Friday, February 7, 2020

The Mysterious New HAARP Polar Vortex

Last year it was like as swirly thing and this year it is like a wall.......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

HAARP is about to rob most of you with a "polar vortex" this coming week. There are problems in this as Mexicans do not like snow, fog, rain, clouds, wind or cold. In fact we had a beaner here which a cow killed it during sex, or it fell into a milk vat or it died because it was not bright enough to come out of the cold.
Most Mexicans flee the cold HAARP north designed to steal money from Americans in high heating costs to liberal states where they can stay inside and collect welfare.

This though is about HAARP and the polar vortex. In 2019, we were told that over Quebec a polar vortex, an Arctic cyclone, a tornadic freezer was making the United States cold, as this was a big Lo Pressure thing.

That now has all changed in 2020, as the polar vortex now stays over the Arctic, it's wall breaks down like a dam, and all this cold air will now plunge into northern states where Mexicans are supposed to be replacing the black and white folks.

If you noticed, the polar votex can not be two things, and that means you have been lied to, and what is taking place is HAARP weather modification, exactly as this blog stated.

This past week, we had north winds, and the clouds moved north into the wind. We had sout winds and the clouds were coming out of the north. That is HAARP.

Last year the Weather Mods like idiots piled snow on and poured cold air from the upper atmosphere, and made war on farmers to put them all in debt in non stop monsoon rains. This year the Weather Mods are again driving Mexicans out of the north by making it too deadly cold, but the air patterns are warmer, and all they have been able to do is put in these cold shots of air. This last one is called a polar vortex, but that is now what a polar vortex was last year. It proves they are lying and hoping no one had a memory or will note the Weather Mods are lying to you.

The models are all over the place. I use an advanced model, which is horrifically doomsday. I have been watching a projection of 12 inches of snow on the 11th of February. This model has been jumping to no snow, to less snow, to the days moving to the 10th, then the 14th, then back to the 11th, to nice weather, to Arctic weather to weather sublime. That is what HAARP does, it so blows up the weaterh models that the data being fed in does not make any sense so the forecasts are never accurate.

I do have a very good 10 day which I watch.......but that is blowing sometimes now too. Something is wrong when you have two forecasts, where one has a low of 25 below zero and the other is a 1 below zero.

What this all freezes down to, is this kills people, pets, animals and foreigners. It bankrupts economies and businesses as this kind of cold is hard on things like snow truck in wearing them out. It is heinous and a crime against humanity, but the people behind HAARP are above the law. They are in a position though that in having to sell fuel to heat homes, that the snow is going to cost the regime in DC money as farmers will not be able to plant crops, and the reality is cooling off the summers in America is reducing production and it literally destroyed the potato and sugar beet crops in 2019. Yes Saudi oil makes money, but it costs you money in food prices, and those conglomerates are losing money as their product is destroyed.

That is what is so anti American about all of this rapine, in the cartel table ruins one faction, while it promotes the energy foreign owned faction, which in this cold is wiping out Republican states.
Until this is made an issue, these Obama conglomerates who are the ones which began "wilding American rivers" which flooded out GOP states by deliberate massive snows and melt offs, are going to continue with the American Genocide.

On the contrary, it is nice in Russia, as Vladimir Putin has his Weather Mods making Moscow balmy, instead of being 40 below zero.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
