
China does not have the fuel to burn up this many bodies, nor the medical service to treat them.
Walmart in Wenzhou, there were long lines of people — sometimes stretching for more than two hours — waiting to buy rice, instant noodles and canned foods. The store was completely out of fresh food, one shopper said.
Something which this blog has been tracking is India, as this Corona was directed at the Indians. At this moment, the Indians, who are a clean people, but raised in the cesspool of the Ganges, appear to be almost immune to this AIDS Rabies like virus. Indians in Wuhan are not getting sick in mass. That is most interesting and could project a shift in the balance of power in Asia.
Literally imagine a North Korea without nuclear China. Imagine Indochina quality production without China. Image India without having to deal with communist China and projecting power into China from the South as Russia projects into China from the North.
This is not about stock markets, this is about a world of wetware which may spawn the Great Eurasian War, a war of nations in China breaking up, setting off shockwaves worse than Barack Hussein Obama, blowing up a few million Muslims and unsettling Africa, which set of the Refugee Rapine of Europe.
Imagine a world of Obama rapine, amplified by Chinese numbers.
Saturday, February 8, 2020
The Danger of an Islamic Coronavirus Suicide Spreader
If the Indian Negroid is less susceptible to the Corona, another Indo European group is genus which Coronavirus eats like Blacks and watermelon. There is a pertinent case where one traveler from Singapore, infecting 5 British at the same resort.
This is most difficult to track as we do not know if these are English, or if they are Pakistani in Londonstan. If the genus of the Anglo Saxon is this vulnerable, it will mean an end worse than the Black Ages.
In tracking the data, this appears the sub group of Assyrian or Modern Germans, of the Semite line, in this moving in this branch.

Five Brits, Including A Child, Infected With nCoV At
French Ski Resort - Spreader Had Been In The Resort
January 24-28 After Visiting Singapore
Thee American and Australian crossbreeding populations appears to be vulnerable in this demographic.
The United States has been sufficiently brainwashed to it's own doom, in personal genocide by allowing open borders and importation of plague carriers.
What is appearing is the condemnation of chronic globalism. The cancer of China is about to consume the United States and the carriers were HW Bush who created the union with China, Bill Clinton created the virile intercourse and Barack Obama birthed this global genocide bowing to Peking.
If the United States Israelite Josephite group is not resistant to this Corona, in the Scandinavian Israelite branch is enough diverse, then after China is forced to strike to dominate for resources, the world which follows in 2025, will be the Negroid dying in starvation, the Indian arsing by population with the Indonesian, and Russia dominating a world with an Indian Spanish Portuguese South American enclave.
That is the projection of the above data. China is dying. It remains to be see which part of the world dies with it.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said.