As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Chinese are a sadistic people and the facts are they are lying about their death toll, will not address that this was Chinese first strike biological weapon aimed at the United States, and about to be deployed and most importantly China is more concerned about changing the propaganda narrative than stopping their virus.
A few days ago, China was bragging they were closing an emergency hospital as there were not enough sick people for it to stay open. For the record, it has been 3 months since China began the cover up of Wuhan Corona, and as of today, March 5th, 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, they are still having almost 30 people dying at ground zero. China has not contained a damn thing, and China has not saved the world from anything.
The central province of Hubei, the epicenter of the outbreak, reported 29 new deaths. In the provincial capital of Wuhan, 23 people died.As Americans become infected and quarantine rates climb, China is taking pleasure in this, just as their PLA would relish having America sick in hospital beds as its invading armies landed and thrust bayonets into the sick.
China has been systematically under reporting it's lists by 50%.
When is President Donald Trump, and the rest of the members of the United Nations, going to produce a petition demanding Chinese reparations for their plague against the world?
Nuff Said