Thursday, March 12, 2020

Coronavirus: Silent Information Regulator

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the pandemic of Coronavirus becomes the world stage, we know certain facts. This biological weapon is a hybrid virus, which has a protein shell and spikes which jam into healthy cells, in order to transmit their viral code of replication into those cells. That is how it "lives" or reproduces.

Inside the entity are three components.

1. Bat SARS or lung infection flu.
2. HIV an auto immune suppressor so white blood cells will not defend the body.
3. Tuberculosis, a fungus, which facilitates the spread or transmission.

The protein spikes focus on ACE2 or a body protein found in lungs to testicles. Coronavirus Wuhan lives in the body, and transmits by sex, anal excrement, tears, snot, mucous, blood.

What the Lame Cherry is focusing on is the proclamation that Corona Wuhan kills old people, people with heart and lung problems.

Unlike SARS which killed the young, by making them lethargic, so they slept in one position, fluid accumulated in the lungs and people drown while asleep in their own fluids Coronawuhan has in the L Strain which is the lethal one, can kill people immediately by dropping dead in the street or they suffocate in blood and fluids coat the lung aveoli so oxygen can not be transferred to the blood by breathing.

The reason I am investing the time to explain this to you, is so you understand how this entity works, and why the body produces a high fever to try to burn it out of the body, as it suppresses the immune system, but by drinking fluids, it depletes the body of necessary trace elements so the nerves do not transmit impulses, and the person dies.

This is all about enzymes, proteins and amino acids. and I am going to take you a step further in this to the micro micro of this, because when SARS kills children, there is something in a child that SARS targets and when Corona targets old people, there is something in old people that Corona targets.

That is why I am posting this, is an attempt to save old people's lives. The first world this is all based on is TERRO STILL BEAN and it looks like pterostilbene.

Pterostilbene  pronounced terro still bean

I will just call it terro so it will be easier for you.

Terro is produced in plants as an anti fungal, anti viral and anti bacterial.  Yes one broad spectrum killer against agents trying to kill the plant. Two plants produce terro or types of terro, and they are blueberries and red grapes. It is why the French drinking red wine, can eat a number of foods which kill other people, as it is not the foods, but something in other peoples which those foods trigger, while in the French the red wine inhibits the inflammation trigger, as that is what is at the center of this is inflammation. Coronavirus is something which like bad food causes the body to inflame to defend itself.
Would it not then be plausible that ingesting something which made an old person's cells look more like young people's cells, so Coronavirus' programming tells it, "It is more difficult to survive there, so I will move on".

This is what terro looks like in short chain. It has 3 molecules of hydrogen, 1 carbon and 1 oxygen, with a reverse or mirro of that order, and a connecting oxygen and hydrogen molecule. This is how it fixes, programs cells to be healthy, and how it kills virus, bacteria and fungus. It seems to fool those agents by feeding it what all organisms want in oxygen, and then it is overloaded with hydrogen which it can not use.

Pterostilbene (/ˌtɛrəˈstɪlbn/) (trans-3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxystilbene) is a stilbenoid chemically related to resveratrol In plants, it serves a defensive phytoalexin role

This moves onto the phytoalexin chain which is at the heart of killing microbes and starving them of oxygen.

Phytoalexins are antimicrobial and often antioxidative substances synthesized de novo by plants that accumulate rapidly at areas of pathogen infection. They are broad spectrum inhibitors and are chemically diverse with different types characteristic of particular plant species. Phytoalexins tend to fall into several classes including terpenoids, glycosteroids and alkaloids; however, researchers often find it convenient to extend the definition to include all phytochemicals that are part of the plant's defensive arsenal. 

This is where the programming of your cells is activated in SIRT Silent Information Regulation which is what terro assists in. All these chains are what is going on in a cell or a virus. This is the coding, the driver's manual regulations in the rules to the road. A virus reprograms a cell from SIRT, terro assists a cell to not become hostage to a virus, fungus or bacteria.

Sirtuin 1, also known as NAD-dependent deacetylase sirtuin-1, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SIRT1 gene.
SIRT1 stands for sirtuin (silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog) 1 (S. cerevisiae), referring to the fact that its sirtuin homolog (biological equivalent across species) in yeast (S. cerevisiae) is Sir2. SIRT1 is an enzyme that deacetylates proteins that contribute to cellular regulation (reaction to stressors, longevity).

There are sub groups in the SIRT and one is P53, a protein which coats cells, and it is most interesting in it inhibits tumors from growing. This is the Guardian of the Genome. The genome is the road map of the cell, which the Corona is hijacking. Is this beginning to make a little sense in layman's terms, in how a person with diet can inhibit Corona spread in their body.

Tumor protein p53, also known as p53, cellular tumor antigen p53 (UniProt name), the Guardian of the Genome, phosphoprotein p53, tumor suppressor p53, antigen NY-CO-13, or transformation-related protein 53 (TRP53), is any isoform of a protein encoded by homologous genes in various organisms, such as TP53 (humans)

As this breaks down into sub groups further, the base structures of proteins in the LMNA family and here is one last component to inhibit Corona.

LMNA, also known as Lamin A/C is a protein that in humans is encoded by the LMNA gene.Lamin A/C belongs to the lamin family of proteins. 

It is the T 17's or the cells which when present stop inflammation in the body. The entire regulation of the body is at this subset. A human will not end up in the hospital on a ventilator when these mechanisms are working in the body of old people, just as they are in the young.

T helper 17 cells (Th17) are a subset of pro-inflammatory T helper cells defined by their production of interleukin 17 (IL-17). They are related to T regulatory cells and the signals that cause Th17s to differentiate actually inhibit Treg differentiation. However, Th17s are developmentally distinct from Th1 and Th2 lineages. Th17 cells play an important role in maintaining mucosal barriers and contributing to pathogen clearance at mucosal surfaces; such protective and non-pathogenic Th17 cells have been called Treg17 cells.
They have also been implicated in autoimmune and inflammatory disorders. The loss of Th17 cell populations at mucosal surfaces has been linked to chronic inflammation and microbial translocation. These regulatory Th17 cells are generated by TGF-beta plus IL-6 in vitro.

I am not making any guarantees in this, but am basing this on scientific fact in the supplement of terro into the diet has had scientific study and fact showing something is beneficial in enhancing this terro into the body, to reconfigure the elderly into a more youthful form.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
