Sunday, March 8, 2020
Chain of Evidence: Coronavirus Bio Weapons Crimes
Just so you know, these are holocaust weapons....
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Once again, if the CIA was going to produce a white paper for the President, it might read something like this, and after your reading this, you will probably be able to see why people and governments are acting the way the are.
This all begins with Arabian SARS. The Iranian regime of Islamocommunists contracted with a "Dr. Germ" to create a genus specific biological weapon which would kill Arabian Sunni Muslims, specifically Saudi Arabians, the contender against the Persian Caliph.
Mosaad monitored the events, and from the IDF labs, they replaced Dr. Germ's biological weapon, was an Israeli created germ, which was not capable of spreading from original source.
The Arabian SARS, was lethal, but with medical assistance, people would survive it. It's main feature was it was a pneumonia, with a fever which shut down the kidneys so people would drown in their own fluids. The ability to counteract that, and it not being able to replicate in non lab conditions, ended the Arabian SARS.
The Saudi's though early sent this virus to the Dutch to figure out what it was. In this period of time, Mosaad let it be known to the Saudi intelligence community that it had saved the kingdom. This is what spawned the Kushner Saudi circle of friends with the Jews. The Jews had delivered the House of Saud from Tehran mass genocide.
What followed as Birther Hussein Obama, paying billions to the Iranians, who had just created a first strike biological weapon against Sunni Islam and used it, was what would become the Chinese part of the operation.
The Dutch shipped Arabian SARS to Justin Trudeau's Winnipeg Canada's biological tracking facility, where it was broken down and charted. Trudeau, installed by Obama, had Chinese PLA agents working at the Manitoba lab, who stole the virus and other samples. They were caught, deported from Canada, but the damage was done, China now held a working Jewish biological weapon which was benign in character.
What preceeded this was a Jewish Harvard professor, was contracted with by the PLA Chinese, to build a research facility in Wuhan China. That is translated as a President Obama and Sec. of State Clinton transfer of United States biological weapon's technology.
It was at this facility that the Arabian SARS arrived.
At the first alert of China stealing this virus, the Mosaad knew there was a massive problem as IDF biological weapons fingerprints were on this virus. The Jews knew they made it. The Saudi's knew they made it and Dr. Germ knew he had created a Sunni biological bomb.
In other words, there were people who knew what had taken place in an intelligence operation to thwart the Iranian mullahs, and people knew that China had acquired this virus to follow through with their first biological strike against India, South Korea, United States and Japan.
President Donald Trump's trade war, leveraging a China already in recession, moved this PLA first strike for 2020 to bring down thee American government before the presidential and national elections.
What China was engaged in, was about to disrupt the entire world order. The United States was about to be replaced. There would not exist a Japanese or Korean wall against China entering the Pacific.
India, a nuclear power, would be neutralized with it's billion population, and with Chinese bases in Africa, what would remain in the world was an isolated nuclear Russia, and a European Union finance incapable of defending herself.
The United States would be in the death throws, and with the Coronavirus Wuhan not affecting Chinese invasion forces, sometime in 2012 the PLA would be in control of Mideast oil, Alaskan oil and American and Canadian oil shale. China would at last have the energy and raw resources to dominate the globe, with ready colonists for India, Australia and North America. Coupled with slave labor from South America and Africa, and European finance, China would move to constrict Russia, and become the dominant force on the globe for the next 1000 years.
There were associates though involved in this who had installed foreign born Obama into the White House. The same associates who had put into a Dean Koontz novel a series of events decades ago, which knew that Wuhan China would be the perfect spinal tap to bring China down if the need arose. The same coming order, was not going to be supplanted by Peking, and a like project which Mosaad had undertaken with Dr. Germ, was formed.
The Chinese were in vat production of the Wuhan virus. It was to be distributed in chemical supplies to unsuspecting nations. In other words, chlorine was to be replaced with virus for a mass exposure.
As the coups against President Donald Trump have exposed, there are forces in the US regime who are not loyal to America, but a globalist system. The Bush family elevated China from the rice paddy to industrial exploiter, Bill Clinton provided the factories, and Barack Obama assisted in the advanced technology as the Wuhan factory.
It was this group, for a European order, which provided the Europeans who had drawn a line in the sand to punish Iran and China for beginning this biological first strike weapon, with Italian assistance, with extreme prejudice. In the United States a mirror set of vials was created and not recorded. These misplaced vials were transferred to sources who at the production facilities in China, replaced the orginal Chinese Wuhan with two mirror viruses.
The Chinese PLA at the Obama weapon's lab, had taken the original Arabian SARS, which was SARS, overlaid it with Bat SARS, in splicing in the bat portion. It was already a human contagion, which would infect via water, and then kill the host by drowning them in their lungs. It was a dead end virus, which would not transmit, except in extreme situation such as blood transfusions or direct body fluid transfer, which would be the perfect first wave invasion for the PLA, as the Chinese stormtroopers would not be affected by a self contained virus.
The Persian model was chosen, so Iran would be bombed if the United States survived long enough to decipher the chain, and not China.
The mirror viruses were two, in order to confuse the Chinese and to produce a working virus which was Wuhan in character, while another virus without symptoms would spread and kill without warning.
The Mirror was unique in having TB fungal, the infamous American HIV which is the tool kit of virus in auto immune platforms, and Bat SARS as the deadly agent. This is the published virus, while the unpublished virus produces no symptoms. This is a genus specific biological weapon, which was designed to kill Chinese, Koreans, Iranians, Italians and outlier Latin genus types. What was engaged in was multi dimensional, in this was not just to punish China and Iran, but to produce a world order which would not have any of the drama thee Americans were dealing with, to contain America.
This is why in cause and effect, the United States and Canada were left wide open and are still wide open, and the virus is spreading. The shadowlands are spreading it and those otu of the shadows have been assured that the entire populations will not be eliminated. The United States though will be dealing with the situation internally for some time, instead of projecting outward.
A Russian nuclear umbrella for Europe is as useful against China as an American.
There will be extensions of this virus, as in Afirca for political advancements.
It was necessary in this for the designers and the initiators to hide their presence and lead the trail back to the United States. There are already further non associative operations in Europe, such as Turkey allowing Muslims to pour into Europe again. With Corona, this will provide the necessity for Europe to unite into the Hapsburg Kurz model of the Holy Roman Empire.
Once again, you have just read something which you should never have read. The sources for this are all in the media, and by the forensic psychological actions of the principles and affected. Each is silent or vocal, each is making illogical actions, which only make sense in the above white paper outline.
China can not protest as it will reveal that China created a first biological strike weapon and was about to release it against the world. Iran is more of a wild card matter, and it is the most dangerous component in striking against the United States over this
Once again this blog comes to the point of begging people who can afford to, to donate, as while I am busy saving your life and placing mine in daily jeopardy in assembling the chain of evidence, you have not fulfilled your Christian responsibility in donating until it hurts.
Nuff Said