Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What would Ronald Reagan do in 2020 AD in the Year of our Lord?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As I type this, Donald Trump has received 97% of the Republican vote in Iowa, a feat which only Soviet dictators and Saddam Hussein were ever to achieve at the point of a gun. I am though haunted in this by the dark shadows in the room with the question of, "What is it to be a Republican?"

In 1976 AD in the year of our Lord, Ronald Reagan could not bring himself to vote for the Republican Presidential nominee in President Gerald Ford. Gerald Ford was a moderate. He like Bobby Kennedy referred to Reagan as "that son of a bitch". Ford's wife was cruel in attacking Nancy Reagan, and after a bitter nomination fight, Gerald Ford by bribes had won the Republican nomination, but everyone knew that Republicans had nominated the wrong moderate in Gerald Ford.

Ford attempted for some time to woo Ronald Reagan. This began in fact under President Richard Nixon who envious and jealous of Ronald Reagan, and called him stupid, behind his back, When Nixon was in political trouble, and his Vice President in Spiro Agnew was forced to resign, Nixon pondered liberal Nelson Rockefeller or the third man on his list in Ronald Reagan who was well liked, but Nixon was not going to leave a Conservative as his legacy, so he chose Gerald Ford from Michigan.

So in the process of presidential ascension, Ford chose liberal Nelson Rockefeller as his Vice President, and when it came time to the elections, Ford would choose moderate Bob Dole of Kansas, who was Ford's attack dog against Jimmy Carter.
Ford for 2 years tried to deal with Ronald Reagan by hijacking Reagan's political standing, but Ronald Reagan would have none of it. Ford offered him any cabinet post Reagan would choose, but Reagan was not going to be seen subservient to Ford. Ford offered him the Ambassador to the Court of St. James in London, Reagan's response was, "Hell I can't afford to be an ambassador with my bills!"
When it came down to it, Ronald Reagan ran in 1976 against Gerald Ford, and Reagan ran out of money, was smeared by Gerald Ford, lost the nomination to Gerald Ford, and then wrote letters and campaigned for Ford to the end of the election, but it was still not enough for Ford, as Ford wanted Reagan to swing through the South for Conservative votes, but Ronald Reagan refused. Reagan had done all he would in eating crow, and he was not about to be blamed by Ford for not bringing home the Conservative Southern vote.

So Ford lost, to the fraud of the toxic Jimmy Carter whose policies still have Americans murdered around the globe and at home.

Ronald Reagan though in casting his ballot in California, could not bring himself to vote for Ford, and like a number of Americans, they refused to betray their vote by propping up a political idea which was not benefiting them.

I have stated that I will not be voting for Donald Trump in November of 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, and the question is the one which Ronald Reagan asked of Jimmy Carter, if Americans were better off than they were 4 years ago.

Donald Trump ran on MAGA. That site has vanished, to not remind people that Donald Trump promised to get rid of Obamacare, promised to reform the tax system for Americans, in no one under 50,000 dollars would have to file income taxes and that this President would appoint only Conservative Supreme Court Justices.
In this, Obamacare is still on the books, ready to be resurrected with all the penalties, my taxes were not reduced, and Obama's record taxes have stayed in place for 4 Trump years, after new Trump tax codes. For the Supreme Court Gorsuch votes faggot and Kavanaugh votes for gun control.

So I ask people out there, to simply review their secular 10 Commandments of the Amendments to the Constitution and examine what Donald Trump has done to re establish their Rights as Americans?

Is your freedom of Speech any better or is your Facebook account still in limbo as mine is?

Are there Protestant Christians writing in your press expressing your values or is it just here?

Is your Protestant Faith advocated or is it under the same attacks as before?

Is America for you, or for the John Kelly at Homeland legalizing all the Obama illegals and making foreign slaves with Visas, who take your jobs in the millions, for them?

Has Donald Trump removed one firearm infringement or has he put more restrictions on as in bump stocks and gun bans?

Are you free to assemble or is the FBI tacking you?

Does your government listen to you when you ask for help or is the line dead?

Are you secure in your home or communications, or is the NSA spying on you non stop?

Is America a land of laws, or a land where a President hides in the White House and does not arrest traitors who impeach him and attempt to intimidate Americans?

Do you have your 10th Amendment Rights or is even expressing them putting you on a terror list?

Donald Trump fails this examination. He is not a Republican. He is not a Ronald Reagan.

Ronald Reagan advocated limited government, limited confiscation of your wealth, protection of Americans from foreigners and your Rights as a Citizen to not be infringed upon, as Ronald Reagan restored them.
There is absolutely nothing in Donald Trump which is Conservative or Protestant. Donald Trump is the antithesis of Ronald Reagan in record taxes, record spending, in not any restoration of rights, and is instead presiding over the American Genocide in the end of the American Black and White Protestant race upon which America was built, and instead is planting a Jesuit, Chicom, Hindu and Muslim horde, whose first political acts will be in majority to complete the criminalization of Americans.

Washington DC is not just a swamp, it is a reservior of the American liberal cesspool in million plus metropolitan city states, are rewarded in billions of welfare profits to rule against Americans for their foreign hordes. This is the threat to the United States and Donald Trump like a crack whore with his GOP socialists are funding the self destruction of America, for Nazi conglomerate profits.

When this Lame Cherry uses the term Nazi, it is exact in this is National Socialism and that is what Donald Trump is, a National Socialist, and he is draped in a patriot flag, dragging the last Americans off to the camps, the same way Franklin Roosevelt used his communist orb to cover World War II with patriotism, when it was about making America into the Soviet Union.
As Adolf Hitler was bad, then why is America converted into a National Socialist regime, which confiscates your wealth, to fund conglomerate control of wealth, built upon foreign forced labor? It is the same exact system, except Adolf Hitler actually took care of his German People, while Americans are being cast aside and intimidated by the same Gestapo police surveillance state.

I will not be voting for the Marxists in the democratic party as they are communists who will seize wealth for the few and make America a gulag. I will not be voting for Donald Trump because he is a Nazi, a National Socialist who has kept all of the Obama Marxism in place and the nation has been buried deeper into the abyss that Webster Griffin Tarpley stated the cartel was going to break America into, in the end of Americans, and a nation where the population would only be allowed to vote for Marxists or Socialists.

I wrote the time line for Donald Trump to become President to lessen the blow which was coming. This President abdicated his role and Jehu in weakness turned America back over to the rule of the despot committee. I will though not place my name on a ballot in voting for something that is the antithesis of what an American Republic is or what a Republican President is.

The Republican party was hijacked by Union Party man, Abraham Lincoln, in his heinous reign, from the noble John Charles Freemont. It suffered under the New York syndicate of graft of Ulysses Grant, but righted itself in the Republicans which followed:

19 Rutherford B. Hayes Mar 4, 1877 Mar 4, 1881
20 James Garfield Mar 4, 1881 Sep 19, 1881
21 Chester A. Arthur Sep 19, 1881 Mar 4, 1885
23 Benjamin Harrison Mar 4, 1889 Mar 4, 1893
25 William McKinley Mar 4, 1897 Sep 14, 1901

After the grande vision of Theodore Roosevelt of America for the Americans and the world for Americans,  save for the best Republican President in Calvin Coolidge and the great Ronald Reagan, America in the 20th and 21st centuries were plagued by globalists in Herbert Hoover and communists as in Dwight Eisenhower. It became so leftist in America, that Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford were deemed Republicans, when they were nothing of the sort.
The worst was the Bush tenures of absolute rapine of the American working class and the end of the American economy.
Which after the Marxist foreign  birthed Barack Hussein Obama, Donald Trump is championed as as Republican, but gone is MAGA and what is established itself is pure socialism.

Save for the voice of this blog, there is not  any Reagan vision for America or Americans. No one speaks out, and no one has any command of the issues as the CIA Mockingbird scripts cheering sessions for Donald Trump, who is nothing but a New York liberal.

There will not be any MAGA as this blog stated. There will be only a shell of a dying American enclave after Donald Trump leaves office. By 2050 Protestant America will have vanished, and it will have vanished in the 2020 vote of Donald Trump, which is not a vote at all, as these elections are all rigged, as this President is the choice of the same Shin Bet Saxon meld of National Socialism which produced the Reich.

I do not write this for you my children or my non donating brats. If Christ returns, none of this will matter. If Christ does not return, these writings perhaps will survive after the American corpse has rendered itself down, and in 150 to 400 years, the surviving Americans in enclave who have been able to hold on and not be deported, will arise again, as the tanskin vermin become the rodents of the land, to be swept aside by that American breed, hardened again by hardships, which chased them across Asia, into Europe and drove them by God to be settled in Ronald Reagan's wilderness for that Shining City on the Hill.

I say this for myself as a testament to what is the holy of holies in Americans secularism of the Constitution of the American Republic. I will not vote for Socialist Donald Trump and I will not vote for Marxist in the democrat party.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
