OMG are Snoop Dog and Gayle King the same man???
...and or shemale?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I think I am beginning to appreciate rapist Kobe Bryant as he seems to have purpose as Snoop Dog rose up to defend rape.
This is from the NBC website translating Snoop Dog.
"What do you gain from that? I swear to god, we the worst. We the f------ worst. We expect more from you, Gayle, Why y’all attacking us? We your people! You ain’t come after f------ Harvey Weinstein, asking them dumb-a-- questions. I get sick of y'all."
Yo a funky dog-head b---- back off, b----, before we come get you."

Snoop appears upset that rich Jewish men like Harvey Weinstein are not questioned, but Kobe Bryant was questioned from the grave about raping a young girl in Colorado. It appears that Gayle King, Oprah and Stedman are not black enough, over the issue of rich black men are allowed in BP, Black Privilege to rape women and not be questioned about it, at least the Kobe types who somehow made numbers of rappers dreams come true vicariously in a real psychosis of Kobe idol worship.
As Snoop was attacking lesbians Gayle and Oprah, as Snoop defines them as lesbians, Naomi Campbell rushed to Snoop's aid in supporting black men who threaten black lesbians, who approve of black men raping little girls.
"Thank you @snoopdogg."
To this Susan Rice, Obama's vaginal testicles of Pissgate, came to the lesbian defense with declaring Obama vaginal war on Snoop Dog.
"Snoop, back the **** off. You come for @GayleKing, you come against an army. You will lose, and it won’t be pretty."
Black on Black War in America.
Finally, Snoop has now laid down the precedent to not hold Nazis or Adolf Hitler accountable, hell all Americans not accountable for slavery or anything else Blacks are always whining about, as Snoop says, as long as something happens before children are born in the next generation, it needs to stay buried.
"That was 2003, some of his kids wasn't even born. So, when you bringing that up you bringing up information to them that they don't need to know nothing about. I'm thinking about them at the same time. They don't need to hear that mess. He was not found guilty."
So we can all now join White Supremacist Snoop Dog, in Whites should not be blamed for things they were not found guilty of, because Kobe Bryant was not found guilty of a criminal court, but was found guilty in a civil court.
We can now no longer have to hear about 800 year old holocaust survivors from World War II as none of that mattered after the first Jew baby was born back in 1945.
If anyone, besides a Trump coup plotter in Susan Rice thinks lezbo Gayle King is in danger from Snoop Dog and that dope head group he is a part of, they really need to get a grip, at least more of a grip than these Kobe dick wonders who only had meaning to life if Kobe Bryant was raping women and getting away with it, as he dribbled a child's ball as if this was some validation to overcome all the shortcoming of maleness.
But then Gayle King in the end, was defending the rape of little girls by black she conducted a thoughtful and wide ranging interview.
I know that if I had only seen the clip that you saw, I would be extremely angry with me too. I am mortified. I'm embarrassed and I am very angry," she said. "Unbeknownst to me, my network put up a clip from a very wide-ranging interview, totally taken out of context and when you see it that way, it's very jarring."
But Snoop Dog was not finished yet, he is demanding that serial rapist Bill Cosby be released from prison for raping women too.
He also called for the release of convicted sexual predator Bill Cosby, who subsequently thanked the rapper from behind bars.
Why can not the leftist plantation Negroid, rise up and evolve to the heights of Kayne West in his splendor of being an accomplished Black man.
Of course Donald Trump could solve all of this by pardoning Kobe Bryant, like he did that other Negroid who was a sexual deviant taking White women across state lines to deflower them.
Yes it is time that Donald Trump fix all of this and pardon Kobe Bryant and Adolf Hitler as we done need to be thinking on this stuff.
Why Can't We Be Friends? - YouTube
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Why Can't We Be Friends? · War Why Can't We Be Friends? ℗ 1975 Far Out Productions, Inc Released on: 1975-01-01 Producer: Jerry Goldstein Composer ...
Nuff Said