As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It seems ironic that Michelle lover, George W. Bush, diverted billions of your tax dollars to save Africans from malaria and other diseases, and was never awarded a Nobel Prize, as his efforts were remarkably successful beyond anyone's greatest expectations, and from 2001 to the near future, Africa will produce 2 billion Africans in this world.
In 1990, the population of Africa was 643 million, by 2017 after George W. Bush, the population was 1.25 billion. George W. Bush was the greatest breeder of Negroids in world history, and he has never received credit for this remarkable human increasing majority in this world by eliminated disease.
In just a few years, Africa will have a 2 billion citizen consumer market, and this is why Chancellor Sebastian Kurz in his first year as leader of Europe, engaged in trade treaties between Africa and Europe for the rest of the 21st century.
In the study of internet sources, there have been some remarkable postings by NPR for the Mockingbird, which revealed that African have a "ghost DNA" of another species of primates long extinct, but is of interest in the modern genetic formulations.

About 50,000 years ago, ancient humans in what is now West Africa apparently procreated with another group of ancient humans that scientists didn't know existed.
There aren't any bones or ancient DNA to prove it, but researchers say the evidence is in the genes of modern West Africans. They analyzed genetic material from hundreds of people from Nigeria and Sierra Leone and found signals of what they call "ghost" DNA from an unknown ancestor.
The modern West African, is the focus of Nigeria and Sierra Leone, that is of interest in the focus of the illegal diamond trade in Africa is Sierra Leone and the center of west African oil production, controlled in greater part by China is Nigeria.
Why are these facts relevant, as Africa can be divided up into Zones of Control. North Africa consists of Egypt a military power. South Africa in the south, West Africa is Nigeria, and East Africa would be Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia.
These same nations are mentioned in connection with the World Health Organization or WHO, in tracking the China Coronavirus Wuhan spread. These nations are all China satellite states for resources flowing to China to maintain China's cancerous rapine of the world, and WHO expects Coronavirus to erupt in Africa in these nations, which have not had any native cases so to speak of.
Another model that specifically considered the risk of SARS-CoV-2 spreading to Africa found that Egypt, Algeria and South Africa are the African countries most at risk.
These are Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Angola, Tanzania, Ghana and Kenya.
What the Lame Cherry is projecting in this, based upon the February 19th exclusive of this blog indicating that there are TWO CORONA BAT SARS active, released from 2 different lab accidents, which is impossible in the same time frame, indicating these bioweapons were deliberately released in China, and the reason for the release was to counter strike China's first strike of biological weapons against the United States, India and Japan over President Trump's successful trade war with China, and that these two designer Corona's in Wuhan and Mirror, are the predecessors of other designer viruses which have been on trial in infecting Anglo Saxon in England and America, and that WHO looking for Corona in Africa, is indicating a presupposed future that the virus will begin wiping out George W. Bush's pet Negroes which he raised.
This blog notes the above nations are nations of oil, raw materials and agricultural lands. A party having a treaty with Africa for trade in 2 billion, could "lose" 500 million in these nations, and create an African bread basket. Under this colonial control, robotics could do the work of Africans more efficiently, mine and gather African raw materials, and the colonial bread basket would raise food, to sell Africans their own food, to make the entire venture self sustained and Europe would profit immensely in the intercourse.
Control of Algeria and Egypt, is control of North African access by Europe and the neutralization of African military power. Nigeria, Sudan are oil. South Africa is raw material in vast wealth. Tanzania, Kenya are food production, while Angola and Ethiopia are the doors to African trade east and west.
Coronavirus would vacate the human populations according to WHO to the gates of Africa for the control of the interior.
In this projection, it should be expected that a designer series of Corona would begin spreading in Africa for economic and political reasons as it has been forwarding a like policy in China.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Cherrystone Files: Coronavirus Wuhan