As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I like James Spader, the actor, in watching him perform. So when I had the opportunity to see him on the series Blacklist, I thought it would be a wonderful experience. I will review that series sometime soon from ABC, but it has been disappointing after season 2, when the writers went Alias and Sarah Connor Chronicles. I can see why the viewing numbers tanked in the Obama years, as this show just went baby carriage.
There was something though which piqued my interest and it was a scene where Spader's crew were running an operation inside a secure building, where they had a stun gun, a long one, and were touching it to cameras and shorting them out.
I thought this was quite novel to place on television in informing the public, how to disable traffic and all these surveillance camers, when Boogaloo happens.
We know Boogaloo is a threat because the ADL put out a warning on civil war and the new catch phrase of the underground for civil unrest is Boogaloo.

It does make me wonder in what holes the ADL crawls into to find things like this, as I am never aware of all of this Kushner media, until I happen upon it in some obscure story and then you find one meme, and it is of course a massive underground movement.
I actually started looking for some information on stun guns to see what the experts said and apparently if you pop electronics with this high voltage static charge like on Blacklist, it will fry things. The surge is like a lightning strike in the natural world.
What I could find though was this stun gun that looked more like a vibrator that Michelle Obama would wear the batteries out on with Val-erie Jarrett or perhaps Meghan Sussex as she is now in Canada, and lonely without Harry.
Besides the point, I have not finished the series yet, so I do not know if the liberals on the show are using a stun gun up the wazzoo to make terror women talk. Probably swear off vibrators forever after that. Although one woman was tasing Jew laywers and the Jews seemed to like it.

Here is what the semi experts say on tasing things like on a television, which is the same kind of circuits which are in mini cams.
It would destroy certain electronic components. Electronics are very sensitive to static charges and can be easily ruined by a static shock. That is why HDs and other stuff are shipped in those pink static-control bags.
It could be done.
Best case scenario is the taser is inside the TV cabinet, and is directly touching circuit components, especially microprocessors!
Then there is the post about the police state frying your car computer, and working on a pulse weapon to place under a car to fry it's circuits. I suppose that would work on road blocks, but makes one wonder how many criminals they would fry in charges like that.
The US military has a plane called the Wild Weasel which sends out EMP's like this for war. There was an engineer who was busy after 9 11 putting up information from some university in how to build you own EMP. For some reason someone pulled all that information down, as it was really easy, but not like the military which had a regenerating pulse. This one was one time.
hitting the engine and reversing the vehicles polarity would indeed disable and cause it to malfunction asap, as is used by many police agencies for many years now
So I wonder when the time will come when the current zombie generation instead of clubbing, figures out that their doped up sport will be frying security cameras. I wonder what the police state will have Congress pass laws making this some kind of Patriot Act crime to shoot kids on sight doing this,as the police state needs its cameras or is completely blind.
Kind of interesting though that it was Obama Hollywood liberals who were putting out the information how to take out the security system in America.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said