Wednesday, March 18, 2020

ALERT: Corona Goes Game Changer in Colorado

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Coronavirus has just changed the game as a democratic county in Southwest Colorado has just gone into lockdown. The entire population will be tested and the game changer is CHILDREN ARE MANIFESTING SEVERE SYMPTOMS.

That translates in children, those under the age of 4, in multiple cases, are degrading rapidly, as this strain of Coronavirus is going directly into their lungs.

San Miguel is a resort community. That means a population of elite rich, served by Mexicans, as this is a construction market community.

In inquiry, this is pointing to Mexicans, and by the way the county has activated, they know the shit has hit the fan in this strain. This is no more "just killing geezers and crips". This Corona is going to wipe out bottom to top.


Denver is issuing warnings of their numbers of Mexican population to self isolate.

If this is what I suspect, in a new strain of Corona, and it is on the line of Obama's Mexican SARS, it fits with the published data of this blog, in where this epidemic is shifting to.
Colorado was a hot zone. It has just become the Black Death Zone as this is the first time Coronavirus has erupted in children.
There were no cases in southwest Colorado before this massive outbreak. This is celebs and this is not a mutation.


March 18, 2020
The State is expanding testing to include a temporary site in Pueblo on Thursday, March 19. The Colorado National Guard and Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment are supporting these efforts.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


What has taken place in San Miguel has been suppressed by the State of Colorado and the national media.

 In recent days, San Miguel County has seen several critically ill residents requiring intensive hospitalization. In the last 48 hours, there have been multiple cases in children under 4 years of age in regional Emergency Departments with serious symptoms concerning for COVID-19.

THIS IS HUGE, beyond the children in jeopardy, in they are not doing a nasal swab which Donald Trump and Mike Pence advocated. They are doing blood tests. They are looking for something specific.
This erupted out of nowhere and by this reaction of this county, and NOT THE STATE, there is a new Corona target here.

San Miguel County is also partnering with United Biomedical (UBI) and its subsidiary c19 taking on the COVID-19 pandemic, to be the first in the United States to test an entire county with UBI’s COVID-19 blood test.
Testing, in combination with strategic “shelter in-place” public health orders, will provide the best chance to mitigate losses, including loss of life, according to county officials.
Individuals who agree to be tested will receive a simple blood draw by a healthcare provider. Tests will then be sent to a lab with results projected to be available within two days. The test will ideally be repeated in 14 days so that public health officials can gauge if the rate of infection is increasing or decreasing in the county.
