Is your rectum kosher Yonut as I do not want to catch Coronavirus.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
For those who have remembered the genetic interest of the Coronavirus of Wuhan, as it began as weaponized "MERS" in Saudi Arabia, by Dr. Germ, and is believed to have been Iranian instigated to rid the Mideast of nuclear Sunni, the context of the Corona was why the Jews were so intense about it, and now the confirmation is exact, as a Jewish woman has the virus.
Israeli woman on Japanese cruise ship suspected to have coronavirus ∞ timesofisrael
This woman will be the first uplink confirmed in the Corona for "Jews" who Tel Aviv must know have a higher rate of probable infection.
An Israeli woman with a fever on board a quarantined cruise ship off the Japanese coast is awaiting the results of a test for coronovirus, Hebrew-language media reports.
The woman is not named. Eight to 14 Israelis are believed to be on the vessel.
The variables are too many in this as the "Jew" is Ashkenaz majortity and natural Judah in minority, with enough of these inbreds from Africa in the Mongoloids to the Semitic peoples in Europe and America, where outliers are numerous for contact spread.
Tel Aviv and Mosaad continue to tip their hand though as a Jewish company seeking to make a fortune in the panic, let slip that Corona is smaller than normal surgical garb, and requires nano tech. That is the same germ pool as lab engineered HIV. Engineered virus are all developed so that countermeasures will be overcome. That is a tell in this Coronavirus.
Israeli startup says its nanotech masks and robes may block coronavirusAn Israeli startup, Sonovia Ltd., says it may have the ability to create virus resistance masks and textiles to help combat the coronavirus by using a nanote…The Times of Israel
This blog still maintains it is shit stains that spreads this virus, as it lives in human fecal matter, just like HIV was bred for that purpose of spreading. Corona produces the shits, it splatters all over toilets, lives in wet environments, grubby Chinese do not wash themselves, and just like Mexicans uses spinach for toilet paper, only satan knows what is used in a cruise ship kitchen or the supplies being loaded on ships. (Note that is the products arriving at your Walmart and products you are purchasing at Ebay and Amazon coming out of China which have shit stain.)
Here is the quote and you can quote me.
The science maintains that Corona sperads through shit stains.
- Lame Cherry
It is doubtful that this Jew woman was having anal sex in Asia, though it is possible. It was most likely shit to mouth contact from the kitchen. The original spread was probably water borne. It appears deliberate and it was successful.
Posted as proof that the Jews know something of this virus. I doubt they built it, but they studied it and knew they were susceptible to it. What their labs knew, is now confirmed on Jew Cruise Ships. Sometimes it is just better to donate the money to Lame Cherry, than to go flying off and boating off on a shit stain adventure that gets you the plague. I don't know why Jews can't be content just wearing them little skull caps, counting their trillions, blowing up Muslims and being the contractors to hit John Kennedy. Throw in some Jew movies, some Ukraine girls to sex that you lured to Tel Aviv, and I would think that would be better than smelling fish stink ocean and eating Corona shit from the kosher section of the galley.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A Jewish banker was informed that all of his gold in Wuhan was contaminated with Coronavirus. His distraught Shiksa wailed that they were ruined, but he just smiled.
The Shiksa lamented, "What are you smiling about!!!"
The banker said, "I will double my money by selling it to the Ayatollah as a bioweapon."