As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The FBI has proven that the source of Coronavirus Wuhan was a Barack Hussein Obama sanctioned biological weapon's lab which was created at the beginning of the second term of Birther Hussein Obama our of Harvard University.

Charles Lieber, the chair of Harvard University's Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, has been arrested and criminally charged with making "false, fictitious and fraudulent statements" to the U.S. Defense Department about his ties to a Chinese government program to recruit foreign scientists and researchers.
The Justice Department says Lieber, 60, lied about his contact with the Chinese program known as the Thousand Talents Plan, which the U.S. has previously flagged as a serious intelligence concern. He also is accused of lying about about a lucrative contract he signed with China's Wuhan University of Technology.
The arrangement between Lieber and the Chinese institution spanned "significant" periods of time between at least 2012 and 2017, according to the affidavit. It says the deal called for Lieber to be paid up to $50,000 a month, in addition to $150,000 per year "for living and personal expenses."
"Lieber was also awarded more than $1.5 million by WUT and the Chinese government to establish a research lab and conduct research at WUT," the document states.
Lieber with a very Jewish sounding name, created the entire advancement and facility in Wuhan China for his 30 pieces of silver with Barack Hussein Obama's Islamic blessing.
Harvard created the Corona Virus : Harvard
A while ago two Chinese nationals were arrested in connection with Lieber. One of those people was Zaosong Zheng who was caught trying to sneak 21 viles of biological "goop" out of the US, to China. Wake up sheeple, Wuhan is the site of the Corona Virus outbreak, and it just so happens some Chinese researcher at Harvard snuck it back into China?
For the record, George HW Bush birthed monster that China became and full fledged biological fire breathing monster under Barack Hussein Obama. There is absolutely no denying the facts that this all took place under the watch of Barack Hussein Obama. FBI Director James Comey and FBI Director James Comey. Lieber could not have engaged in any of this, if the State Department under Hillary Clinton and John Kerry had not signed off on this biological weapon's plant in Wuhan.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.